Greetings, salutations, and hellos, everyone. I'm… sorry to say this, but Naruto, the Cloaked Schemer is now a dead fic. I know, I know, it's one of my best works, but the way I say things going and the way the story would have required them to go are rather different, and I didn't feel like becoming one of those authors who abandons the inherent theme of their idea in order to let other things take over.

That said… Hay, where are you going? COME BACK HERE! I WILL LET TOBI OUT OF HIS BOX!

OK, to those who haven't left yet, all… what, three of you? To all three of you, you should know that I don't plan on abandoning everything about this fic. See, I rather liked the idea of Naruto being molded into a grand-scale Chessmaster, and I also liked the idea behind taking genjutsu, the most underused kind of jutsu, and showing what it could really do when you stop running it with the chakra light ninja like Kurenai or having it as back up like with Itachi, but instead start hooking it up to something bigger, like Naruto. As such, if you want to see a smart Naruto, just how dangerous the power of illusion really is, and characterization that wasn't shoved down their throats, I want you to stick around, check the box that reads, "Author Alerts," and see what happens. Worst come worst, it still can't be as bad as Twilight!