Chapter 21 – 4 Years later
Here I am now. You have now read my story, or most of it, and I have been over a few things, but also skipped some parts, because let's face it, my life might not be that interesting after all.
I am now 28 years old, and Troy is 29 years old. We have just bought our first home together. A house in the area, where we grew up. It is just like we wanted it. A huge kitchen-dining area and a great living room, a huge master bedroom, and four other rooms. And what do we need so much space for? Well, I am pregnant with our first child. It will be a girl, but Troy does not know that yet. I will tell him later today, when he gets home from his soccer practice.
We both finished our educations, but Troy has continued his soccer career, and he is playing professionally now. I have a got a great job at the local consulting agency, where I work with analyses and development of social and cultural offerings to citizens. It might sound boring, but I find it interesting, and that is the most important thing, right?
Tay and Chad finally figured that they also belong together, and they are now a couple. They are both still playing handball. Chad professionally, and Tay on a more lowkey plan. They are so good together, and we spent so much time together as couples now. Tay and I draw much on each other, when it comes to handling being married to a somehow famous sports man. They are not hunted down by the medias like many stars, but they are still in the spotlight, which also bring us into the spotlight every now and then. It has never been in a bad way that we have been in the medias, and the journalists have always been so nice, when we have met them.
Actually, Troy and I will be doing an interview with one the magazines later this month about our long-lasting relationship and marriage, and how we see our future now, when we have settled in our new house. We agreed to do it, because there had been rumors about Troy going out of the country for playing soccer. This has never been the plan, and it will not happen. Troy has promised me that he will stay here, because he wants to stay near our families, but also wants a nice and secure childhood with as much peace and time for our children as possible. And yes, children… we are planning on more than this little one in my stomach.
Shar got married to Jonas the year after Troy and I got married. They have gotten another son. Michael is 5 years now, and their youngest son is turning 2 years next week. They live close to us, which means we still see them as often as possible. Whenever they are out, we are having the two boys over. We love having time with our nephews, and we have even made a room, where they can stay, when they are here.
I still fall in love with Troy all over again, when I see him with children. Well, to be honest, he just needs to send me one of those smiles with his blue eyes and he has me wrapped around his finger. Can you believe it? We have been together for almost 12 years now, and all it takes is a smile from him? Well, it is the same for me about him. I can wrap him around my finger by a single pout or a smile. It sure does come in handy, when I really want to watch yet another romantic movie, when he would rather watch an action movie. Well, I just love him, and I love that we are still just two kids, who are still falling for each other every single day.
Anyway, I have just gotten home from the gender scan, and I am preparing a dinner for Troy. Everything is just like it has always been between us. We talk about everything, plan everything and help each other with everything. Of course, we have our discussions and yes, we have had fights, but in the end of the day we are each other's biggest fans and cannot even stay mad for more than five minutes. I love how we still act like young teenagers in love. We still text each other all the time, telling each other that we miss each other and other things – just like we did, when we first started dating.
"I'm home," Troy calls from the door. I can hear him dump his bag in the hall and his steps nearing the kitchen. "Hi beauty," he smiles at me and kisses me softly, before placing a nice bouquet of flowers in my hand.
"Hi honey," I smile as we pull back and take the flowers, "wow, they are beautiful!" I look into his bright blue eyes, "thanks, but what are those for? I got flowers last week too."
He chuckles and caresses my cheek, "they are for my beautiful, pregnant wife, who is the most patient, supporting and loving woman, I know, just because I want to spoil her a bit more this week."
In fact, Troy has been coming home with flowers for me every other week since we moved in together back in college. All of the women around me is a bit jealous, because he always treats me like a princess, brings me flowers and does everything to please me. Not that I need much to be pleased. His love and touch every day is enough, but that does not mean I do not like getting flowers. I love the tradition he has created with flowers every other week.
I smile at him, "you are the best husband in the world," I say before placing a soft kiss at his lips again. "Let me get a vase for them," I smile and go to find it in the living room. "How was practice?" I ask as I put the flowers in the vase.
Troy shrugs, "wet, but fun," he chuckles. It has been raining all day. Oh, the joy of fall in Denmark. Not much view of the sun, but grey skies and rain and wind.
I nod. "Well, then it is a good thing that you're now home in your warm house and about to have a nice dinner made with love from your wife," I say as I kiss his cheek.
Troy chuckles again, "yeah, that's the best thing about coming home."
"Dinner made by me?" I raise my eyebrow at him.
He shakes his head chuckling, "no, you!" He pushes me up against the counter and kisses me softly, and pulls away placing his hand on my stomach, "and this little one," he says and caress my stomach.
I let my hand run through his hair and smile, "the best part about coming home is that we are together," I say smiling and rest my head against his chest.
"I know," he smiles and kisses the top of my head. "But dinner sounds good too, because I'm starving," he chuckles.
"Well, then let's get to eat, because it is already done," I smile as I pull away from him taking the pots of the stove.
After eating our dinner, we do the dishes together, just like we have always done. Now it is time for me to break the news to Troy.
"I got something for you today," I smile at him as we sit down in the couch with our tea. It has become our nightly routine after doing the dishes, we always sit down together with a cup of tea and talk or just enjoy each other's company.
"What did you get?" he smiles at me.
"Wait a second," I smile and get up to find the present that I had wrapped for him.
"Uh," Troy chuckles, "a present."
I hand him the present, "I hope you like it." I sit down beside him again to watch him unwrap it.
"I'm sure I'll like it," he smiles at me. He starts to unwrap it and chuckles, when he finds the small baby clothes inside the present. "Baby clothes?"
I nod, "mmh. What about it?" I smirk at him.
"It's pink," he states, and then it seems like he gets the point. "It's a girl in your stomach?"
I nod again smiling, "yes, it is."
Troy wraps his arms around me and kisses me smiling. "I can't wait to have another princess in my life," he smiles as we pull apart again. "Thanks for the present," he whispers.
"I'm glad you like it," I smile.
Troy pulls me into his lap and wraps his arms around me. "So, a girl," he chuckles.
I nod, smiling, "a little girl. A perfect little, healthy girl."
"I'm the luckiest man in this world," he smiles as he caresses my stomach.
"And I'm the luckiest woman in this world," I smile as I rest my head against his shoulder.
We sit there in silence, just enjoying the closeness of each other. Our fingers are intertwined over my stomach and I am resting my head against Troy's shoulder. It will be time for bed soon, because Troy will have morning practice tomorrow, and I will go to work. I have 2 months left, before I will leave for maternity. Luckily, the expected date of the birth of our child is in the winter break, which means Troy will be able to be a bit more home with me, than he would if it was in the season.
"Did you feel that?" I smile up at him.
Troy chuckles, "yeah, she is kicking."
We sit there enjoying the movements of our child for some time just talking about how we are going to decorate her room, before we agree to go to bed.
"Babe," Troy says as we get ready for bed.
"Mmh," I mumble as I get out of my clothes.
He chuckles as he sits down in the bed behind me. I turn around to look at him. "I forgot I had something more than just the flowers for you," he says as he places a jewelry box at my pillow.
I smile at him, "you are really spoiling me." I get into bed and open the box. It contains a necklace with four flat hearts. Three of them have engravings. The first said "the date we met" with Troy's birthday-date. The second, "the day you became mine" with the date, when we became a couple. And the third, "I do" and our wedding-date. I smile at him with tears forming in my eyes. "It is the most beautiful necklace, you have ever given me," I whisper.
Troy smiles at me and reach to remove my tears. "Then don't cry, my love," he says softly as he pulls me into his arms.
"They are happy tears," I giggle.
"I know," he chuckles and kisses me softly. "The fourth heart is for the birthdate of our first child, and then we can add hearts for each child we get," he tells me as he rubs my back.
I nod, "it is so perfect. I can't wait to wear it." I smile at him, before I place the box securely at the bedside table before cuddling up in Troy's strong arms.
"I love you, Gabriella," he whispers as he wraps the sheets around us.
"I love you too, Troy," I smile. "Thanks for making my life perfect," I whisper back before kissing him softly.
My life is perfect. I am married to the man I have been in love with since I met him the first time. And I am pregnant with our first child. Yeah, my life is surely perfect now.
A/N: This is the end of 'My life'. The story is, as earlier told, inspired by my own life. Unfortunately, I never got married to 'my Troy'. But who knows? Maybe he and I will meet again in the future. As long as none of us are married, everything can happen, right?
Anyway, let me know what you think of it!
It's weird, now both of my series that I started writing as a young teenager are done. Wow. But no worries, I still have lots of ideas for new stories! I just need to have the time to actually write them as I want them to be written :-)