A/N: Dedicated to FreeWildBlue, as a coming out present! Luv ya!
"All right, Gabrielle, that's enough for you!" The tall woman slid the mug of ale out of the shorter woman's reach.
"Hey!" She slurred indignantly. "That's mine!' She stood up and reached forward to grab the mug, but decided halfway that is was too much effort, and fell forward onto the table.
"You," The warrior said, scooching her chair back and standing up, "are very drunk."
The shock of blonde hair flipped up, one eye open, glaring at the woman.
"I so am not drunk, Xena."
Xena sighed, grabbing her friend's shoulders and hauling her up. "Yes, Gabrielle, you are."
"Prove it!" Gabrielle hiccupped, then tripped a little as she shook herself out of Xena's grasp.
"Fine. Touch your nose."
Screwing up her eyes, and scrunching her nose, the small woman raised her finger as if it weighed 100 pounds, and turned to scowl at the warrior. "You're cheating."
"I am not cheating, you are just very drunk." She held up her hand as she dragged Gabrielle toward the stairs. "No buts; you are going to go to bed. Now. I hate to say I told you so, but, well..."
"Hah! You love saying it!"
"Do not!"
"Do so! Your eyebrows do that cute little thing where they-see! You're doing it now!"
Xena's eyebrow had indeed risen high on her forehead and she smiled. "Cute?"
"You think my eyebrows are cute?"
The bard frowned. "No."
"But you just said-"
"Shh. I know what I said." She then proceeded to fall flat on her face, her nose smooshed against the first stair. "Ow."
Trying not to laugh, the warrior scooped up the very drunk bard, and carried her up the stairs.
"So. You don't think my eyebrows are cute?" Xena teased, kicking open the door to their room.
"Please. Don't flatter yourself. Everyone-" She burst into a small coughing fit. "Everyone knows I'm the cute one."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, really."
Xena dumped Gabrielle, rather unceremoniously, onto the bed.
"Then what am I?"
Gabrielle frowned, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"Well?" She pulled off the tiny woman's boots, then removed her own armor, dropping on the chair across from the bed.
"I can't believe you don't know, Xena. What do you think I say about you in my scrolls?"
"Um...That I'm tall and strong, with striking blue eyes?" The warrior joked, as she slid into the cool sheets next to Gabrielle.
"Well, yeah. Duh."
Xena froze.
"And Xena?" Gabrielle said, laying her head on the warrior's chest.
"What?" She was still shaken up.
"You're eyebrows aren't cute - they're sexy."