Bad Luck
At the beginning there were two types of beings, quite opposite. They were different like light and day, hot and cold and so on, but they had one thing in common, they both consumed human souls.
They used to hunt humans for their souls, but that war came to an end, when leaders of both sides decided that too much blood was spilled. So they vowed to each other that they will consume the souls only after the humans pass away. And it lasted for a while.
But riots started. Both Angels and Demons were unsatisfied, because the quality of the soul wasn't the same, once the human died. Therefore they made Special Troupes of both sides to fight those who stand against the rules. The leader of the teams were called Archangels and owned immense power.
Many millennia after this ancient war passed and humanity lived now in peace and oblivious that above them a war was still going on. In Japan there are two troupes one from each side and they're called Special Archangels (SA), that's because in these remained only the best soldiers and the most powerful Archangels. Every team of the world knew about them and feared them.
The morgue was dark and cold. Three sets of eyes glowed unnaturally.
"What the hell is going on? This one is the tenth only in this area. Can't you take care of your own kind anymore?" an angry voice shouted.
There was an unwritten rule that each team would take care of their own kind.
"Hell? You know humans consider that demons live in there." A second voice spoke sarcastically."
"Very funny! How do we find this one?" the first voice shouted again.
"Jun" spoke another, calmer, voice "let them speak as well. You know this isn't anyone's fault."
The angry voice faded away. One set of eyes disappeared and soon after it another one.
"I apologize for them. They are still very new to this." Said the calm voice again.
"Don't worry about it. We understand. So what do we do about this one? It seems he works alone, but he's quite cruel." Spoke a voice from the other group.
"I don't know. It's one of the cruelest I've seen so far. And he works fast and clean. They begin to learn how to avoid us tracking them." The calm voice sighed.
The two groups examined carefully the body. Just as always it was clean. No bruises no nothing. The victim was a 16 year old boy. No clothes, no nothing except for a small red ribbon around one of his fingers.
"I wish I knew what's with the ribbon." A new voice spoke.
"Yes so would I." another voice from the same team.
After the examination both teams decided that there was nothing they could do here. It was time to leave. If they can't find anything, the humans don't stand a chance.
"Akira" the calm voice called.
"Yes" one pair of eyes turned to face him.
"How's Kei?"
"Pretty lifeless, if you can say that about a demon. He's always bored and considers his purpose is over."
The calm voice sighed again.
"Ryuu, you should visit him once in a while. I don't think your Archangel would forbid you, even if he was still around."
"I know. Still can't believe so many years passed since then, but Kei used to hate him a lot."
"I don't think Kei resents your Archangel, it takes too much energy anyway."
"Well at least he's still "awake". Our Archangel seems pretty much asleep for over a hundred years now."
"Perhaps there's no reason for him to awake."
"Perhaps." The calm voice concluded.
Ryuu smiled in the dark then disappeared. So did the last pair of glowing eyes.
Kei was sitting all over he's armchair. He looked lazy and extremely bored. In his right hand he holds a book. From time to time he closes it and rolls his eyes then opens it again. All he did lately was reading. He liked going into the depths of the human mind. It kept him entertained, but lately not even that was enough anymore. To him the modern world evolved only technologically, mentally it was a disaster. He preferred the old philosophers anytime.
He sighed deeply and threw away the book. He missed the times when he was a hunter, even though it happened long time ago. Before he became an Archangel he never cared for humans. They were only food. But things changed. Even so, once in a while he sensed a fragrant soul in the air and missed the times he used to hunt them down.
Angels and Demons keep their original body for as long as they exist, except for when they choose to "sleep". As beings without any body or form they had no gender. That was decided once they occupied a body. But that could also change if they chose to live in another body. When they "sleep" they exit their body and forget what they were, to cope with the long existence. They reincarnate in a new, human body, until something triggers the inner self to wake. Some never do and die with the human body.
Kei never slept. But lately it seemed unavoidable. He felt something was missing from his existence, but he couldn't realize what exactly. His silver hair fell over his amber eyes. Just then someone entered.
"Kei sama, the Ribbon Killer made another victim."
"Thank you for the news Akira. How was Ryuu?"
"How strange he asked about you as well." The girl with the dark hair and charcoal eyes smiled.
"I guess we miss each other." Kei spoke while rising from his chair. "I guess it's time I pay him a visit. His annoying Archangel is asleep somewhere, if alive."
"You should have done that long time ago." Akira smiled again and left the room.
"Yes, I should have" he mumbled to himself and left the room as well.
But not in a million years he'd expect for such a bad turn of things. On his way to Ryuu he smelled the sweetest soul he ever knew in his existence. Some of the old demons spoke of a legend, that are among humans are some that posses such purity that makes them irresistible to a demon. Angels have different tastes, so it's quite impossible for an angel and a demon to feel the same fragrance.
Kei followed the smell until he saw the source. A human girl. She was in a hurry and kept looking over her shoulder. He immediately thought she might be followed. The sweetness filled his head and made it spin. He bit his tongue to keep himself in control. Then he heard someone's thoughts. One of his own. He was following the girl.
He looked around and then spotted him. A youngster! So young he didn't even notice him. Kei sighed. He hated youngsters, especially those who chose to break the rules. He was following the girl probably feeling the same sweetness as him. Kei felt guilty for a second, but then again he wasn't planning on killing her. Was he?
"No, of course not." He mumbled to himself.
The girl looked over her shoulder again. She appeared confused. She knew someone was following her, but she was clueless who might he be. The youngster was grinning. Kei rolled his eyes when he read his mind. "So lustful" he thought.
He followed them when they took a sharp turn and they were on a dark alley. The girl was hidden somewhere, both demons could smell her and hear her heart beats, but she couldn't know that.
"Come on out little girl. I know you're here. It's useless to hide." The youngster spoke.
Kei could sense his impatience in his voice. He rolled his eyes again and watched the scene. Of course he wouldn't let her be hurt, not only because it was against his rules, but because that fragrance must be his. He flinched at that thought and held his breath for a second. Without the scent, his mind cleared a little.
"Who are you?" the girl's voice resounded.
"Ahahahahah! How daring of you to actually come out." The youngster laughed out loud and made a step foreword.
Kei almost snapped when he saw her again, but he had to keep his calm.
"Why are you following me?" she asked again.
"Oh that's one difficult question. You see in this world there are things beyond your imagination, so let's just say I have a small desire to consume you."
The shock spread over the girl's face. She became stiff and her hand holding the stick she picked up began to tremble. She didn't wait for any other words, she was planning on attacking him.
"Foolish girl" Kei thought. "Humans are such stupid creatures sometimes."
The youngster crouched down and hit her in the stomach. The girl fainted immediately.
"Now it's time for dinner."
"Actually you're wrong." Kei appeared from the shadows.
The youngster was first too shocked that someone actually followed him, but then terror spread over his face.
"Y-you are…" he couldn't finish his sentence.
"It doesn't really matter who am I, but I'm happy when young demons like you know about me…NOT."
Kei evil grinned. His face could scare even the older demons. The youngster was frightened.
"Listen, you want her? You can have her. I wasn't…"
The idea that he was actually handing over the girl, like he was begging for it, made the Archangel so angry he couldn't control himself anymore. The young demon disappeared in a second.
Kei caught the girl before she touched the ground. "Now what am I supposed to do with you?" he asked himself quietly.