I'm so sorry if I took too long to update!! I just really haven't had time to write.... I hope you enjoy it=) I made this chapter longer to make up for the delay!

Thank you SO much to those who reviewed and alerted/favorited this story and favorited me as author!!! You guys make me happy lol THANKS!!

Disclaimer: These characters are not mine, they all belong to the great Stephenie Meyer.

Read on...


After doing our homework, we talked and gossiped. Rosalie came over, and so did Emmet and Jasper. We were now in the living room; I sat on the couch along with Jasper who had Alice on his lap. Rosalie and Emmet sat on the love seat. We were watching some re-runs of the best show ever made, Friends.

"Chandler is so funny!" Alice said.

"Are you crazy?! Joey is by far the funniest one!" Rosalie argued. She absolutely loves Joey; I guess that's one of the reasons why she likes Emmet. He tends to say the wrong things at the wrong time and he isn't the brightest of the bunch. Emmet is so much fun and he is super caring, like Joey.

"I agree with you baby," Emmet said as he kissed her cheek.

"Aw thanks baby!" Rosalie grinned. "See! Two beats one! HA!"

"No! Jasper also thinks Chandler is the funniest one!" Alice said as she hit Jasper on the leg, "Right?!"

"Ow! Of course!" Jasper said with a confused face.

"Jasper will agree to anything you say," Rosalie sad.

"Yeah dude, you're whipped," Emmet said as he imitated to have a whip on his hand.

"Yes I am," Jasper said proudly as he grabbed Alice's hand and kissed her knuckles. Alice had a huge grin plastered on her face.

"Well I think Rachel is the hottest," I heard a smug voice say.

"Dude, where did you come from?!" Emmet jumped.

"Where's your make out buddy?" I asked as I faked to look for her.

"Oh, Jennifer? Yeah you did great Bella," he said, "You made an excellent job at scaring her away. But you shouldn't be jealous, you will always have a special place in my heart," He placed his hands on his chest.

"You mean Jessica," Alice corrected.

"Oh yeah," he said as if something dawned on him.

"You wish I was jealous, I was just trying to help her. I would never let a friend of mine get herpes from a jerk," I said with a fake smile.

"Since when are you friends with Janice?" Edward asked disbelieving.

"Jessica!" Rose, Alice, and I screamed.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry! My bad," he said as he lifted his hands in surrender.

"Anyways… How about we play a game?" Jasper offered.

"Oh my God! That's a great idea!" Alice started jumping up and down.

"Now what are you thinking?" Rosalie groaned.

"I suggest we play truth or dare!" Emmet boomed. I glared at him but he made that puppy face I couldn't say no to.

"I'm in," Edward grinned.

"Me too," Rosalie and Jasper said at the same time, their twin genetics are kicking in.

"Ugh. Okay then, I'm in," I said dejectedly.

"Yes!" Emmet pounded his fist in the air.

"Okay, so these are the rules: no drinking or nudity will be involved, you must do as you are dared and say the truth all the time. No if's, and's, or but's," Alice said seriously. Oh God, what did I get myself into!

We sat in a circle on the floor. Alice sat besides Jasper, who sat besides Rosalie, who sat besides Emmet, who sat besides me and I sat besides Edward, who sat besides Alice, and the cycle starts again.

"Ooh! I start! Me! Me! Me!" Emmet started jumping up and down excitedly.

"Okay, Emmet, you start," Alice said.

"Yes! Okay then," He started looking at each and every one of us with that freakish looking grin on his face. "Jasper! Truth or dare?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Dude, do you need to ask?" Jasper asked disbelieving, they always chose dare. And then they always make me choose dare.

"Okay, your dare is," Emmet made a dramatic pause, "To call Lauren Mallory and tell her you want to get married now, that you don't care about Alice all you think about is her." I swear I saw Jasper's right eye twitch.

"Fine," Jasper pulled out his cell phone.

"Dude, speaker," Emmet hurried. The phone rang three times before Lauren answered.

"Hey Jasper!" Lauren's squeaky voice screeched from the phone.

"Hey Lauren, we need to talk," Jasper said, using his serious tone of voice.

"Don't scare me Jazz, what happened?" Lauren sounded concerned.

"I have been thinking, a lot. And I realized I don't love Alice anymore. Its like everything I thought I felt for her just vanished when I think about this other person." Jasper was trying to choke back a laugh.

"W-what are you trying to s-say?" Lauren stuttered. Oh God, she had always had a crush on Jasper, she must be on cloud nine right now.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't care about Alice anymore. I want you, Lauren Mallory," Jasper faked a gag.

"Jasper I want you too! I have always wanted you," Lauren squealed.

"Lauren I would love to take you to Vegas and marry you, right now," Jasper looked like he was going to pass out.

"Oh Jasper! I would love that too! I want to marry you! Right now!," Lauren's voice rose to higher octave. Emmet didn't look like he could hold his laughter anymore, Rosalie was shaking with a muffled laughter under Emmet's arms, Alice was grabbing her stomach from laughing so hard, Edward was laughing really low and I was trying my best to choke back laughter.

"No, no this is wrong, Lauren. We both know we want each other but this is wrong. I can't do this to Alice. Someday, sometime we will be together but now is not the right time. I shouldn't have called. We have to act like this never happened, we must forgot about each other," Jasper was so red.

"I'll never forget you Jasper. I think of you all the time!" Lauren screamed.

"Bye Lauren," Jasper shut his phone. Immediately a laughter explosion filled the room. Emmet's booming laughter topped all our laughs. We were all rolling on the floor, grabbing our stomachs and hitting the floor.

"That was not fun!" Jasper pointed to Emmet.

"That was hilarious dude!" Emmet boomed.

"Jasper you left the poor girl swooning!" Rosalie said.

"Of course, you are talking about me, duh!" Jasper passed his hand through his hair in a cocky way.

"Don't think so high of yourself," Alice hit his arm.

"Okay lets get back to the game!" Edward said.

"Okay then, it's my turn to choose," Jasper made a devilish grin. "Rosalie."

"Dare," she said.

"Your dare will be to have Emmet pick out your outfits for school for one entire week. No whining or opinions," Jasper said. Rosalie's face turned white.

"What?!" she shouted.

"Rosie! I have always wanted to pick out clothes for you! I'm so excited!" Emmet started clapping.

"Are you sure you are straight?" Edward looked at Emmet with a doubtful look.

"You are just not in touch with your feminine side," Emmet faked to flick his hair.

"Whatever you say," Edward rolled his eyes.

"Jasper that is just mean! What did I ever do to you!" Rosalie shouted at her brother.

"A dare is a dare, you can't undo what you asked for," Jasper said.

"Ugh! I'm so mad at you!" I can't really blame her, Emmet once tried to dress Rosalie. He told her to wear black leggings over a striped red short with a flower printed baby doll shirt. That didn't come out that great.

"Rosalie it's your turn to pick someone," I said.

"Right, I pick Edward," Rosalie said, "Truth or Dare?"

"Truth," Edward said. We all stared at him with our mouths hanging open. No one ever picked truth, well apart from me sometimes, and much less Edward. He is always up to show how "macho" he can be.

"Wait, what?"

"Are you feeling okay?" I pressed my hand to his forehead.

"Yeah…" Edward seemed confused. "What's so weird about me choosing truth?"

"That you have never, ever chosen truth," Alice seemed truly scared.

"Anyways, can you please ask me the question," Edward seemed irritated.

"Sure, have you ever had something with a teacher?" Rosalie asked.

"Yeah, remember Ms. Allison?" Edward said.

"No way dude! You made out with Ms. Allison. She was hot!" Emmet seemed stunned.

"I did, this one day I had after school detention with her. I really didn't want to stay so I tried to persuade her to not make me stay and one thing led to another and bam we were making out. I got to second base with her," Edward seemed pretty proud. Disgusting bastard.

"Way to go dude!" Emmet pounded his fist to Edward's. Rosalie glared at Emmet, he just made an innocent smile.

"Oh my God, is that why she left?" Alice said.

"Yep. She couldn't deal with me in school, she said so herself," Edward said.

"Are you telling us the truth?" Jasper asked.

"I swear!" Edward said. "So it's my turn to choose. Alice."

"Dare obviously," Alice said.

"I dare you not to shop for a month," Edward said trying to bite back a laugh.

"No! I can't do that! I just, it's impossible! Forget it," Alice started to stutter.

"Remember the rules Alice," Edward said.

"But I, ugh, I can't believe this!" Alice said, "You are so mean!"

"And to make sure of this you are going to give me all your credit cards."

"Fine!" Alice said angrily. She gave him her cards, one by one. A tear fell when she finished handing him all her fourteen credit cards.

"I'll miss you! Take care of them," Alice said.

"You can be so dramatic sometimes," Edward rolled his eyes.

"So its my turn to pick!" Alice came back to her cheerful self.

"I pick Bella!"

"Truth," I said.

"No you can't pick truth!" Alice whined.

"Edward got to pick truth!" I complained.

"Exactly, he took the last truth available," Alice said.

"Fine then," I knew she wouldn't let me go with this, "Dare."

"Good choice," Alice smiled hugely, "I dare you to un-playerize Edward!"

"Wait what?" I asked confused.

"My dare for you, my dear, is to make Edward, my brother, into a player-free human being."

"WHAT?!" Edward and I shouted at the same time. This couldn't be happening, me with Edward. Me trying to teach Edward to be a gentleman. That sounds ridiculous, even in my head.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Chill out! Why am I on this!" Edward whined.

"Because you took my credit cards away," Alice pouted. "Oh yeah, you have to do this Bella in one month."

I love Alice, what have I ever done to her! I'm always good to her. Oh God, I hope she is not getting back at me because of the whole "I liked somebody" thing. This is way worse!

"So Bella, you and I working together for a month, huh?" Edward said seductively. Gross.

"I'm definitely looking forward to that," he winked at me. Just kill me now.


There you go, Bella finally got the dare to un-playerize Edward! I hope it turned out good, I don't feel very proud of this chapter but it was the best I got right now. I hope you liked it though=)

REVIEW!!!! That green button is tempting you!! I really want to hear your opinion and advices!!

xoxo cristina