BMX Heart

It was dark, even though giant flames consumed everything in sight. The fire's intensive heat was unbearable…yet it felt so cold.

He was confused. Why is he standing here among the flames? Why is he running for?

Is he running from something...Someone? Or is it…The sound of spinning wheels hits his ears and he quickly turns around just to see dark figures with faces he recognizes fly past him at rapid speed. He followed the figures with his eyes as they flew past him on objects he recognized as vehicles with wheels, they were headed right towards the burning flames.

'No.' He thought, as he looked at the figures rapidly getting closer to the fire in horror. "No, stop! Don't go there, it's…it's not safe." He shouted and ran after them.

"Please stop, it's a trap! You'll die! Come back." He screamed at the top of his lungs, trying to run up to them. But it's too late. They can't hear him, they're to far away. Without a second thought of were they're heading, the dark figures plunged right into the burning flames, screaming in agony as their bodies slowly burned up in the fire.

The man fell down on his knees, wheezing and gasping for breath; his head down, supporting on his arms as he leant forward in an attempt to breathe. He slowly lifted his head and looked at the figures being engulfed by the fire, listened in horror as they screamed. Tears fell down his cheeks, as he saw one of the figures pulled its hand out, reaching for him in an attempt for help.

Looking at him with its pleading blue eyes, eyes that he knew to well. The man pulled out his arm, trying to reach the figure. But he couldn't reach, he was to far away.

"No, Oh please no." He begged as the figure retrieved its hand to its chest and closed its eyes, letting the flames swallow him.

Slowly every single one of them disappeared, nothing was left of them. The man felt his heart stop and the air being sucked out of his lungs, when the figures disappeared. The fire died down and only darkness was left, surrounding the man lying on the ground crying in agony.

"No." He whispered as he lifted himself from the ground. "No." The words echoed into the darkness. Glancing once more at the place the figures once were he screamed at the top of his lungs.