"Bye, baby."
Mariah smiled at her raven haired boyfriend as he walked out the door. He was going camping with Max and Tyson. Kai was supposed to come along too, but he had cancelled at the last moment, saying he was sick.
"Typical Kai," Ray had said. "He was the one who came up with the idea in the first place. I bet he planned it all, just to get rid of us." He should only have known how right he was.
As soon as Ray was safely out of the house they shared, the rose haired woman found her way to the door leading out to the garden. And there, as beautiful as ever, was Kai, lying in the soft grass.
"Hi," she said softly as she laid down next to him, cuddling up against his slim body.
"We're running out of ways to get rid of that boyfriend of yours," Kai muttered in reply, eyes closed. Mariah sighed. It was typical Kai to greet her with that kind of comment. "I used two entire days to convince them that the camping thing wasn't just some mean joke."
"We'll come up with something."
Kai shook his head as Mariah uttered the words, looking at his lover for the first time in weeks. "Why don't you just break up with him? This has been going on for too long."
"I can't, Kai."
The dual haired man sighed. "I know."
23 year old Mariah had been dating Ray since her early teens, for almost ten years. And she had been sleeping with Kai behind her boyfriend's back for five.
She really loved Kai, but she couldn't be the one to walk away from Ray. Where she came from, a woman was in no right to end a relationship. No one would consider it to be over between her and Ray before he said so. She simply had to wait until he stopped loving her. If that was ever going to happen.
Wait.. what was she thinking? Of course it would happen. She and Kai had planned it this way. It wouldn't be long, now.
"It'll be all over soon," she whispered against Kai's neck. A smile flickered across the man's lips.
"Why don't we make the best out of these few days before he comes back?" he asked, letting his hand slide under Mariah's T-shirt.
Ray let his golden eyes sweep over the landscape. A small field with the ground covered in soft, green grass, trees surrounding him, isolating him and his friends completely.
He thought about his girlfriend. Mariah was the love of his life, the only one he would ever want to be with. He considered himself lucky to have been with her for so long; almost ten years now. That was nearly half of his life. A smile graced his lips. He didn't know what he'd do without her.
His glance turned over to Max and Tyson, who were sitting by the recently lighted campfire, in each other's arms, eyes closed and lips locked. Ray shook his head, his smile widening slightly. He had a feeling it would turn out like this when Kai called and said he wouldn't be able to make it.
His fingers locked around the small technical device as he stood up and walked into the forest. Just for a minute, he told himself. The two lovers wouldn't even notice he was gone.
He sat down on the branch of a tree, pushing one of the buttons on his cell phone. It gave five rings before someone picked up in the other end.
"Hello?" Mariah said tiredly. Something wasn't right. It was only eight in the evening! She surely couldn't have gone to bed already.
"Mariah? Why do you sound so.. sleepy?"
The woman laughed lightly. "Oh! I was watching TV, and I fell asleep. But anyway, how's- ah get off of me!"
"Are you okay? What's going on?" Ray asked, desperation and concern in his voice. He was instantly considering to go home again and be there for his girlfriend.
"It's okay, it's just Suzu."
Ray had to laugh as he pictured the cat jumping at Mariah, licking every spot of bare skin his could find, playing with her hair, just like he always did.
"S- stop it," Mariah laughed. "I'm sorry, Ray, he just won't seem to leave me alone right now. I'll talk to you later, ok?"
"Okay. I love you."
Mariah stared angrily at Kai.
"You're such a bastard," she muttered. "What if Ray had discovered what we're doing?"
Kai just smirked. "That would've been nice, don't you think? He would definitely dump you." He leaned closer to the rose haired woman, licking her lower lip. Mariah pushed him off.
"Sure, he would dump me. 'All our problems would be solved', is that what you're thinking? You're so stupid! Can't you realize that everyone would hate us?"
Kai tilted his head, looking at her with crimson orbs. "I don't need anyone but you."
Mariah couldn't help smiling. Why hadn't she fallen for Kai in the first place? Things would have been so much better, if she hadn't started dating Ray so long ago. But everything would work out, just like she and Kai had planned it. She only had to be patient, wait for a little longer…
Kai ripped her out of her thoughts with a soft kiss on her neck. "You're such a pervert," she mumbled, and Kai smirked at her, knowing perfectly well that the more of a pervert and bastard he acted, the more she loved him.
"Meow," he purred, forming his hand like a paw, clawing in the air. "I'm your kitten, aren't I?" he added when Mariah gave him a confused glance. Mariah just laughed, leaning as close to her lover as possible. She didn't know what she'd do without him.
Kai is quite mean, sleeping with his best friend's girlfriend.. I really think Kai and Mariah make an extremely cute couple, though. I've been playing around with the idea for several weeks, and I finally decided to do something about it. Yay!
Anyway, please review, and let me know whether I should continue it or not. I love you guys! ^w^