Al-right! My first fanfic is published! (Hooray for sucky titles, summaries, and OOCness!) This is just a prologue, really, to get the prompt moving. Meaning, I'll post the first chapter soon! I wanted to write some yaoi first, but this idea stuck in my head, and it was a rainy day, so this is the result! Pairing is mostly AustriaxHungary, with slight mentions of other pairings later on… (GermanyxItaly, RomanoxSpain, PrussiaxOC(Alyssa)) And just so you know, Alaska (Annemarie, just like one of my friends in Alaska :3) is an OC me and my friends came up with. Rated T for Prussia and Romano's swearing! So…now that we're done with the long, boring, and pointless information, on with the show!

Disclaimer: I don't own Axis Powers Hetalia or it's characters!

Summary: Hungary is just about ready to start her new job as a cook in Austria's house, but when she wakes up the next morning, she finds she has switched places with her boss-to-be! What's a girl to do?

"Yo! England!"

England grimaced. There were three people who he absolutely did NOT want to see on his one day off, but of course they had all come to visit him.

Spain had arrived sometime that morning, asking for a potion of some sort for Romano's flu.(Like he really believed in magic.) France had intruded during tea time just for the sake of groping him, and now….now here was Prussia. The worst of them all, in his opinion.

Maybe if I just pretend I'm not home, he'll leave. The thought popped up in his mind, and he was just about to get back to his embroidery, when there was a loud shattering sound, like the breaking of glass, and he looked up.

Only to see that Prussia had jumped through the window, the one he had just installed the other day and had taken up almost half of his salary. "You wouldn't answer the door." He said simply, and oh how he wanted to smack that grin off that bastard's face. Or at least chase him out of the house with bleeding ears.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU??" He roared, marching up to his former ally, put the red-eyed man just pushed down on his head.

"Cool it, bushy brows!" Prussia couldn't help but smirk. Whatever it was that Francis saw in him, he would never know. "I'll get West to fix it. Besides, you should be honored to be in the presence of my awesomeness!"

England resisted the urge to scoff. This guy was so full of it. He took a deep breath to regain his composure. "Of course. So honored. Now, if you don't have anything to say, get out before I call the police."

"That doesn't sound very honored! Besides.." Prussia leaned forward, smirking. "You still owe me a favor."

England flinched. "No! No way! I'm not going to do anything for you!!" He turned around and started to march up the stairs, but stopped when Prussia added,

"It's about Roderich."

For some reason, this snagged England's interest. What could Prussia honestly want him to do about Austria? Curiosity killed the cat, he told himself, but he sat down anyway, and replied, "I'm listening."

Prussia was practically grinning like a Cheshire Cat. "I need you to work some of your magic on him. Otherwise, he'll be a lonely bastard for the rest of his life."

England just nodded. Now that was something he could do.

Hooray, you survived! Well, that was longer than I expected it to be! R&R please? If you do, America-san will give you ice cream! (And I also might write more!)