Yeah, just an idea I had when I got a little stuck with chapter 4 of "Possessed Power" Come OOON, guys! My stories are way better than people are giving me credit for! The other artists I know get like 15 reviews a day! and I'm lucky to get one a week! Why is it that I try so hard, but, no notices me? What did those guys do that I didn't? Sorry. I'm just noticing that I'm not getting hardly any attention. I mean, Remix17, NightmareBeforeChristmasFreak & Justformusic all have tons of reviews for either only a few stories or every story they have.

NBCF got a ton of reviews like, almost right after she posted that Mouse Detective story, even though it hasn't been updated. Lol, I complain too much. Enough about me, I guess, because that's the way it's gonna end up anyway. About the story…I had this idea that Dr. Light could try to use Lightning to make himself more powerful by draining his power or something. Not sure how I'm gonna continue, but, I'll probably think of something.

"…Why I never thought about doing this before is beyond me…" Dr. Light's voice could be heard throughout a large, lit up room, where a computer showed various pictures & videos of Lightning & his brother, Thunder. Dr. Light was standing in front of the big computer, examining every detail of his target. He pressed some buttons on the keypad in front of him. In a couple seconds, the screen zoomed in on a picture of Lightning in flight & information popped on the side.

Dr. Light held his hand on his chin & focused hard on the screen, before throwing his hands in the air & letting them drop to his sides. He looked up at his light source, Overload. "Bring him to me…alive." he ordered. Without responding in any way, Overload began to walk towards the rather small door. Dr. Light rubbed his hands together & gave a smile.

"Soon, I will have finally acquired enough power to defeat the Titans!"


So, umm, yeah…hope you liked it so far. And please stay tuned because I update my stories a lot. Most of them, anyway. XD And maybe, if you like my writing, you could tell your FFNet friends. To get me a little more attention. I'm a little tired of not getting hardly any reviews. Lol…anyway, bye!

BTW, do you think I should add Zoey to part 2?