The happiness of their reunion soon faded. Gemma's memory returned fully along with the memory of attacking Desari. The coldness set in at the thought of having had to destroy her own sister that she loved despite Desari's wickedness. Pulling away stiffly from her friend's embrace Gemma scanned the area in search of her sister's body. Surprise hit Gemma hard upon the realization that Desari's body was nowhere to be seen. All that remained to tell that Desari had once been there was the wet blood stains that marred the grass where her body and lain.

"Where's Desari?" Gemma questioned her friends not knowing what she should be feeling at that exact moment. Part of her was pleased at the thought of her sister still living but the side of her knew it could only bring them all trouble in the future for Desari to still be wandering among the living.

The question brought a wave of confusion over the group. At first they all began to reply by pointing the general direction of where Desari had fallen presumably dead only to find that she was no longer there. Gemma was sure that at that same moment their thoughts were much the same as her own about how Desari's continued life could eventually bring them problems once more especially as long as Chase's spirit still remained in the world as well.

"There's nothing we can do about it now," Caleb told his friends with a deep sigh. "We should get out here and get Gemma to a hospital just to be sure that she's okay."

"Don't bother Caleb. I am perfectly fine now; just a little stiff is all," Gemma replied moving her sore limbs to bring herself to her feet.

Despite her attempts at getting back on her feet on her own Gemma soon found herself being steadied by the ever reliable Tyler. If it had been anyone else no matter how much she loved her friends she would've pushed them away intent on doing it by herself. However, having Tyler so close after such an ordeal was more than welcome. To have him there as himself where she could feel his warmth and kindness and see the gentleness within his eyes was more than she could ever ask for.

Pushing away all thoughts of Chase and Desari, Gemma allowed herself to embrace the feeling of relief, happiness and contentment. They left the battlefield of the decrypted ruins of Putnam barn and made their way back to the school. All accepting as Gemma did that there was nothing more they could do about the Chase situation for the time being.

Arriving back at school Tyler and Gemma waved goodbye to their friends as Tyler lead Gemma away from the dorm building and in the opposite direction. It didn't take long for Gemma to realize where it was that Tyler was taking her so that they could be alone. By that time the sun was high and the sky was a cloudless blue making the garden look more beautiful than Gemma thought she had ever seen it or perhaps it was only because not long ago she had thought she'd never see it again or enjoy it with Tyler.

Tyler led her to their usual stop on the stone bench at the gardens center. For a long time the couple sat in silence with Gemma resting her head softly on Tyler's shoulder. For that time they said nothing to each other only listened to the calm of the birds and soft breeze that floated around them. At that moment it was enough for them both only to be there together knowing that the other was a live and safe.

Finally Tyler was the one to break the silence.

"You told me not long ago about always being afraid of running forever," he commented.

Gemma only nodded her head from where it rested against his shoulder her eyes still closed with relaxation.

"Gemma," Tyler called to her, needing her to look at him for what he was about to say. When Gemma's golden brown eyes were looking up to meet his he went on. "You need to know that now you have a new always and forever to think about."

"What's that?" she asked in confusion as to what he meant.

"I'll love you always and forever," he told her with complete sincerity.

There was a long pause of silence from Gemma before Tyler suddenly found himself being tackled by an ecstatic Gemma. The power with which she landed against him caused them both to lose their balance on where they sat and sent them both tumbling backwards onto the ground. Tyler began to laugh at their situation but was quickly cut off by Gemma's lips on his. As soon as her lips touched his in a gentle kiss any thoughts of laughing were quickly put to rest. Instead Tyler found himself concentrating on their kiss that was quickly growing deeper and more passionate. When were both forced to pull away from the kiss due to lack of oxygen Tyler looked up to find Gemma looking down at him with a deep love he saw shinning back at him in her eyes a feeling that he was sure was reflected in his own as well.

"I love you Tyler, always and forever," Gemma whispered to him, meaning the words with all her heart, before leaning down to kiss him once again.

AN: Well that's it for Always and Forever. I hope you all liked it. Let me know what you thought about my ending! Sorry this one took as long as it did…considering its quite short but I had a hectic last couple of days to homework, studying, club activities and such to deal with. The first chapter for my fourth and final story for this series will be up shortly.

Blair Lehay, is what she calls herself, only she gave herself that name to hide the darkness of her past and the evil of the ones she calls family. Blair arrives in Ipswich not bothering to hide who she is or her mysterious elemental powers from the Sons and Daughters. She needs them to help her end the curse that has haunted her since her birth. Not only for her own safety and sanity, but also to protect the future of the Covenant of Silence, Blair must destroy the curse that she bares and she can't do it alone. Blair runs into some problems concerning the groups trust in her upon learning her connection to their hated enemy. To trust or not to trust is the question the group must ask themselves. But, making the right choice becomes more difficult when romantic feelings begin to grow and get in the way. How are two people as different as Caleb and Blair suppose to make things work when he doesn't know how much he can trust her and she doesn't know if she'll even be alive when its all over.

That has to be the crappiest explanation ever but ill work on it. Lol. This story is just a little harder to think on how to explain it.