Well I'm back again! Here's chapter 5. Thank you for the reviews I have gotten so far. They are really appreciated. I hope you enjoy.
Darkness. That's all he saw. That's all he felt. It had become his companion over the years, sheltered by his own lack of self confidence and motivation. His common sense and intelligence was ridiculed by his appearance and speech. To the outside he was nothing. Just a waste of everyone's time. The world would have been much better without the creation of Riley Freeman. There was nothing better for him. He was just another young black male.
Or at least that's what he thought.
Shit, if everyone was so hypnotized by society's stereotypes, someone who is easily influenced has no choice but to agree. Right?
He definitely had goals. No hopes, or dreams though. Strictly goals. He knew better than to hope for something, because people who hope for things just sit there waiting for it to happen. That's why he never really prayed alot. Riley knew that in order to achieve things you had to work for it. And, dreams? Why spend time dreaming on things that hasn't happened yet, when you could work towards them? That was just time wasted to him.
He could remember a time in his childhood when he secretly resented his brother. The same brother who protected, warned and encouraged him to a certain extent, made his blood boil. It made absolutely no sense to Riley how they had the exact same bloodline, yet might as well have been from two different planets.
Huey was the smart one. He had goals, and plans that everyone knew he could effortlessly achieve. Riley on the other hand, didn't know what he was going to do. It irritated him how Huey had his next move planned out, leaving Riley to make mistakes by himself. It put much unknown pressure on Riley to try to map out his future as a child just because his dumb older brother did. How fair was that?
That's exactly why he would simply shrug it off with "I wanna be a thug." It was simple. No one would dare mess with him, or ask in further questions about his future. They would shake their heads in disapproval, mumble rude comments under their breath, or figure he was a lost cause, and nothing would change that.
But they were so wrong. When he did put his mind to it, he used strategy. That's why it had actually began making sense to become a hustler. At least to him anyway. He had the ability to use persuasion, not to mention he was good in math.
He had choices, and he had possibilities. Business man, accountant, philosopher, writer, anything. It was all about choices. Sometimes he didn't choose too wisely.
"Honey, relax. Everything's going to be okay. Just have faith", Cindy smiled through the tears threatening to escape from her eyes. They were sitting on the plane, in first class. This plane just couldn't get to Woodcrest fast enough for them. They had everything; money, fame, jewelry, cars, and clothes. Yet at the moment not one of those things mattered.
Caesar couldn't face Cindy, which is why his head remained turned to the window. Cindy was occupying the seat to his left.
So why did it feel like she was a million miles away.? Riley was just as close to Cindy as he was Caesar. They played ball together, and used to hustle the rich white kids out of money. They had a strong friendship. A bond that shouldn't have been broken. They all had their own ties to each other. They were a group of friends, who loved each other like family.
…Family was all you had…
And more importantly family should never turn their backs on each other. But what exactly had they done?
But was it their fault? They had simply followed their dreams. Was it fair to punish themselves for wanting to better their lives and expand their horizons?
"Caesar, I'm his friend too, ya know? I understand ya two were close, before dat lil' argument. Don't blame yo'self for any of this, okay. Riley's gonna be okay. Be strong fo' us, Ceez. I love you, and I know Riley does too."
She rubbed his back, laying her head on his shoulders. He said absolutely nothing as he watched Cindy fall asleep. She deserved it. Quite naturally she was tired from wedding preparations, to Riley, to everything.
He envied Cindy at the moment. She didn't feel the pressure to have to know everything. She didn't find comforting as hard as he did. And most of all, he envied her because she was sleeping so peacefully while he couldn't even keep his eyes closed for more than a couple of seconds.
"Good morning sleepyhead," Jazmine yawned from the kitchen table, staring at a groggy Huey pour himself a glass of orange juice.
She was clad in a fluffy purple and white robe, with matching slippers. She looked so relaxed, as if a heavy weight had somehow been lifted. She had gotten a good night's sleep. Her hair was damp and curly, the spirals flowing gracefully down her back. Obviously, she had just gotten out of the shower. Taking a seat right next to her, Huey noticed the familiar scent of mixed berry.
Herbal Essence shampoo.
That scent used to drive him wild. He'd have the pleasure of taking in the sweet aroma every time she'd hug him.
He gulped down the remains of his glass, glancing at the mulatto once more. She looked so beautiful, with not an once of make up on. Naturally radiant skin, illuminating smile, the whole nine.
"What," she asked giving him a confused look.
"I didn't wake you, did I?"
He inhaled, stifling a yawn of his own. "Nope."
"Oh,'' she exhaled. "What are you doing today?"
He shook his head, hoping all drowsiness would leave his body. Today was just an aftermath of all the surprises he'd had the day before.
"Probably just visit Riley. Besides that, nothing really. I'm off today."
Jazmine shifted in her chair. She smiled. "I know what you could do today."
"And that would be?"
"Come with me to meet Caesar and Cindy at the airport."
"It depends on… wait What," he asked in disbelief shaking his head. "Cindy and Caesar are coming back too?" Well wasn't this a surprise. Huey hated surprises. However, this was a surprise that he didn't mind.
Jazmine giggled, flipping her still slightly damp hair.
"Just get ready, silly. We have to be at Woodcrest Airport in two hours. " He looked at her before standing up, stretching.
Normal Huey would never take commands.
"I'm about to get in the shower."
Normal Huey never felt the need to explain himself unless he felt it was necessary.
However in the past two days nothing had been normal.
The old gang was back… for now. But who knew what would happen next. Huey sure didn't. He hated surprises, but he had a feeling a lot more of them were in store for him.
Well that's it. please review already.