Heavy Rainfall

I don't own any Inuyasha character or storyline. This chapter is a different plot from the first eppisode. It has Inuyasha as a kid and Kikyou is in it. (Kagome isn't in this chapter.)(Dont worry all you people who don't like Inu\Kik together, I assure you this is a Inu\Kag setup) *konnichiwa- hello, hanyou- half demon, youki- full demon, miko- priestess

I dont know how long I can go

Before I drop dead in the snow.

But I tell you one thing my friend,

Ill keep fighting until the very end.


Chapter 1. The Boy with the Fine Ears

In a peaceful village in Feudal Japan, a boy was born. But not just any boy. He had white hair and white dog ears. He was a dog demon, but only half. His father was a full-blooded dog demon and mother a human. A mean way to say it is half-breed. There are a lot of villagers in Feudal Japan who think their evil. Two hundred years ago, villagers slaughtered a lot of halfbreeds before a miko named Midoriko brought peace to the land. But, a few years later, Midoriko sacrificed herself to destroy evil demons, thus the shikon no tama was born. The shikon no tama, or sacred jewel, held enourmous power, so Midoriko left it with a priest, Megundo, to take care of it. Demons want the jewel to become stronger, so extra protection of it is critical.

The little dog demon yawned and twitched his ears. He waited for a name he can be called. His mother looked down at him and smiled. She leaned in close to his little ears and whispered, "I'll call you Inuyasha..."

The little hanyou opened his eyes. He had marvelous golden eyes, much like a wolf. He raised his hands to his mother's face and said, "Mamma." His mom smiled and snuggled close to him. Then she said in a low voice, "I'll always love you, Inuyasha..."

The little hanyou grew quickly. At one, he could talk simple words. His hair grew longer, which he decided to keep it that way. In his mouth, little dog teeth was already up. He would go around other kid villagers and say, "Konnichiwa*," but their parents would swipe them up quickly and walk off. For a while he thought that they had work to do, but soon he would see the truth.

At four years of age, Inuyasha's mother started teaching him how to fight. Inuyasha pricked up his ears, obviously amused of the word. Inuyasha's mother started talking about the iron reaver soul stealer.

"The iron reaver soul stealer is a simple, yet powerful move to learn. Your father's basic attack was black dust soul taker, but he was a full demon, so you'll have to learn this basic move. First, look at that haystack over there. Stare at it, focus your mind. Be one with your tiny claws. When you feel ready, jump over to it, have your claws over your head, and say 'iron reaver soul stealer!' Then, bring your claws down, slashing it to pieces."

"But mamma, can I really learn how to fight?" Inuyasha asked. He listened carefully as his mother said, "anyone can learn how to fight you just have to believe in yourself. Most villagers don't think of learning how to fight, so that's one reason demons wind up destroying them. But, I want you to be different. I want you to be a master fighter, so you don't get slayed by a demon. So, come on, try it out."

Inuyasha nodded and looked at the haystack. 'No problem, I can do it!' Inuyasha thought as he started to clear his mind. He stared at the haystack for about two minutes, then, he ran forward, claws ready. He jumped and yelled, "Iron Reaver Soul Stealer!" as he slashed. Hay flew everywhere, followed by crying. Inuyasha's mother gasped and ran over there.

"What happened?!" she asked.

"Wahhh! I-I jumped through it and hit the ground! M-My elbow smashed against a rock and its bleeding! It hurts mamma!" Inuyasha sobbed. She picked him up and took him inside. She splashed water on the elbow. His elbow was cut up real bad, but he already started to heal.

A few minutes later, the cuts were barely noticeable. He looked amazed and asked, "how come I healed so fastlyist?" She chuckled when he said fastlyist and answered, "Its fast, not fastlyist. And the reason is because your part demon and demons heal faster than humans."

"Wow! I'm so cool!" he smiled. She smiled back. 'Yes, but I hope the villagers accept you for who you are. I hope they don't hurt you...' she thought.

The day before Inuyasha's fifth Birthday...

Inuyasha ran down the stairs and yelled, "Tomorrow's my birthday mother!" She looked at him and said, "yes, and since you have mastered the iron reaver soul stealer and the blades of blood, I have something wonderful for you," she pulled out two boxes, "do not open them until tomorrow."

Before he could reply back, their door was knocked down. Angry villagers flooded in. The leader of the mob stepped up and said, "you, woman. Your halfbreed has brought us enough bad luck. Our crops died, our children dying of diseases we use to heal. Our samuri's have died in unison of no cause at all. Once we kill that halfbreed, we will be free from this curse."

All that time he was talking, Inuyasha's mother whispered, "go and run deep in the woods. Hide from all these villagers. If you don't, they will kill you," a tear ran down her cheek,"take my two things I got you and run. Now!" Inuyasha grabbed his boxes and started to run to the backdoor. The villagers aimed their arrows, and fired. The next thing the hanyou heard was his mothers gasp as she jumped in front of the arrows. She fell to the ground, saying, "I love you Inuyasha..." then died.

"Damn that wench! We would of killed that halfbreed if she would'nt of interfeared. Let's go and find him" the leader said through gritted teeth. But, when they ran out, they never saw him again.

Up in a tree far away from the village, Inuyasha cried. He decided to open the gifts. One was a red kimono that was made from a fire rat. The other was a scroll from his mother. He sat upright and read it.

"Dear Inuyasha, Happy Birthday. I love you so much. I have to tell you some things... First, do not come back to this village. They... they think your evil. They call you a halfbreed, which is a half human, half demon. They don't like you and I suspect they will come after you soon. Secondly, I will probably be dead when you read this. They said either give you up, or they'll kill me. So, I will be dead. Thirdly, you know that I'll always love you. Do not let people put you down just because you're a demon. Don't hurt any human unless they try to kill you. Go to a village called Kazimaku. It is one of the most peaceful villages around. Go east and you will see it in a few days. I will always love you and I wish you happy birthday on every birthday I won't see. I love you, my little Inuyasha."

Inuyasha started crying real bad. "M-Mamma! I want y-you back m-mamma! Please come back!" he cried, but it was no use. She was dead. He put the kimono on and snuggled up to it, still crying. 'I'll follow your words mother. I will set out tomorrow.' then, he fell asleep.

It did'nt take long to get to the village. But he didn't want to go in it yet. He decided to live in the woods for awhile. He found this huge tree to sleep in. He jumped up in it. He saw a bird with her babies and started to whine.

He stopped whining when he heard voices. It was coming from the village.

"Shoot it! Shoot it with an arrow!" one voice cried.

"Shut up! I'm trien'!" another one answered. Inuyasha seen what they were talking about. It was a giant centepede demon. He was trying to destroy the village. But, he was cut down by an arrow. He fell down, making the ground shake, and then all was still. Inuyasha sat back down.

"Maybe I'll stay in the woods forever... no one wants a demon, not even a half one. I'll stay away from humans." And with that, he turned over and fell into a disturbed sleep.

13 years later, Inuyasha was trying to kill a badger demon. No badger demon was good, so that was what he ate most of the time. He loved animals. He wouln't hurt none of them, only bad demons. He cracked his knuckles, ready to pounce, when an arrow hit it. The demon howled, then fell down dead. Out of his paw, was a beautiful round, sparkly jewel. He was going to go investigate the thing but then, a human stepped out. It was a woman. She had a white kimono on with red pants. Inuyasha marveled at the young woman. She looked beautiful, like the jewel thing. Thinking he was hidden well, he was surprised when she spoke.

"You, demon. Show yourself. Be a man and come forth." she said. 'Is she talking to me?' he wondered. He slowly stepped out, ears pinned to his head. She looked at him. 'Hm... Only a half demon. I won't kill him… yet…'

"W-What do you want?" Inuyasha cautiously asked.

"I am the miko, Kikyou. And I slay any demon that takes this jewel. Don't worry, I won't kill you. You don't look evil. By the features on your face, I take it you don't know what this jewel is. It's called the shikon no tama, or shikon jewel. It makes demons real powerful. I have to protect it now, so I guard it closely. Tell me, what is your name?"

"Inuyasha. And what if I steal the jewel?" he smarted back. She snickered and replied, "You won't steal it." Then, she walked back to the village with the jewel.

A few months later, Kikyou returned to him. She looked mad. She took an arrow out and pointed it at him. He looked confused, but prepared to take off at the slightest movement.

"You swine! I thought that you were nice enough to leave our village alone! But, I was wrong. You deserve to die -cough- and I will see that my village is the way -cough- should be."

"But... I did nothing!" What did I do?" he said angered. Kikyou coughed and replied, "What did you do?! You ruined us! Our crops never died until you came! Our water is -cough- tainted with unknown diseases! A lot of us are dying! So, I will have to put a spell -cough- on you."

"What are-" before he could finish the sentence, Kikyou fired the arrow. It glowed as it rushed toward Inuyasha. Before he could move, it hit him in the heart. He was thrusted back onto the trunk of the tree he lived in.

"Kikyou... I- how could..." he stuttered before falling into a dark sleep. Kikyou went back to the village and fell. Kaede and the other villagers came. Kikyou told Kaede to burn the jewel with her body. Then with one last bloody cough, Kikyou died.

Well, that's the end of chapter one! I know it was sad, but trust me; it will get funnier and better. Until the second chapter, farewell. And, if anyone has any ideas for my story, please tell me.