I Love You Because…

Summary: oneshots based on the book "I Love You Because…" by Marsha Feltingoff.

All couples


I love you because you always know when to say sorry…

I was running home, holding back the tears in my eyes. I just had a conversation with Dan. He had totally forgot that it was our anniversary, today.

I ran to my room and slammed the door. I cried in my pillow. I got up and repeatedly started to punch the wall, the tears streaming down my face.

'Was I really that stupid to think that Dan would remember something that important?' I thought

I heard a knock on the door and ignored it.

When the person opened the door I didn't pay attention to who it was.

The person came behind me and grabbed my arms. I hadn't turned around, I was still crying.

We stood that way for awhile. He wrapped his arm around my waist.

"G-Get o-off m-me," I whispered not as forceful as I wanted to.

Silence filled the room, only my sobs ruining it.

"S-Sorry," I heard him whisper

"What?" I said after minutes of silence

"S-Sorry," he repeated his head in my shoulder.

I could only stare up at the sky. I looked out the window the tears drying on my face. I hated him for that he forgets the most important day in our relationshp but for some reason I knew he was sincere and felt I should forgive him.

"R-Runo," he said, "I know my memory sucks but that doesn't give me a right to forget our anniversary," he said.

"You're the special and…I love you but I'm just n-n--…and I'm really…really…s-sorry,"

This surprised me, I never heard him say he loved me, but I felt I could forgive him.

After absorbing the fact that he had apology; I turned to him.

"I-I forgive y-you…a-and…I-I l-love y-y-you, t-too," I said smiling at him, faintly, dried tears on my eyes. It still hurt but I knew I'd get over it.

Now I remembered why I loved him because he knew when to apologize.


Next one: I love you because no matter how hectic life can get, you always have time to show me you love me.

Review… tell me what couple you think I should use…



