A/N Okay so this is my second story. Drama was so much fun to write and I hope this will be just as fun. I hope you all like it.

Summary: Edward a prince from Moons and Bella a small town girl. They meet on the plane but never think they will see each other again. They soon realize they each know the same people and meet up. When Bella goes to meet Edwards parents, the king and queen, what will happen?

Disclaimer: I don't own twilight because if I did 1. I'd be ober rich and 2. Rob Pattinson would wash his hair.

Chapter 1

Bella's POV

"I love you mom. I'll call I promise but I'm 22 I have to live my own life." I was at the airport waiting for my plane to Seattle. I had just gotten out of college and was ready to leave home. My plane was about to leave but my mom wasn't ready for me to leave. My dad was a little easier to let go.

"I know sweetheart but I can't let my baby leave me." My mother was now crying and pleading me to stay. It was rather embarrassing I got funny looks from a lot of people. A six year old was staring at me cracking up.

"Mom, MOM! I… I… got to…." I was interrupted by the loud speaker announcing my plane was leaving. Thank God finally! I ran to the plane. "Bye mom. Love you!" I finally entered the plane. I felt the cool air blow in my face. Out of the corner of my eyes I swore I saw a ton of camera flashes but I didn't know what to think about it.

I couldn't wait to get out of my hometown. I had to get out. I lived in Schwaka, Maine. (I don't know if this is a real place but its fun to say. Pronounced shoe- wak- a. Say it with me. Schwaka, Schwaka, Schwaka) Schwaka was the smallest town known to man. It had a whopping population of 507 people. I lived on a farm worked for my dad. I went to collage in Cape Cod. I wanted to get out. Explore the world. Live my adventures. Forget the past. I walked to my seat and hoped I wouldn't have to sit next to someone horrible.

The last few people were boarding the plane. My curiosity about who I would sit by was growing. I had never been on a plane before and didn't know what to expect. I had seen the movies. I did not want to get stuck sitting next to an overweight, smelly, guy who talk loudly and way too much. I saw a guy about my age. I prayed he was the one sitting next to me. He was hot. Strike that he was gorgeous. He was tall and muscular. He had glowing amazing green eyes and sexy just out of bed coppery hair. "Please dear God let him sit next to me." I murmured to myself. I started reading one of my favorite books "Romeo & Juliet." I couldn't help but stare at him. He was amazing.

"Hello I'm Edward Cullen." The boy sat down next to me. He had an unmistakable English accent. Halleluiah Praise the Lord. My prayers have been answered. This amazing God was sitting there in the flesh and talking to me! I figured I had to talk back.

"I'm Bella Swan" I took his outstretched hand and shook it. An electric pulse flowed through me. It didn't hurt. It was like adrenaline. I didn't know what it was. I wondered if he felt it too. I was feeling all these strange emotions. I had no clue what to think or say. I was dazzled by his crooked smile. His teeth were perfectly strait and bright white. Everything about him was perfect. I wondered if he had a girlfriend. Of course he does.

"Very nice to meet you Bella Swan" I didn't know if I could make words. My breath was stuck in my throat. He just kept smiling. That didn't help. I wanted to close my eyes then try to talk but I assumed that would look incredibly stupid. "Bella?" I didn't realize how long I spaced out. I probably would have looked less stupid if I closed my eyes and talked.

"Sorry…uh I um have a headache" It was sort of true. My head did kinda hurt but it was probably just because of the altitude or the fact I was so freaking confused about all of this. I put my head in my hands to add to the effect but I was a horrible liar. I was caught off guard when he believed it and cared.

"Are you okay? Can I do anything?" I didn't want him to worry. I kind of felt bad for lying to him. Ugh he was confusing me so much. I didn't know what to feel or think or say. I had to make up another lie. I wanted to tell the truth. He was

"I'm fine. I think it's just being on the plane. Thanks though." I was probably blushing like crazy. I was starting to like Edward. I couldn't have a crush on him though. I was 22 and free for the first time. I didn't need anything to hold me down. Or at least that is what I thought. I couldn't help but feel the connection between us. Okay no denying I had a huge crush on him.

"Okay" He nodded his head. We sat there in silence for awhile. I didn't mind. I actually preferred the silence. I wasn't very good at making conversation unless put on the spot by direct questions. I went back to reading my book. Well pretending to read my book. I was actually just gawking at Edward. How could I help myself he was so… perfect. I hoped he didn't notice my gawking.

"So why are you going to Seattle?" I asked quietly. I didn't know if he heard me. I immediately felt bad for asking. Like I was intruding on his personal life or something.

"Some of my family lives in a small town a couple of hours outside Seattle. I miss them. How about you?" He was looking me strait in eyes. His velvety voice was so alluring. I was frozen again. I snapped out of it a little faster this time.

"Oh I just want to get away. Be free for once. You know?" That was the truth enough. He did need all the gruesome details. I had to try really hard not to just spill my guts. He just seemed to pull information out of me. I was like an open book.

"I know how you feel but trust me you'll miss more things than you think." He winked at me. I didn't understand what he meant but I guessed I would miss Renee, Charlie, and my best friend Jacob. Dang it I was starting to feel homesick already. I thought I would love being away. I needed to love being away.

"Shut up your bringing me down." I popped in my earphones and played one of my favorite songs, Clair De Lune. Edward looked offended and sad. It was hilarious but touching at the same time. "Don't worry I can still hear you" I joked.

"What are you listening to?" He suddenly pulled my ear phones out of my ear. I was shocked. My playlist was full of classical music nothing modern at all. Mostly I was shocked that this Greek God sitting next to would actually care what I was listening to.

"Hey give that back!" I tried desperately to reclaim my ear phones but my attempts were hopeless.

"Clair De Lune!?! Nice" I thought he would be laughing but he actually enjoyed it. He was scrolling through my Ipod. "I really like classical. I like most music really. Anything but rap and 70's music. Eww."

"I completely agree." 70's music is crazy and stupid so pointless. We were silent for awhile. I didn't know why. Like I said I don't like to hold continue conversation unless asked direct questions. I did feel comfortable talking to Edward. More comfortable than I ever felt talking before but I didn't want over talk. I kept glancing at him. God he was beautiful. He was staring back at me. How could someone so perfect be interested in me, plain Bella? He couldn't be. No way possible.

Edward's POV

I was leaving my country. I was fed up with it. I knew it wasn't the noble thing to but I had to get away before I went crazy. You see my parents were the king and queen of a small country just outside England called Moons. I had 1 brother, Emmett, and a sister Alice but I was first in line for the thrown. They already lived in Forks. I honestly didn't want to ever take the thrown for all my life I just wanted to be normal. And that's what I was moving to Forks for. Not many people would know me. It would be perfect.

I was going to live with the my brother Emmett and Jasper when he got back. Alice married Jasper Hale 4 years ago. Emmett met Rosalie Hale meet right before Jasper and Alice's wedding and they have been inseparable since. The Hales came by a lot and Rose and Jasper had practically become my family. I loved them just as much as I loved my real family.

I was in some airport in Maine being followed by English paparazzi. I was running towards my plane. It was about to leave and I couldn't miss it. I dearly hoped no one on the plane knew me. It would make it incredibly awkward. I saw a girl. I only saw the back of her head but it was beautiful. She had long flowing shiny mahogany hair and a great body. I hoped she was on my plane. I saw her mother not wanting the mystery girl to go. I wouldn't want to let her go either. I was about to see what plane she was on when a paparazzo averted my attention.

"Edward where are you going?" A paparazzo was in my face. They all want to know the same thing. 'Where was I escaping to?' they could never find out or I would be swarmed. I turned back around but the mystery girl was gone. I prayed that she would be on my plane. They made an announcement that my plane was leaving. I got on and rushed to my seat.

Then I saw her! The mystery girl she was next to me. I saw her face for the first time. She was breathtaking. Her beautiful hare framed her heart shaped face perfectly. Her lips were so luscious and plump. Her eyes. My God her eyes. They were chocolate brown. Most brown eyes fell flat but I felt like I could look into her eyes forever. I sat down and prayed again that she didn't know me. I was so sick of girls trying to get with me. They were all fake. I hoped she wasn't one of them. "I'm Edward Cullen." I outstretched my hand.

"I'm Bella Swan" She shook my hand. The moment our hands touch and electric pulse plowed through me. I didn't hurt. It was amazing. She was so perfect. She looked confused. I didn't know why. I smiled at her. She started blushing. Which somehow made her cuter.

"Very nice to meet you Bella Swan" She was even redder by now. She seemed to be frozen or something. She wouldn't talk or move or even blink. I hoped nothing was wrong. She sat like that for a while I was starting to worry. "Bella?"

"Sorry uh I um have a headache" She put her head in her hands and rubbed her temples. For some reason a strange feeling went through me. I felt bad for her. I didn't want her to feel pain. It hurt me I didn't know why. I felt like it was some how my fault even though that was physically impossible.

"Are you okay? Can I do anything?" I wanted to help her in anyway possible. I always felt the need to help people in need but with Bella this impulse was 100 times stronger. I had no clue why.

"I'm fine. I think it's just being on the plane. Thanks though." I felt bad I couldn't help but I guess I really couldn't have done much anyway. Though I had always wanted to be a doctor. Like I said I liked helping people but when your mom and dad are king and queen there isn't much choice on what you want to be.

"Okay" I nodded my head. We were silent for awhile. I didn't know if she wanted to talk or not. Not to be cocky but obviously she didn't know who I was or she would be all over me. Bella seemed comfortable with the silence but I wanted to know everything about her. I felt like I could talk to her forever but I didn't want to make her think I was a stalker or something like that. She returned to reading the book she was reading when I first saw her. Every so often I saw her glance at me. I wondered why. Ugh I was so confused.

"So why are you going to Seattle?" Bella was so quiet I didn't know if she was talking to me or herself. I only decided to answer when I realized it would be kind of weird for Bella to be asking herself why she was going to Seattle. I didn't exactly know how to answer her question. Why was I going to Seattle? I couldn't exactly tell her I was a prince fleeing from my country due to stress.

Instead I answered, "Some of my family lives in a small town a couple of hours outside Seattle. I miss them." It was partly true. I did miss the Hales and my brother and sister but they weren't the reason I was leaving. "How about you?" I looked her strait in the eyes. Oh those amazing eyes. She had me in a trance.

"Oh I just want to get away. Be free for once. You know?" I understood what she meant. A few years ago I wanted to be free. I guess that was part of the reason I was leaving. I wanted to cut all ties between me and my parents. I loved my mother and father deeply but lately they had been putting a lot of stress on me or as they put it they were 'preparing me for ruling the kingdom'. I didn't want to rule the 'kingdom'.

"I know how you feel but trust me you'll miss more things than you think." I winked at her. Why did I wink at her? I don't exactly know. It had nothing to do the subject. At that moment I thought my wink was an involuntary muscle spasm of my eye but I realized I was actually just flirting with her. I saw her face go from happy to sad in an instant. I wondered if I offended her with my terrible flirting skills.

"Shut up your bringing me down." She popped in her ear phones I was kinda depressed I didn't want her to stop talking to me. I wanted to know everything about Bella. My face fell and obviously Bella noticed. "Don't worry I can still hear you" I was happy again. I decided to mess with her.

"What are you listening to?" I could have just waited for her to answer but what fun would that be? I took one of her ear phones. She looked shocked. I was pretty shocked too. I never had done anything like that before. I was usually the shy kid in the corner that just happened to be a prince. But with Bella I felt more spontaneous. It felt natural talking to her or in this case teasing her.

"Hey give that back." She was 50 different shades of red. This was going to be good. I wondered what she was so afraid of me listen too. I was shocked when I heard one of my favorite compositions playing.

"Clair De Lune!?! Nice" I couldn't believe she liked classical music. I had never met anyone who liked classical music other than myself. Everyone thought it was boring, dull, or as Emmett put it "sleepy time music". I was caught of guard. "I really like classical. I like most music really. Anything but rap and 70's music. Eww." I really did hate 70's.

"I completely agree." She was… perfect. I defiantly had a "crush" on Bella to say the least.

A/N I hope you liked it. I just want to mention that all of the chapters will not just be the same thing will both POVs that was just this one. Anyway I'm done now so REVIEW. Please tell me what you think.