Disclaimer: Alas, even after another month, I still don't own them. I'm just playing and letting them have more fun than Marvel, Disney, or Stan Lee ever will.

A/N: I want to say sorry to all my loyal readers for the huge delay in this chapter. I hope you'll stick with me! My husband has been sick and was in the hospital for a week and his recovery is going pretty slow but at least he's getting better. Hopefully life will start to get back to normal for us. I knew there was a reason I'm not a single mom. If you are, I say kudos to you...it's not an easy job at all! Thanks for reading and I'd love some feedback!!


Once Marie was settled in her apartment, Logan went back to retrieve her bags from the Jeep. He had been kind enough to set her down in her bedroom so she quickly collected some pajamas from her dresser and hobbled into the bathroom to change. The idea of spending a night under the same roof as Logan was making her feel anxious and frustrated. Were they going to pick up where they'd left off in the parking lot or had that just been Logan's response to the anger she seemed to bring out in him so easily? Maybe they should just sleep together and get it over with. Then they could go back to being whatever it was that they were to each other.

Marie scrubbed her makeup off, careful to avoid her cut, and scrutinized her face in the mirror. What did Logan see when he looked at her? Her too expressive brown eyes looked back at her, the flecks of gold in them noticeable only to someone who knew to look for them. Jubilee was the one who always told her that her eyes gave her away and she'd never cut it as a poker player. That was probably true. Even now she could easily read the uncertainty in them. She had nicely arched brows, a straight nose that she thought was maybe just a little too big, and a wide mouth with an easy smile. The small gap between her front teeth had never bothered her and she thought it just added character to her face; as did the smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks that were always more pronounced when she'd spent time in the sun.

She stroked a finger along the platinum strands framing her face and shivered when she thought of Logan's touch earlier in the Jeep. She hadn't lied when she told him she liked the way it looked. It had surprised her when he asked what had happened. She'd always assumed Scott had told him. Using her fingers, she brushed her hair to the side, sweeping it across her temple in an attempt to cover the bruising. Frowning at the result, she huffed out a breath at her own vanity. Whatever was going to happen tonight was going to happen regardless of what her forehead looked like. She resisted the urge to powder her face and reached for the door handle. Her eyes landed on the short silky emerald green robe that hung there. Maybe she should put that on instead of the tank top and pajama pants she was wearing. God, she was pathetic. She closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against the door. Yesterday there was no question in her mind that she wanted nothing to do with Logan and now she was seriously thinking about seducing him. She really needed Jubilee and Kitty here to talk some sense into her.

The sharp rap on the door startled Marie and her head snapped up. Logan's deep voice rumbled through the door. "You okay in there?"

"I'm fine," she managed to squeak out.

There was a pause before Logan said, "Just thought you'd been in there a while." Another pause. "With that bump on your head I thought I should check."

Marie felt herself blush, if for no other reason than that she'd actually been hiding there thinking about whether or not to sleep with Logan. Not that he had offered, at least not today. She squeezed her eyes shut. She seriously needed help. Why hadn't she brought her cell phone in with her? She knew what a stupid thought that was. Most people didn't need a cell phone to call for help when they were in the bathroom.

"Nope, I'm fine," she finally managed to say. "I'll be out in a minute."

Logan was silent again and then Marie heard the muted sound of his boots on the hardwood floor. The television came on in the living room and she could already picture his large frame sprawled on her couch; his impressively muscled legs stretched out and his booted heels resting on her coffee table. What exactly did a man like Logan watch on television? She'd bet anything it wasn't Lifetime. No, it was probably the Military channel or that Bear guy on Man vs. Wild on Discovery channel. Actually, Logan could probably do everything that guy did and do it better. With his metal claws and instincts he'd definitely be better protected.

Marie realized she was stalling again and forced herself to open the door. She walked slowly, putting as little weight as possible on her injured knee. It had begun throbbing again and she'd taken two Tylenol hoping it would ease the worst of the pain. Maybe she would have to go see Dr. Worthington tomorrow. That thought sent her brain careening off in another direction as she thought about the handsome doctor. Good grief, she needed to have sex, and soon! This whole being able to touch business was forcing her libido into overdrive. A few kisses from Logan and she was fantasizing constantly. Okay, it had been more than just kisses but the man had such a fantastic mouth and that mouth had been intimately involved with what had accompanied those kisses in the parking lot. Marie let her thoughts trail off as she stepped into the shadowed living room. Logan was there, just as she'd imagined him. Booted feet propped on the coffee table and those scrumptious muscular legs stretched out in front of him. He was nursing a beer and Marie was glad that she'd had some in the fridge for him.

Logan glanced up when she entered, his hooded gaze not giving away anything. He could sense the discomfort she had from the injury to her knee and that she was nervous. He wasn't sure if the nervousness was just because he was sitting in her living room or because she was concerned about what his intentions were. Hell, if he knew that, he'd gladly tell her. Neither of them could deny the physical attraction but he also knew there was no love lost between them. Marie had made her feelings about his character, or what she perceived of it anyway, abundantly clear since the day she'd first met him. He had nothing against her, however. She was always nice to everyone and quick with a smile, something she rarely directed toward him. He could probably count the times it had happened on one hand.

The half hearted attempt she made now definitely didn't count. Logan watched her covertly as she picked up her laptop and walked gingerly to the overstuffed chair next to the couch. She tossed a throw pillow on the coffee table and rested her leg on it before flipping up the screen on her computer. The glow from it illuminated her features and cast a bluish tinge to her platinum streaks as her fingers streaked across the keys. What he knew about computers wouldn't hardly be enough to fill a thimble and he liked it that way. He had a cell phone only because Scott had talked him into it. He hated carrying the thing with him but Scott had insisted saying if he was going to live in the 21st century, he'd have to pretend he liked it. He'd informed Scott that being born in the 19th century gave him an out and handed the phone back. The next morning the phone had been sitting next to his coffee cup. Logan had left it there but then finally relented after a weeks worth of badgering. The only redeeming quality he could find in it were the jokes and videos that Jubilee sent him on a regular basis. Her sense of humor could be pretty raunchy.

Logan took another long pull on the beer and thought about telling Marie she needed to get some real beer. Who really drank this light shit anyway? He saw her wince as she shifted in her chair and decided the issue of what constituted good beer could wait until later. "You want some ice for that?"

Logan could tell he had surprised her by the wide-eyed look she gave him. Did she have any idea how young and innocent she looked with her face free from makeup? There were faint purple shadows beneath her eyes and she actually stifled a yawn as he looked at her.

"Sorry," she apologized feeling nerves flutter in her belly. "No. It's fine, thank you. I'm going to go to bed anyway. I just wanted to let Mom know that we made it home. That I made it home," she corrected. "That we got here," and then tried again. "Or rather that you got us here." Marie bit her bottom lip to stop the inane flow of words. What was wrong with her? Since when did she get so tongue-tied around Logan? Angry, yes but never unable to speak her mind. She should have just taken her laptop to her bedroom. Avoiding Logan probably would have been a good idea after the crazy thoughts of seduction she'd had in the bathroom.

Logan watched, amused as a blush suffused her cheeks. "I get the idea, darlin'." He didn't miss the sudden flash of heat in her eyes at his use of the endearment. This was a woman who was wound much too tightly. The conversation he'd had with Scott only days ago came back clearly to him. Yep, it was definitely sex and not a fight that she needed.

Marie fumed silently as she tapped at the keys. That's right. It was when he started using that stupid endearment all the time that started making her crazy. She wasn't his darlin' and she'd do just as well to tell him that now. She opened her mouth to say so and was distracted by the instant message from Jubilee that popped up on the screen of her laptop. Thank God she was still awake! She began to read the message while she spoke to him, an indignant note in her voice. "Logan, I'm not your darlin' or anyth...."

She stopped abruptly when the blunt tips of Logan's fingers stroked down her cheek, causing her to jolt, and cupped her chin forcing her to look at him. She hadn't heard him move and her breath caught at the intensity in his hazel gaze. His look could almost be called predatory which shouldn't have been surprising for a man named after an animal.

"Or anything else?" he murmured. "You could be."

Marie swallowed hard and her tongue darted out to wet her suddenly dry lips. She wasn't prepared for this. She had assumed by Logan's casual attitude that whatever had happened between them earlier was forgotten. Obviously she'd been wrong. Before she could think whether she wanted to protest or encourage him, the decision was taken away as Logan's firm lips covered hers. Heat rushed through her, flushing her skin and stealing her breath.

Logan didn't want to push her but he felt drawn to Marie in a way that he'd never felt before. When he'd told Scott about his plan to show her a good time he hadn't planned on the feelings she would bring out in him. It was a need to possess what he felt should be his and even an urge to mark her so no one else could have her. He knew it was his feral side making those demands and he tried to push it down. He wasn't an animal and he wouldn't behave like one with Marie. They had never seen eye to eye but that wasn't an excuse to treat her badly. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her.

He felt Marie respond under the pressure of his mouth and a shudder ran through his frame when her soft hands buried themselves in his hair. Her short nails dug lightly into his scalp and a low growl of approval rumbled through his chest.

Any sensible thoughts Marie may have had fled at the sound coming from Logan. She wanted to feel as much of him against her as possible and let a whimper of frustration escape her when her keyboard dug into her hips and Logan's chest was blocked by the screen. Logan moved back far enough to close the screen and toss the offending computer to the floor. Marie didn't seem to notice the loud thud it made as Logan wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to the edge of her chair. Her injured leg was still resting on the coffee table but his position kneeling on the floor allowed their upper bodies to come into contact at the move. His pelvis was nestled snugly between her splayed thighs and Marie whimpered again at the sensation.

Logan's lips and teeth skimmed across her jaw and down her neck where his sharp canines nipped gently at the curve of her shoulder, leaving a small mark in their wake. His tongue laved the bite mark and then moved on to nuzzle the thin strap of her tank top out of the way. The strap slipped off her shoulder and the front of her top fell lower, revealing the upper swell of one creamy breast. Marie's hands clutched at Logan's shirt and her head fell back as Logan grasped the other strap and eased it down her arm.

Goosebumps spread across her skin as his light touch feathered across her shoulder and down her arm. The pale green cotton slid over her already sensitized nipples, causing them to tighten into hard buds. Logan watched the path the fabric took and growled his approval when her dusky pink nipples appeared. She felt his warm breath right before his tongue laved the first peak. His mouth cruised across her skin and she felt him nip at the heavy underside of her breast. The sharp sensation caused her head to snap forward and her eyes caught his once again. They were nearly golden with arousal but there was a hint of humor there as well. So he wanted her to watch, did he? She loosened her grip on his shirt and shimmied out of the tank top so it pooled around her waist. She threaded her fingers into his hair once more and guided him back to her breasts.

The sight of Logan's mouth suckling and nipping her was almost more than Marie could take and she felt desire pooling hot and heavy in her core. She vaguely wondered if she'd be able to hold onto her control over her skin for long. It felt like a swirling hurricane of sensations battering her from all sides with its intensity. "Logan," she uttered breathlessly. And then more urgently, "Logan."

It took all of his willpower to raise his head and meet her gaze. He could clearly read the doubt and uncertainty there, so at odds with the desire rolling off her in waves. His hands rested on her hips, his fingers stroking the sensitive skin above her low-slung pajama pants. He raised a questioning brow at her. Was she afraid of him? "You want me to stop?"

Her chest heaved as she tried to get her addled mind to form a coherent sentence. Her hands stroked over Logan's broad shoulders and down his rock hard biceps. She shook her head, silky strands of hair sliding across her shoulders. "No," she finally managed to get out, "but I'm afraid of my control." Her gaze dropped to somewhere in the vicinity of his chest and she felt the blush already rising, tinging her creamy skin pink. "I've never done this before," she whispered. "What if I can't control it and I hurt you?"

Logan was surprised by her answer. He knew she was a virgin, Jubilee had helpfully supplied that information and he had assumed she wanted to stop because she was afraid of him or what was about to happen. He didn't think he'd ever had anyone be afraid for him. It was a strange feeling.

He nudged her chin up. Her brown eyes were full of worry, afraid that he wouldn't want her because of her doubts. "I trust you, Marie. If you're worried we'll stop, whenever you want."

Her brows drew together. "You'd do that? Be able to stop?"

"Curious as I am, now wouldn't be the ideal time to see how much of your mutation I could stand." Logan's mouth quirked up in that lopsided smile she was coming to know.

Marie's own lips twitched into an answering grin. "Good. I'm not really sure I want you running around in my head either."

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and slanted her mouth across his, her firm breasts pressed enticingly into his chest. Logan was surprised by her bold move but didn't protest when her tongue swept across his lips. His lips parted, their tongues tangling. Marie shifted, her taught nipples rubbing over the soft fabric of his flannel shirt. The sensation sent a shudder through her body so she did it again. Logan's fingers dug into her hips, hard enough they'd probably leave bruises on her pale skin. He pulled her pelvis flush against him, his erection straining against the rough denim of his jeans.

His hands dipped inside the back waistband of her pants, his long fingers gripping her cheeks firmly and then running teasingly down the cleft of her ass. Marie's eyes snapped open as she jolted in surprise and then, realizing she enjoyed the sensation, eased back into Logan's exploring touch.

Her own hands itched to feel his hot smooth skin and tugged impatiently at the snaps of his shirt. They popped open easily and she found her hands running over the contours of his chest, the crisp hair there tickling her palms. Her fingertips brushed over his nipples and she felt them pebble in response. She flattened her hands and ran them over his pectorals to his shoulders, pushing his shirt off. He pulled his hands from their exploration of her rear long enough to shake the shirt down his arms and off where it was flung away from him.

Marie marveled at the play of his muscles under her hands. There wasn't a muscle on his body that wasn't sculpted and honed to perfection. She watched in fascination as she started at his shoulders and let her hands slide down his chest and across his abs, the muscles contracting and flexing under her unskilled touch. The hair on his chest tapered down and a thin line trailed past his navel and behind his large Indian head belt buckle. Amazed at her own daring, Marie trailed her fingers over the buckle and let her fingernails scrape over the straining erection contained there. There was no mistaking the hiss of Logan's breath and the growl that followed. At least she knew he was just as affected as she was by what they were doing.

Logan wrapped his fingers around her wrists with one hand and careful not to jostle her injured knee, brought them up over her head, forcing her to lean back in the chair. His mouth brushed across hers and then traveled lower, once again biting and licking at her sensitized breasts before trailing across her abdomen. His hands followed, tracing the curves of her body. The turn of her shoulder, the curve of her waist, the flare of her hips. She was softness over lean muscle and he couldn't seem to get enough of her smooth creamy skin. His hands skimmed down pushing her pajama pants lower on her hips. The incongruity of the seduction going on and the smiling frogs covering her lower body wasn't lost on him and his lips twitched. He didn't think now would be the time to laugh though. It might give Marie the wrong idea.

He glanced up to see her watching him wide eyed. Her breath was coming out in small pants and her skin was flushed, although this time, not from embarrassment but rather from arousal. His fingers hooked the waistband of her pants and slowly pulled them down. She lifted her hips, helping him as best she could. The scent of her arousal was stronger now and Logan's nostrils flared at the spicy aroma. He was loath to move from between her splayed thighs but with her injured knee, couldn't get her pants off any other way short of slicing them with his claws. She was probably nervous enough without that happening. He eased the pants off her legs and was rewarded with a sight he wouldn't soon forget.

Marie was beautiful woman. From the top of her platinum striped hair to the bottom of her outrageously pink toenails. She was flawless, if you didn't count the very recent addition of the bruises caused by her immature cousin. Her creamy skin shone in the dim light of the living room, the freckles dusted across her skin barely noticeable, even to his keen eyesight. She was watching him with apprehension, trying to restrain from covering herself. Logan's hungry gaze traveled back up her body and soon had her mesmerized. Still making no move to remove his jeans, he knelt back on the floor and licked his way from her knee to her hip, setting the skin of her thighs on fire. Those thighs fell apart willingly at the slight pressure he exerted and Logan found himself in the one place he'd been longing for.

Marie watched, fascinated, as Logan's hands slid up the insides of her thighs toward her center. Her thighs trembled slightly and she drew in an unsteady breath. Logan looked at her then and she knew this was her last chance to tell him no. Logan was a man of his word if nothing else and she knew he would stop if she had any doubts. The look she gave him and the whimper that accompanied it said anything but no.

Being a man who knew when not to argue, Logan brushed a thumb across the damp mahogany curls and skimmed over the tight bud nestled there. Marie's muscles clenched at the unfamiliar touch and a moan escaped her lips. Logan repeated the move, circling her clit lightly, letting her adjust to the new sensations. His strong fingers dipped lower, sliding over her slick folds. Marie's head fell back and her fingers curled into the upholstered arms of the chair. She felt like her entire body was on fire just from the touch of Logan's hands. What would happen to her when it was more than that?

Logan watched the rapid rise and fall of Marie's chest, praying she wasn't going to tell him it was too much and he needed to stop. His free hand squeezed her breast and flicked across her engorged nipple. A fine shudder ran through her body as he eased one long finger into her tight channel. Her muscles contracted around him at the unfamiliar invasion. He slowly drew his finger out and then eased it back in, starting a slow steady rhythm.

The responses that Logan's hands were wringing from her body were the most amazing thing Marie could ever remember feeling. She was past the point of feeling shy about her nudity and let her knees drop open as the heel of her uninjured leg scrabbled for purchase on the seat of the chair. She wanted herself open to him so she could experience all the pleasure he was giving. Her eyes felt heavy as she pried them open in order to see what he was doing. She was surprised to find him looking back at her, his eyes blazing with a need she now knew only too well. "Logan," she moaned as a second finger joined the first and slid into her wetness. The sight of Logan kneeling between her thighs and his fingers pumping in and out of her was too much. She could feel her control faltering as her muscles tightened and the waves of ecstasy built around her.

"Logan," she gasped, "you've got to stop."

Knowing she was close, Logan leaned forward and flicked his tongue across her engorged clit once, twice, pushing her as far as he could. He wasn't about to leave her now, even if her control was only hanging on by a thread.

That sweep of his tongue and the sight of his dark head bent over her sent Marie careening over the edge. Her fingers dug harder into the arms of the chair to stop herself from grabbing his head and holding him there. A strangled cry tore from her throat and her vision dimmed. Logan withdrew his hand and sat back as Marie clamped her thighs together, trying to calm the waves of pleasure crashing over her. He'd felt the pull of her skin begin just before her climax hit. It was a strange sensation, like a tingling all over his body. He felt a moment of weakness before his own mutation kicked in and healed him from the pull.

Marie felt the tremors subsiding and longed to stay right there with her eyes closed and drift off to sleep. Those eyes flew open however when Logan spoke to her and she realized he was still kneeling in front of her.

"You okay, darlin'?"

She nodded her head, unsure if she could find her voice. When she did, it wasn't with an answer to his question. "Oh my God. That was amazing." She flushed, mortification plainly evident as that wasn't the first thing she'd planned on saying, even though it was true. She clapped one arm across her breasts and squeezed her thighs shut. She must look absolutely wanton sprawled in the chair like this.

Logan couldn't stop the twitch of his lips and the quirk of his eyebrow. Her nervousness had just returned in spades and he thought once again, she wouldn't appreciate the humor of it. Things could only have been more intimate if he'd actually shed his pants and buried himself in her body like he'd wanted. Being modest now was kind of a moot point. Taking pity on her, he pulled a blanket from the back of the couch and wrapped it around her, careful of her injuries.

Marie sighed, appreciating the protection the blanket afforded Logan from her skin. She didn't even want to think about what could have happened if Logan hadn't pulled away from her when he did. Logan picked her up in his arms and carried her down the hall to her bedroom. He sat her on the bed and pressed a kiss to the crown of her head where her hair would shield her. "Good night, darlin'."

Marie didn't fight the small smile that flitted across her lips. "Good night, Logan." She curled on her side as Logan tucked her comforter around her. Just for tonight, she was extremely glad that Logan was a man of few words. Her lids were already drifting shut when she felt Logan's fingertips brush the hair away from her temple. Wasn't that just like Logan to be so gentle? Actually, no it wasn't, her tired mind reminded her. She didn't bother trying to contemplate it any further as Logan shut her door behind him.