Missing Links
(Alternate Title: I KNEW we forgot something...)

Gomen for the huge delay in parts recently, lets see, where have I been for the past oh, 2 months? Lesse... I was at Japanese Camp for two weeks, the school started, and my schedule is not fun, I have two foreign languages and one study hall, plus algebra two, I loath algebra. So needless to say, Junior year is being kinda stressful for me. But I got the new Weiss DVD on Saturday, at the watching of it inspired this latest Deleted scene

Blah blah blah, rating and genre would go here if I weren't so Lazy

Summary: Schwarz remembers an important detail

Schu, Farf and Crawford are riding along in the Schwarz Mobileā„¢, Schu is driving and Crawford is sitting shotgun ( Farf is in the back) Everything seems as normal as can be expected with Schwarz until Schu suddenly stops the car and looks over to Crawford frantically.

Schu: Craw-chan, Where's Nagi?

Brad pauses to think about this and a look of horror slowly grows on his face

Crawford: Oh. Fuck.

Shoot to Nagi sitting in a very fancy chair in a very fancy hotel room wearing a red velvet smoking jacket. He is surrounded by a large number of people who we can only assume to be prostitutes. And he is holding a martini.

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! H soooooo happy she done cuz she forgot how to speak english wheeeeeeeeeee! Huzzah!
:::Regains composure:::: Well yes it is completed, and I do have two more parts underway, they'll be finished when hell freezes over. Please review since me getting reviews helps the progress of the cold front heading towards hell.