Tecna tried to sleep but tears kept coming. Her head hurt and was full of thoughts. The scene that happened outside Alfea kept playing over and over in her mind, making the tears fall harder. 'I need some fresh air,' she thought and got up to go to the window. She opened the doors as quietly as she could and stepped outside. The air felt nice and it cleared her head. Tecna lifted her head and looked up at the sky. There was no moon but lots of stars. A little breeze blew and dried her tears. She gave a watery smile at the sky and told herself that she would be O.K. with time. Lots of time and lots of junk food eating with her friends. But there was a part inside her that said she wouldn't be whole again without Timmy. He brought emotion to her by-the-numbers life that she lived before him. Her friends were great but there was nothing that could replace true love. Or at least, she had thought it was true. Apparently, he hadn't. Tears fought to escape again but Tecna bit her lip and held them back. Then, she heard a sound in the distance. The revving of an engine that sounded like a levabike. "Probably just Brandon sneaking out late for another romantic rendezvous with Stella," Tecna whispered to herself. The sound grew louder as it got closer and Tecna almost hoped for half a second that it was Timmy. She shook her head and silently scolded herself for getting her own hopes up. The small riding figure drove closer to their rooms and Tecna turned to go back inside. The bike didn't move over to Stella's balcony but instead parked in front of Tecna's. "Musa's sleeping Riven," Tecna said with her back to the figure. "Come back tomorrow." She reached for the door handle but a voice stopped her.

"It's not Riven, Tecna." New tears threatened to spill out of Tecna's eyes when she heard Timmy's voice behind her.

"What are you doing here?" Tecna asked softly, her back still facing him.

"I came to talk," Timmy said. Tecna heard his feet hit the floor as he jumped off the bike and walk slowly towards her.

"What could you possibly want to talk about?" Tecna asked coldly.

"About what happened today…" Timmy started.

"About how you broke my heart?" Tecna asked, turning around to face him. Timmy flinched a little and Tecna threw the nastiest glare she could muster at him.

"Yeah, about that," Timmy answered quietly.

"What else do you have to say? Because 'I'm sorry' would be the best thing right now." Tecna turned back around and Timmy nervously looked down at his shoes.

"Tecna, you have no idea how sorry I am. You just sorta caught me off guard. I…I panicked."

Tecna scoffed. "Obviously."

"But I know what to say now." Tecna's heart skipped a little but she forced herself to not get her hopes up. She felt Timmy's hand close around hers and slowly turn her around to face him. There was hurt in her eyes, he could see. Timmy knew he had caused that hurt and it made his eyes water and his glasses fog up. "I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't know what to say but that's no reason for me to have hurt you like I did. When you told me you loved me…I was happy and scared and nervous all at the same time. I'm even worse at the whole boyfriend thing then Riven, I know. But I really don't want us to fight or not be together. Because you're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I never want to lose you." Tecna's heart was going a mile a minute and her eyes sparkled in a way she never knew possible. Timmy stepped closer to her and continued to speak, softer this time. "I guess what I'm really trying to say is…I love you too, Tecna." Tecna's face broke into a smile that made Timmy smile. He wrapped his hands around her tiny waist and pulled her into a kiss, tender and genuine. When they broke apart, they were both breathless and blushing. Tecna put her arms around his neck and smiled. "Maybe I should get back to school before I get into trouble for sneaking out," Timmy said, though Tecna could hear the reluctance in his voice.

"A few more minutes couldn't hurt," Tecna whispered. Timmy smiled and kissed her again.