Alright so this is the start of my IchiHime drabbles. *cheers*

I saw that other people were doing them so I figured to give it a go!

This drabble was inspired by my friend I_black_crow_cooro_I.

She used to read bleach but stopped at like chapter 325.

She liked both IchiRuki and IchiHime like I do.

We brainstormed ideas for me to use in order to write this ^^


The rain came down harder as the young auburn healer ran. She didn't know where she was going, nor did she really care. All she knew what that she had to get away from the man she loved so much. She knew that telling him was a mistake, but it slipped out of her before she could stop herself. I can't believe I actually told him. She also knew that she might get rejected, but she never expected it to be this painful. Of course, he loves Rukia. Who would love someone that needs protection?


"I-I... love you Kurosaki-kun." She gasped as she looked towards the ground. It was silent as the rain continued to pelt their umbrellas. He just stood there, eyes wide with shock, and stared down at her. He didn't know what to say. She loves me? But I don't know if I feel the same way. What do I say? He thought.

She stood in silence and looked up at him with tears in her eyes. He couldn't actually tell if there were tears due to the rain. During the silence, she dropped her umbrella on the ground. It was still spinning around the two. She was shaking with her fists clenched at her sides. She looked back down at the ground. "It's alright Kurosaki-Kun. I get it. You're just being nice. Don't worry about me anymore. Good-bye." With that said, she turned around and ran. She never looked back to look at him. She just left a very shocked Ichigo behind.

~End of Flashback~

Before she knew it, Orihime ended up by the same river that she had made her promise to Tatsuki before they went to save Rukia. It also reminded her of the time she had caught a red dragonfly with her brother.

"Look Onii-San! I caught one! I caught one!" Orihime smiled happily as she ran towards her older brother.

"I can see that Orihime! Good job!"

"Isn't it pretty?"

"It sure is." Sora said as he looked down at his smiling sister. She looked back up at him and laughed happily.

Orihime smiled. That was the first time she had caught one. It was one memory she would never forget.

Ichigo was running all around the neighbourhood, trying to find Orihime. He felt like such an idiot for not saying a damn thing. But he wasn't sure of his feelings. If he had said he loved her back without confirming it, it would've made him feel even worse. He never realized that he was still in his Shinigami outfit due to a hollow appearing right after she left. He had came across the river when he noticed the young auburn healer standing there.

"Inoue!" Orihime broke out of her thoughts as she turned to see Ichigo running down the hill towards her. She never realized how close she was to the river because as she turned to run, her foot slipped and she fell into the river beneath her. During the fall she had hit her head and saw the hint of orange hair before losing consciousness.

"INOUE!" Ichigo yelled as he jumped in after her.

A/N: YAY A cliffie! God I am so obsessed with this kind of thing! ^^ But whatever -shrugs-.

That's where I'll end it. See I figured that if I continued, it would've turned more into a story than a drabble. But no worries! I will make a second part to this! Doing that as we speak XD

Letting you all know now, Ichigo will have the flashback next time. ^^ Stay tuned!

Review please! If you have any drabble ideas, let me know and I will make them for you! ^^
