Plot Summary: Dumbledore comes up with a plan to re-start the current time by erasing a threat (aka Voldemort himself). But this will change everything that Harry knows or thought he knew about himself.

Pairings: SLASH WARNING HP/DM, possible hints to HP/TR, mentions of HP/?, RW/HG

DISCLAIMER: I don't own them they own me, obviously! (All props to the master JK)

A/n- There will be M/M sex references and graphic content in next chapters, if you're not into it please don't read or red-flag, please. But please do R/R and enjoy!!

Harry was walking slowly down the corridor toward Dumbledore's office. He wasn't in the mood to he told something else about his fate, or learn anything more about Tom Riddle and he certainly didn't feel like chatting with the old man about his love life. He'd had a rather long day with Snape badgering him for visiting Hagrid and taking away twenty points for "acting childish." Then at dinner Ron and Hermonie were aruging again; neither would admit aloud they were in fact perfect for each other leaving him to play the mediator. Hermonie was about to dump all her pumpkin juice over him until Harry stepped in.

Then there was the Malfoy problem. He was being a little creepier than usual and it wasn't healthy how much Harry had been thinking about him lately. Plus he had these conflicting feeling about Ron's little sister who up until a few weeks ago he also thought to be like his own sister. He groaned as he remebered he wasn't any closer to figuring out what Slughorn knew about Riddle either. On top of all this Harry wasn't sleeping a wink but instead staying up to read his potions book just to get away from it all. No, Harry was in fact not excited to see the old wizard tonight.

Shaking his head in exhaustion his thoughts traveled to Sirus and how much he missed him. He stopped there not wanting to think about his parents again. It was hard enough to wonder what they'd be like now or how different things would've been if he didn't fall for Voldemort's trap and inadvertently killing Sirus. Harry blamed himself but everyone around him told him otherwise. He knew it was better to listen to his friends then drown in that feeling again.

He almost reached the entrance to Dumbledore's office when he spotted a patch of platinum blond hair. Malfoy was sulking in the corner; Harry had seen him in this pose too often nowadays. The Slytherin looked up to briefly glare at the boy-wonder but Harry made no attempt to engage in a fight, he was just plain sick of everything lately including bantering with the pale boy. Choosing to ignore him he waited until he left before whispering the codeword to be allowed access.

He entered the cheery room still in a sour mood and didn't wait for the old wizard to invite him to sit but instead plopped down on a comfy spot and allowed his arms to land on the rests.

"Harry, my dear boy you look simply knackered." Dumbledore laughed in his usual happy tone. "Lemon dr-"

"No thank you professor," Harry interrupted wanting to get whatever information he needed so that he could leave for bed. Dumbledore usually didn't call him into his office so late and Harry was ready for a wank, shower and bed, not particularly in that order.

"I'm glad you came in tonight Harry," he continued now serious, "I believe that I have found something, something very out-of-the-ordinary that may help us defeat our enemies." The aging man brought out a large time turner, larger than the one given to Hermione a couple years ago. He hadn't seen one since so he didn't know they were made to be the size of a medium sized dog.

Dumbledore handled it with caring grace as he set it on his desk, "It took me awhile to figure out what exactly it was but I think I cracked its code." Harry now sitting up in his seat leaned in to touch its gold. It felt cold and smooth, it's power radiating softly through his finger tips.

"Sir, isn't this a time turner?" Harry had to ask not understanding how this could possibly help against their enemies. Hermione and him had a difficult time with the last one and almost didn't make it back in time which according to Hermione might've ripped a the universe into a black hole. Harry remembered how she was so calm explaining this to him after they made it back safely. He wondered how he always got to messes that could potentially do more harm than Voldemort.

"Precisely Harry, except this one can send a wizard further back into time, much further." He explained as he drew out his wand, Harry started to reach for his when Dumbledore stopped him. "Oh no Harry, I'm afraid you cannot make this trip with me. I have you here for one simple reason. I'm going to tell you my plan and see if you agree to follow through with it, which I believe you will."

Harry looked at the professor puzzled and tugged his wand back into his robes waiting for him to continue.

"A thought came to me as I was going over school business, as they usually do. I considered the thought of time travel as the key to erasing out the problem." Harry wanted to question him but he waved him to be silent. "I want change our present Harry, drastically. Now at first I knew that would be silly of me to do since there's no sure way to ensure the future, that is the now, would be any better. But then I thought what if a person could control the problem and keep a close eye it from the beginning, then the now would be now but significantly better."

As usual Harry had no idea what the old man was talking about.

"I'm thinking of taking Tom Riddle, as a baby, and bringing him back with me into the future." His eyes twinkled and for once Harry didn't trust it.

"Excuse me sir, but you can't be thinking of taking our enemy as a child to the here and now. Who would take care of him? You?" Harry was now worried that possibly his damaged hand was making him go crazy.

"Harry, no that's not what I'm suggesting at all," he laughed, "I'm suggesting taking him to the time you were born and making sure the two of you grow up together. Then he won't be able to become the Lord Voldemort that he is today. We would have saved countless lives: your parents, muggles and Tom Riddle himself."

Harry stopped breathing and realized why Dumbledore knew he'd agree to this crazy ploy. By altering the past it meant that everyone he loved who had died or would probably die in the future would remain alive. He smiled to himself at the thought of how he'd be a normal wizard and not one who had faced abuse and a terrible prophesied fate. How many times had he wished for this to happen? To restart everything he knew and make it better. For years he blew out his birthday candles wanting nothing more than to wake up to find his parents there. But every year it never happened. His happiness faded when another thought crossed his mind.

"But sir, everything will be different. People would be alive yes, but whose to say that we don't change something that led to someone not being created in the first place," Harry said concerned and then restated his thought, "What if by altering the past I wasn't born, or Ron or Hermione or anyone else that lives today?"

"That my dear boy is the wonder of this particular device," He motioned to the object on his desk. "It magically keeps everything the same here, people being born and such but makes room for a new element to flux in with it. That flux in the system would be Tom Riddle. Think about it Harry, if he'd grown up in a proper household he probably wouldn't have turned into who he is today. Harry you of all people understand what it's like to have an unstable family growing up. You've seen the memories with me Harry; he wanted to do evil things because he thought it was the only thing he was good for. This is our oppurtunity to save his life."

"Yes, but sir. This is Voldemort we are talking about, what if he grows up to be just the same person he is now?" The cons outweighing the pros were frightening Harry. "Why don't we just kill him?"

"I thought about that too Harry," he returned gravely, "but I do believe that his soul worth saving and I won't be the one to murder an innocent enfant. Instead I will simply place a binding spell on him that ensures he cannot hurt another living soul. He cannot counter me as a baby; he didn't even know what he was when he was a child." Dumbledore grabbed a lemon drop and placed it on his tongue in thought. "The only thing that worries me Harry is you. By altering the past you will be born yes, but you may not be the same person you are now. You won't be the boy who lived anymore. You will be just Harry Potter, another student here at Hogswarts. In order for this to work I would have to ensure your memories are the same as they are now. You will be the only one with the knowledge on this universe. Not even I will know what is happening if something goes amiss."

Harry thought about that for a moment, could he live in a world he knew was fake? He'd probably go insane from the pressure of ensuring safety where it might not be needed. But he thought about the picture of his parents, how their happy smiling faces in person could give him the strength to endure anything that crossed his path. A tear started to form when he looked up at the headmaster and nodded.

"Alright, if you think that this is a good solution then I agree." He practically whispered voice thick with emotion. "Will I grow up knowing this, sir?"

"No Harry, I'm sorry that I cannot give you your childhood back, you will awaken somewhere between now and the beginning of your seventh year if my calculations are correct." He said knowing that his magic was powerful enough to work and he trusted the man enough to not lie to him. "It is agreed then, tonight when you go to sleep you will awaken to whatever the world will be like in the future."

"If it isn't a good future," Harry said lightly, "can you put it back?"

"That is the gamble isn't it? The only good thing is that if Tom is in fact evil the two of will be on the same level. With your parents aide you could easily defeat him if need be. But remember that is a highly unlikely scenario." If Dumbledore was confident enough in this decision then that was enough for Harry. "Right then, off to bed with you Harry, the sooner you sleep the sooner you will be able to- well you know." He finished with warm smile.

"Be careful Professor," Harry said trying to let his insecurities fall away.

"I always am." Dumbledore said and waved Harry out of his office.

On the way back to his room all he could think about what it would be like to actually meet his parents and be with them, talk to them and just- it was his parents. He hoped that this plan would work, everything in his life turned out somewhat screwy from the get-go. He wished this would be the one thing in his life that would make up for everything.

As he laid his head on his pillow he said a goodbye to Hedwig and a snoring Ron. For the first time that day a small smile graced his lips.

"Please let this work, please let this work, please, pleaseā€¦" he whispered into the dark awaiting the sun and a new beginning.