Hi! I'm EldestofFiveSisters14 (Eldest for short) and I have a question for you. Did you ever wonder what would have happened if KAA continued the Animorph series? Well this book is your answer.

Well I haven't actually talked to KAA about what her book would be like but... it's MY book and I don't have to talk to KAA in order write it. No I don't people.



Voice: Hello is this Miss Eldest's story room?

Me: What are you?

Voice (with a huge hint of pride): I am an Andalite.

Me: Who are you?

Voice: Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill

Me: Wait… what are you doing here with me. You're supposed to be on the other side of the Galaxy.

Ax: But you signed a contract.


Ax whips out piece of paper from thin air, shakes it and it drops out to four feet long.

This contract. It says that 'In order to put your story on-line without the chance of getting sued you must do two things.

Me: (Annoyed) And those things are?

Ax: At least one character must appear at the beginning of each chapter and you must thank the reviewers of the story at the end of each chapter.

Me: (Suspiciously) Where does it say that Axy?

Axy: I do not know where you get Axy from. My name is Aximili while my friends call me Ax.

Me: It's my nickname for you, besides it sounds cute.

Axy shudders: As I was saying it's in the small print.

Me: Axy, NOBODY reads the small print on those kinds of things

Axy: Oh.

Me: But you can stay and watch this story with me.

Axy: Do you have popcorn and M&Ms?

Me: Yeah here. Gives popcorn, M&Ms and soda to Ax Don't eat it all at once… Ax gobbles down everything…Never mind.

A Glimpse into the Future

Wedding bells rang everywhere, including the Andalite home world. Three couples walk out of a church Jake and Cassie, Marco and Michele, Tobias and Rachel. On the Andalite world one more couple stands; Ax and Anidoria-Isilee-Ethlin.


Now you might be wondering, "Wait! Wasn't Rachel dead, Jake, Marco, and Tobias trying to save Ax, and Jake and Cassie's relationship ruined?" Yes, but a lot has happened.

After the death and cremation of Rachel, Tobias was heartbroken. He didn't know about Marco and Jake and Ax. He was alone in his meadow and always had been, or so he thought. You remember right? Jake went to tell him about Ax, and get his help because…l Ax and Tobias are family and shorms, someone closer than a friend.

Tobias goes with Marco, Jake and some other people into the unknown to save Ax from this unknown being. But they're losing the battle, so Jake sent Tobias in an escape pod back to Earth with a mission; tell everyone that they were losing the battle and they may not make it home this time. Of course Tobias protested until Jake said, "Tobias please tell Cassie I'm sorry and that if I do make it back to Earth that I want to go on a date, that I want a second chance." When Tobias didn't argue anymore he knew Tobias would go. Into the pod Tobias flapped and Jake set it on course to Earth.

Tobias was morphing human and demorphing before the two hour limit. He was very close to Earth when he accidentally hit the remove oxygen button. Whooooosh! Out went the oxygen. As Tobias fell his hand hit the oxygen button. Hissssssssss! Oxygen went into the pod from a store on the pod's back. But the damage had been done, Tobias was unconscious. He was in trouble; no one was controlling the pod, except the Ellimist realized that Tobias needed to be someplace else for the correct things to happen, so he guided the pod down to Tobias' meadow and disintegrated the pod. Tobias woke up and thought; oh this was all a dream which we know it wasn't. But he just went on with life. The Ellimist was flabbergasted; he was supposed to make Tobias remember that everything wasn't a dream. The Ellimist snapped his fingers. He had an idea.

The next day, who should walk into Tobias' territory but Rachel! Tobias was very surprised. He looked over to the spot were he kept the cremation box. Gone! Tobias thought, this has Ellimist written all over it. But who really cared, Rachel was ALIVE!


Rachel is it really you?

All of the sudden…C~R~A~C~K! The branch that Tobias had been perched on broke. Tobias was growing larger, too large for the tree branch. His feathers looked as if some big pencil were erasing their outline and other details. When it was just splotches of brown and white and reddish brown, the color changed to flesh tone. Two talons of each group of three split forming five blunt toes, the back talon withered away to nothing. His spine elongated, along with all the other bones, changing from the light, hollow bones of a bird to the sturdy, thick bones of a human. SHLOOP! The beak disappeared quickly, softening into lips. The sharp glaring eyes of the hawk dimmed to those of a human. Two tiny, shriveled arms protruded from the front of his chest with fingers like a baby's. They bent and merged with the wings, at the tips of which fingers were growing. At the last minute a black and white spandex shirt and hunter green biking shorts appeared over the flesh.

Once Tobias was finished gaping at himself and Rachel; the Ellimist made his appearance in a humanoid form; an old man, winkled with age but glowing blue; as if he was strung with lots of tiny LED Christmas lights. Ah you have seen each other! Wonderful.

"I knew it was you!"

What's wrong Tobias? You have Rachel back.

"Are you playing your games again? I never left."

"Rachel, you died." Tobias looked at her sadly. "That mission to the blade ship Jake sent you on, it didn't end so well. You killed Tom, but… another controller killed you. We all saw it happen."

"What?" exclaimed Rachel.

Yes, Rachel you died.

"But I don't remember anything like… uh… maybe… dying."

"That's probably because he swiped your memory."

Yes, Tobias.

"Well then Mister Mighty, tell me why I'm back."

Tobias needs to realize that what he thinks was a dream is not a dream. I granted his dearest want; you, to convince him.

"Rachel is here, but I'm not convinced."

I granted two things that you have wished for often, things that would not stay if you were dreaming; Rachel and something else,theEllimist said with a smile that revealed perfect teeth, not normal for an old man.

"What did you do to Tobias?" questioned Rachel suspiciously.

Tobias now has his human form.

"What!" Tobias yelped. Rachel got a murder look in her eyes.

"You took away his morphing?"

No. He will find that he can still change into all the animals he has acquired. That ability will be needed in the time to come.

"So… what do I do now?"

Well that is up to you to decide. But if you will recall I believe Jake asked you to do something for him, and the Ellimist was gone.

"Tobias what did Jake ask you to do?" Rachel questioned as they walked hand in hand. They were going to the scoop, which Tobias had kept in order.

"Well, he asked me to tell everyone that they're losing against that thing that has Ax, and… to tell Cassie he wants to go on a date with her if he makes it back here."

"I see, are you going to tell everyone?"

"Yeah! It would be wrong if, now that I've remembered, I left everyone thinking that their dead. Of course I don't… they might be. Yes, I'm going to tell them what happened."

"Then what are you going to do?" She looked him in the eye. He looked away, finding the tree bark very fascinating.

"I don't know, I mean. I'm 18, what do I do?"

"Well you could go to college. You could… get a job doing something you love. And you don't have to eat raw mammals ever again. Maybe you can find a girl… have a life again"

"But I don't need to find a girl, I already have you."

"Oh, that is so sweet Tobias."


Me: Bye, Axy. I want to thank Crazy Computer's Vendetta from; The Animorphs Restart, for the idea of interacting with a couple characters


of course we can go get something. Tobias? Tobias?

Me: Hi peeps. In this chapter the people that stay with me here are going to be… the one the only…drum roll please… Rachel

Rachel: Hey! Who are you? And while we're at it where am I?

Me: You are the next contestant on… Lets Watch An Animorph Story. Smiles a show-hostess smile

Rachel: Well then you can be my next contestant on, Let Me Squash Your Brain.

Me: while running around movie theatre room, Ahhhhhh! No don't hurt me please! Jake help!

Rachel: Jake can't help you. I won't stop until I pound you into the floor!

Me: Help! I'm being pounded into the floor by a scary person! Somebody, PLEASE!

Jake: Rachel, what are you doing to our new author?

Rachel stops pounding me into the ground and looks at Jake

Don't stop me Jake, she took me away from my Tobias. Besides you're across the Galaxy saving Ax.

Jake: I'm right here. For now, and it's a good thing too. Helps me out of the ground. Here you go Eldest. Rachel stands fuming

Me: Thank you, but don't you think Cassie might be mad?

Rachel: Uh, Duh! Of course she won't. We're talking about Cassie, all she would say is, imitates Cassie's voice; Oh, how nice of Jake to help the new author when Rachel is pounding her into the ground.

Jake and Me: Wow.

Jake: Rachel you did Cassie really well.

Me: Please sit down. Make yourselves comfy. Jake you might want to be careful of this chapter because it has you in it, with some pretty intense situations. Let's Begin!*


When we first left, Cassie was the young government official for the Hork-Bajir, and Jake was off with Marco and some other people to try save Ax from the Crayak, that was after Jake sent Tobias back to Earth thinking they would all die. Jake and Marco saved Ax with a small loss. Jake was severely wounded so he was rushed back to earth with Marco, while Ax went back to his world not too much damaged, except his worry for his prince. Let's go straight to the time when Jake is landed.


I was in my office, trying to read some boring politician's paper on how we should be trying to make peace with Dandren Fri; a newly discovered intelligent alien species that had been living in the Colorado Rockies for years. This is what I get for agreeing to be the United States Alien representative. All papers and laws, no actual interaction. Man, what I wouldn't give to have a break—

Beep, beep.

"Yes, Layla?"

"Ms. Cassie you have an urgent call from someone who refused to give his name." My secretary sounded really worried.

"Well, put him through, I don't think it could be an alien assassin."

"Yes, Ms. Cassie."


"Cassie? You might want to go to the hospital right away!"

"Marco?" I gasped. "What happened Marco?"

"It's Jake. The ship got damaged after we rescued Ax and there was an explosion, Jake was nearest to it and he…"

"Tell me, I can handle it."

"Well he got a pretty bad gash on his head and lost a lot of blood; he's in a comma. He's going to need a blood transfusion. Do you have a ride or something'?"

"Yeah, I'll drive myself and get there in about five minutes. Bye."


Jake: I get in a comma that's so not cool.

Me: Shhh! I warned you that an intense problem would have you in it.

Five minutes later…

I burst into the hospital and almost ran down Tobias and Rachel. Rachel!

"Rachel! What? How are you-you're supposed to be dead!"

"Yeah, I know! That's what everyone tells me, but quit catching flies. Tobias and I'll tell you later, Jake's been moved from the ER in room 5 in the intensive care unit. The doctor said that they need to be able to keep and eye on him in case his status changes."

"Okay. Bye!" I walked as quickly as I could, without disturbing the other patients, while rushing to room #5.

Although I knew what to expect, it still hurt me to see Jake, my Jake, with a bunch of tubes, machines, and other things needed to keep him alive; hooked up to him. I sat down in a chair; hard. I knew that I shouldn't cry, Jake would want me to be strong, he would say that he knows I can do it, that I could see him without crying. Unfortunately, that just made me cry harder.

A couple minutes later when Marco, Tobias and Rachel walked in that's how they found me. I quickly sat up, wiped at my tears angrily, and smiled a weak smile. "Hi, guys. I bet I look terrible." Rachel shook her head and hugged me tight.

"Cassie… I'm so, so sorry! I shouldn't have let this happen," Marco berated himself angrily.

"It wasn't your fault Marco, besides even if you knew this was going to happen you couldn't have stopped it." I pointed out.

"I know but still." He insisted.

"You shouldn't feel any guilt."

"I don't know, Marco." Rachel teased trying to lighten the mood. "Maybe you should listen to Cassie, since you are such a wimp. I don't think you can take the weight of the guilt."

"Ok fine. I can take your teasing; I think I need a little teasing after this break. Hey you know, this looks like something from ER. We should go on TV."

"Marco, last time I knew you, you were on TV."

"Oh, very funny, Tobias."

"Cassie, I feel very left out, what have I-" Rachel took my arm.

"Rachel, Cassie why don't you girls get us men something to eat and drink." commanded Marco in his most manly voice.

"Excuse me? Marco, I might have died and Cassie might be heartbroken but that doesn't make us your personal slaves. Come on, Cassie you can tell me what I missed over a cup of coffee."

(Change of POV= Third Person)

The next day after lunch…

Rachel walked into Jake's room to find Cassie talking to him and holding his hand. "…and I'm so sorry, Jake, about the blue box and Tom. I just felt that if you had to kill him, I'd lose you. Anyway, I hid the box somewhere safe, I was given it from the government, and the Andalite government said it was ok. They didn't want it back and our government said it didn't belong in a museum. So I got it. I promise I hid it safely. Guess what? The Ellimist brought Rachel back to us! It isn't the same without you, though." she laughed, "Marco commented last night that it was weird that you our fearless leader was holed up in a hospital, those were his exact words. Jake… do you think you could hang on for me? I don't know what I would do if I lost you. I know that I acted all mad and frustrated with you before you left to save Ax, but I didn't mean it."

Rachel stepped out of the room and rejoined the others in the lobby. When they walked in an hour later, Cassie was asleep in a chair with Jake's hand clasped tightly in hers.


Me: Jake, don't you realize how sweet your girlfriend is?

Jake: I do now. Wow, she cried because I'm… um, was… am… in a comma?

Rachel: Of course! Boy, for being in love with Cassie you would think he doesn't know her at all.

Jake: *defensively* But I thought she liked that other guy she works with…Ronnie somebody.

Me and Rachel: NO!

Me: See Jake? Cassie loves you and only you. Now you and Rachel have to go back to relive that moment for real

Rachel and Jake: HUH!

Me mysteriously: I gave you a look into your future but you will remember nothing of this when you go back. MWAHAHAHAH! MWHAHAHA!

Goodbye and have a nice day.

Jake and Rachel disappear.

Me: Phew! I thought I'd never get rid of that mad girl. Good thing I'm nothing like her right? Silence from other people in the theatre, cricket chirps.

OH! You people are hopeless! Anyway PLEASE REVIEW my work so far. I'd like your opinions. Not that I'll listen to them. MWHAHAHAHAHA! MWHAHAHAHAHA!


Me: Okay today I have The Ellimist and Marco? Fine! Hey where are my characters for this chapter!

Marco offstage: They called in sick. Well at least the cute and funny boy Marco did.

Me: Marco you really should work on your talking.

Marco: Why? I mean why should he?

Me: You pretty much sign you talk, everything you say yells HI I'M MARCO!

Marco: At least I didn't lie, my cuteness and humor exceeds everything.*:D*

Me: *chuckles* except your ego.

Marco: *:O*

Ellimist: Was that a peaceable comment dear author? I don't think it was *frowns* but I do not get sick so I am here. I would like to get back to playing with the Crayak though.

Me: Okay, Lets start the chapter, Marco and Ellimist you can make comments if you want. Maybe.

Four Days Later…



Everyone jumped up; nurses and a doctor ran in with defibrillators.

Cassie saw them and fell into Rachel's arms in a dead faint. A nurse ran out and came back with a foldable cot, Rachel and Tobias carried Cassie to it; moving it to an out-of-the-way corner, Marco stood still in terror watching the doctors every move.

"I want these set on 3 V/cm's." The doctor called to the young nurse at the defibrillator monitor. She turned a dial. The paddles were placed with a precision that could only come from much practice. Snap! The electricity coursed though Jake's body contracting the muscles a little…

"No, response doctor." The nurse spoke not turning from the screen.

"Then turn it to 5 V/cm's." Snap! Another shock wave, everyone in the room held their breathe. The heart monitor began the beep of steady heartbeats again. The doctor sighed, and began helping another nurse push the monitor out of the way, the nurse that had brought in the cot took the machine out into the hallway. Rachel pulled Marco to a chair and made him sit down.

The doctor turned to Rachel and Tobias after reexamining Jake, "His coma status hasn't changed from Level 1, he is still unresponsive to any simulation. But fortunately he's still with us. Unfortunately if the connection from his heart to his brain was disrupted, causing the heart failure, the cerebellum may have been damaged in the explosion and slowly been shutting down or there might be some pressure being built up from blood pooling. I am hoping that his heart stopped because of pooling because we can drain the blood and maybe save his life. If it's his cerebellum shutting down I'm afraid there isn't anything we can do for him. We could put him on life support but he wouldn't be able to respond. It would just postpone the inevitable." Tobias held Rachel up while her legs buckled.

"Thank you, doctor-?"

"Sutton, Brad Sutton. I will probably be Jake's doctor while he is staying at the hospital. We can only hope and pray Jake wakes up." A beeper beeped at his belt, "I'm sorry but I am needed in another room immediately." He walked quickly out of the room

Tobias led Rachel to the end of the cot and sat her down gently, then left to get Rachel, Marco and himself each a cup of coffee with extra caffeine. It would be a long night.

"That was too close." Rachel commented from the not-so-comfy cot. She glanced over at Cassie lying beside her. Marco looked over at her too. Then looked away, talking under his breath, "I totally knew that she didn't love Ronnie." He looked at Rachel, noticed her listening and continued, more loudly. "Cassie came over a lot to talk with me, since Jake's been gone. Tobias was gone, and you were dead. One day she brought Ronnie over; she wanted my opinion of him.

"What do you mean… who's Ronnie?"

Marco kept staring out of the window, "Ronnie Chambers is a back-stabbing lowlife who jumped into Cassie's life when Jake jumped out. When I met him I liked him well enough. So they started going out, it was going great; Cassie got happier and happier. Then things got bad, first Cassie's mom died from cancer. Cassie came to my studio crying, but not about her mom. Ronnie had told her that he was through with her and her talking and crying about Jake. Dumped her right after her mom died… he's a selfish, no-good, fame-craving weasel. Anyway as it turns out it was true that Mr. Chambers was only getting close to Cassie for the fame and money he could get out of her." Marco glared out the window."

"I can guess; the boyfriend of an Animorph. But I thought you were all for getting rich and popular when you possibly can."

"Yeah, but not at the expense of my friends," He smiled grimly, "unfortunately since we're the Animorphs everything in our lives are published, ever rumor, every bad choice, every mistake… so the story of Ronnie and Cassie was all over the magazines and ET. Ridiculous rumors on why Ronnie left, why he came… Cassie was really hurt."

Rachel looked at Jake's form still from the coma, "Where was Jake when all this happened? Because if my memory serves Jake wouldn't let something like that happen to Cassie. I mean, I understand why he was mad… but it worked out all right didn't it? He shouldn't be holding a petty grudge against her."

"Nobody really knows why, Jake was there in body, just not in mind. I visited him right after the whole 'fiasco' and told him what happened. He said he was sorry then walked out of the room. He felt terrible when you died Rachel, we all did. But Jake the most, he carries the weight of you death, cause he doesn't know your now alive. Maybe he won't want to wake up because of his guilt." Marco stopped talking when Tobias walked in, "They only had decaf, and powder creamer, sorry Rachel."

"That's alright; I think I can survive without caffeine for a while." She reached for her cup, and held on to Tobias' hand with hers.


When Cassie woke up a half-hour later, her first thought was, is Jake Ok? She remembered what happened, Jake's heart had stopped. Was he dead?

Cassie refused to look at the hospital bed, fearing the worst. She started to sob. Rachel rushed to her side and before she could say anything, gave her a cup of water and said, "Don't worry. Jake's fine."

Cassie sighed with relief. She looked around the room; Marco and Tobias were both asleep in the chairs and Rachel had brought in a stack of fashion magazines. She looked over at Jake; he looked peaceful and the monitor showed a steady heartbeat.

Me: If you don't know what defibrillators are well… tough. Look it up on Google or somethin'.

Marco: Even I know what defibrillators are. Whispers to me, What are they?

I glare.

Marco: Sorry Eldest, no need to glare.

Ellimist: Eldest I do not think that this conversation is very peaceable.

Marco pointing at the Ellimist: You know maybe that will be Cassie in a few years.

Ellimist: That was not a kind thing to say, Marco. I for one believe that we should…

Marco shocked: What happened to him?

Me shrugging: I muted him with the universal remote that all authors have.

Vendetta appears magically beside high five each other then she leaves.

Marco: Hey that was the lady that tortured everyone.

Me: She didn't torture you Taylor did that. You didn't know I could bring her here did you, Grins evilly.

Marco: You're just like her! Runs away screaming, Help! We have a twin Vendetta! Help!

I grab universal remote and mute Marco, He and the Ellimist glare, I ignore.


Marco: *no longer muted by stealing the remote* I just thought of something. Cassie is really sweet. First she faints from fear and then when she wakes up her first thought is that of Jake not if she herself is ok.

Me: Shut up or I'll have to mute you again.

Ellimist: You do not have to mute me Oh Powerful One of The Remote.

Me: Well Ellimist, Marco you're done here.

Marco: Fine be like that, shove us off as soon as the chapter is done.

Ellimist raises hand: Author may I leave here?

Me: Sure? Ellimist leaves. Marco after your comment I think you deserve a nickname.

Marco: NOOOO! Falls on knees and lands at my feet, Please I'll do anything to not get a really bad short nickname.

Me: Do you want Pipsqueak or Half-Pint?

Marco: Uh, can I have neither?

Me: Nice try. Snaps fingers and Rachel appears.

Rachel which name do you like better Pipsqueak or Half-Pint?

Rachel taps her chin in thought, How about Half-Pint. My little sister Sara watches Little House On The Prairie ALL the time. I think Marco would like it better if he were nicknamed after a girl. (Laura Ingalls anyone?)

Marco stares in horror at both of us, then runs screaming into a wall falling unconscious.

Me: Rachel, thanks for the help. I think his nickname will be Half-Pint. Marco groans.


Redone Note: I have rewritten all three chapters trying to make it sound better, by adding a morphing sequence (chapter 1), getting rid of AnimorphLand stuff in the middle of the chapters that interrupt it. In chapter 1 I redid some lines and tried to make the Ellimist sound more Ellimisty, and not like he's interfering. (I felt like he was interfering and so I rewrote it saying that he 'granted the things Tobias' wishes.') Adding some more dialogue to chapter 3 which I realized was really short. (Its still short though.) And just overall fixings.

Hope it reads better! :D