Disclamier: I do not own cheaper by the dozen
Thanks you to stromdog11, Islanda, hot chocolate mess & la-la-la-45 for reviewing the last chapter. This is the last chapter of my story, so thank you so much to everyone who has read it and to everyone who has also reviewed my story. I have started a sequal story and i can confirm that it is called "Moving On" so look out for it, i should have it up within the next few days. Hope you have all enjoyed my story and hope you like the last chapter. Please review, i have already got 191 reviews and would love to finish this story with 200 reviews so please review and let my know what you think of this chapter and the story as a whole.
Chapter 56
It was the Baker's last morning at the lake; they were leaving at lunchtime. Everyone was in the living room listening to Tom rambling on about how great a time they've had at the lake well except for the part when Mike ran away.
"So remember everyone must have their suitcases packed by after breakfast and just leave the things out that you'll need for car ," Tom said finishing off his half hour long speech, "And breakfast will be in fifteen minutes."
"You're finished, thank goodness for that," Sarah said as she got up from the sofa and headed towards her room, Jake followed her in.
"How boring was that dude?" Jake said.
"Very," Sarah replied.
"When dad starts talking he won't shut up," Jake laughed.
"You go that right," Sarah said as she folded up some t-shirts and put them in her case.
"You need any help with your packing?" Jake asked.
"No I'm nearly done but you can help me shut it by sitting on it," Sarah replied as she continued to put the last things into her case.
"You sad to leave or looking forward to getting home?" Jake asked.
"I suppose I'm looking forward to getting home getting away from this place," Sarah answered.
"Getting away from this pace or getting away from Elliot?" Jake asked.
Sarah was surprised that Jake knew the real reason, "Well yeah getting away from Elliot. It's hard to get over someone who I keep seeing everyday and can't avoid them."
"You still like him don't you?" Jake asked. He knew she did since Elliot had told him but he just wanted her to tell him.
"Well yeah I do. Feelings don't just disappear like that," Sarah said as she clicked her fingers. She didn't see the point in lying to Jake anymore, "Don't worry I don't want to get back with him. He's already moved on to Jessica anyway."
"I don't think anything's happening between them. There just friends," Jake said.
"Yeah right," Sarah said sarcastically.
Jake was confused he really started to think she had been told something now, like Jessica had told her she liked Elliot or something, "Has Elliot or Jessica said something to you?" Jake asked.
"No why would they?" Sarah was becoming suspicious of Jake, he knows something Sarah thought to herself, why else would he defend them saying they were just close friends I mean he and Elliot were friends again he was bound to have told him he had kissed Jessica.
"No reason just wondered by the way you said that, it sounded as if you knew they were more than friends," Jake replied.
"Go sit on my case now please I need help shutting it," Sarah said ignoring what Jake had just said to her.
"Jesus it's full enough. Who are you Lorraine?" Jake said sarcastically.
"Not quite she has like five cases Jake," Sarah replied, she didn't see the funny side of what Jake had said. She was starting to think Jake didn't know anything after all, He would have told she thought.
"Breakfast kids," Tom shouted from the kitchen.
"Well come on then," Sarah said as she walked out the room.
Breakfast passed and everyone had their cases sitting beside the door ready to be loaded into the trailer at the back of the car.
"Right dad we're away now," Nora said. Her, Bud and Lorraine were leaving earlier because they would probably have to make more stops because of baby Tom.
"Ok well travel Safe," Tom replied as he hugged his two daughters.
"See you when we get home then," Kate said.
"I have a few days left back home with you guys before I fly back to New York," Lorraine replied.
"Ok that's great honey," Kate said.
"Bye," Nora, Bud and Lorraine said as they drove off.
"You can go over to the Murtaugh's to say goodbye but you only have half an hour because Charlie is coming over to say bye so everyone meet back here in half hour," Tom announced.
All the Baker kids went over to the Murtaugh's to say bye to them. Jake, Sarah, Mike and Elliot were sitting over by the lake beside the Murtaugh's house. It was the first time that the four of them had properly just hung out.
"Well this is kind of of weird it's our last half hour we've got here and it's the first time we've all got to just chill together," Mike said, "too bad it wasn't the first half hour we had here."
"Yeah to bad it wasn't," Sarah said.
"Look it's my fault guys and I'm sorry," Elliot said. He knew it was down to him why they hadn't spent the summer together.
"Don't blame yourself dude, we've all forgotten and moved on from it," Jake replied.
"I have too Elliot," Sarah said, "I just want to be friends again." She had been trying to forget about seeing Jessica and Elliot last night and the truth was she did just want to be friends again with Elliot but she couldn't see that happening if he was with Jessica especially if he hadn't told her about it.
"We'll keep in touch though?" Elliot asked.
"Yeah of course," Sarah replied. When she left the lake last year and her and Elliot were going out she would phone and text him all the time and speak to him on msn and facebook. They had stopped once they had split up but Sarah had found it strange not coming home from school to speak to Elliot, she missed it, so liked the idea of staying in touch again.
The four of them sat awkwardly in silence.
"So any plans when you get home?" Elliot asked trying to make conversation.
"Not really just entering a few boarding competition really," Jake answered.
"What about you Elliot?" Sarah asked.
"No not really," Elliot replied.
Jessica and Kim were inside the Murtaugh's house speaking to Robin and Lisa. Jessica was desperate to go see Elliot because she hadn't spoken to him since last night and today was her last chance but Elliot was away with Sarah, Jake and Mike.
"I'm away to go see Sarah I am needing to speak to her about something," Jessica lied so she could get away.
She text Elliot asking him to come meet her. She sat outside the Murtaugh's house waiting for him but he never turned up. Jessica looked at her watch they had to be back at the house in five minutes so they could say bye to Charlie before they left so they would probably have to leave now as it would take five minutes to walk back.
Kim came outside the Muraugh's house followed by Henry, Mark, Nigel and Kyle.
"Could you not find Sarah?" Kim asked Jessica.
"Sarah," Jessica said puzzled.
"Yeah you said you had to speak to her," Kim replied.
"Oh yeah, no I couldn't find her," Jessica replied.
"Well we have to go now anyway so you'll see her back there," Henry said.
"Yeah ok," Jessica said as she stood up. She was gutted that Elliot never turned up it was her last chance to speak to him before she left and it was her a chance for them speak properly about what had happened last night.
"We better get going now we have to go meet Charlie," Mike said reminding Jake and Sarah.
Elliot noticed he had a text from Jessica, oh no he thought knowing that she'll be upset that he didn't go meet her, "Will Ann be there with Charlie?" Elliot asked.
"Maybe," Sarah replied.
"Well I'll come over than anyway, I want to speak to Ann" Elliot said as an excuse so he could see Jessica and apologize for not meeting her.
Henry, Kim, Jessica, Mark, Nigel and Kyle were all walking up towards the house where they were greeted by Charlie and Ann.
"Charlie," Nigel and Kyle shouted as they ran over to their big brother and hugged him.
"Hey you two," Charlie replied.
Sarah, Jake, Mike and Elliot arrived at the house five minutes later.
"Your late I said half an hour," Tom said to his three children.
"Sorry dad," Mike replied.
"Hey Charlie," Sarah said.
"Hi," Charlie replied.
Elliot walked over to Jessica who was speaking to Ann.
"Hey," he said.
"Hiya," Ann replied. Jessica didn't say anything, "What are you doing here?" Ann asked.
"Came to say goodbye," He said looking at Jessica," And to see you," he looked back to Ann.
"Ann come over here a second," Kate shouted over.
"Ok," Ann replied, "I'll speak to you later Elliot."
"I'm sorry I didn't come meet you I never noticed your text," Elliot said to Jessica.
"Really? Or could you just not be bothered to come see me?" Jessica asked.
"Could we go somewhere a little more private," Elliot asked. They walked round to the side of the house. No one had noticed them leaving.
"You better be quick because in case you didn't notice I'm leaving," Jessica said.
"Chezz, I swear I never seen your text and I'm sorry I left you out there waiting and I never turned up but of course I wanted to see you before you left," Elliot said.
"Then why didn't you arrange to meet me. If you had never noticed my text then you won't be here now to say bye to me," Jessica said.
"Can we please not argue your away to leave and I would rather we left on good terms," Elliot said, "You were the only person from you're your family who gave me a chance. The only person I felt as if I could speak to, so please I'm sorry and I don't want you to go away annoyed at me and us not speaking."
Jessica smiled, "I can't stay at mad you".
"Well that's good then," Elliot smiled back.
"And you were a really good friend to me too and maybe you weren't the only person I could talk to, I have Kim and I'm quite close to Sarah now well was that might change now," She was referring to what had happened last night, "but I would always rather come speak to you".
"Thanks," Elliot replied.
"Oh and thanks for carrying me around that night we were looking for Mike, I owe you" Jessica said smiling.
"It wasn't a problem and you don't owe me anything," Elliot replied.
"Oh I do," Jessica replied, "Wasn't exactly easy for you to have to carry me around all night."
"Well maybe just a little," Elliot teased.
"Don't worry I'll figure out some way to pay you back," Jessica said.
"Well I could think of a way," Elliot replied.
"Oh and what's that?" Jessica asked.
"Oh I think you know," Elliot smiled.
Jessica moved her head towards Elliot's and kissed him.
Tom was loading the suit cases onto the trailer attached to the back of the car, while everyone else stood around talking while they waited.
"So Charlie how long will it be until we next see you?" Henry asked. He had missed not having Charlie around and in the year that Charlie had moved away he had only come visit them three times.
"Not sure," Charlie replied.
"Well make it soon because we never see you anymore," Henry said.
Elliot and Jessica discreetly returned to over where everyone was standing without anyone noticing.
"Right that's the trailer loaded so we're ready to get off now," Tom announced.
Kate went over to say goodbye to Charlie, "Take care of yourself," She said as she hugged him, "And promise to keep in touch."
"I will mom," Charlie replied.
"And if there is any plans of a wedding I want to be the first to know," Kate said.
"Mom," Charlie sighed. Kate was always going on about marriage and having a family to Charlie.
All the Baker kids said goodbye to their older brother.
"Well I guess this is goodbye then," Elliot said to Jessica.
"Yeah I guess it is," she replied, "I hate goodbyes."
"Oh me too. I'll miss you, you know," Elliot said.
"I'll miss you too," Jessica said.
Elliot opened his arms up and gave Jessica a hug to say goodbye. Jessica held on tightly, she didn't want to let go because then she knew it would be ages until she next seen him.
She finally pulled herself away from him.
"Bye," she said again before she got into the car.
Tom, Kate, Sarah, Jake, Mike and Mark were all still saying bye to Charlie.
"Well you take care of yourself son," Tom said.
"Same to you dad," Charlie replied. He hugged his dad.
Sarah, Jake and Mike turned round to get in to the car.
"See ya dude," Jake said as he walked towards Elliot.
"Bye Elliot," Sarah smiled.
"Bye I'll keep in touch," Elliot replied.
"Ok same here," Sarah said.
Everyone was in the car waiting to go.
"Everyone got everything now?" Kate asked. Everyone claimed they had so Tom started to engine.
Charlie, Ann and Elliot waved them off.
"Well I hope you all had a great time this year at Lake Winnetka because I sure did," Tom said as they drove off.
Well thats the end of my story "The Return to Lake Winnetka", hope you all enjoyed it and pleasse review letting me know what you think of this chapter and the story overall. Don't forget to read my seqal "Moving on".