Seal of Poison

Disclaimer:I Don't Own Naruto or any of the Characters in Naruto

"Hello" Humans talking

'Hello' Humans Thinking

"Hello" Demon/Summon Talking

"Chidori" Jutsu

Enjoy the Story



"Death to the Demon!" That's the one shout that could be heard going across the streets this night. Now you wouldn't normally hear this shout in any kind of village but especially not Konoha where they say all the people there are family and comrades, yet this is the kind of stuff that you can hear now if you were to be walking the streets of Konoha at night. You might also see a 5 year old child running away from an angry mob as they shout this and more profanities at the young boy.

"Kill the Demon!"

"Cleanse the village of it's taint"

"Get back here demon brat!"

'Every god damn day this happens I can't ever get a break from it!' Hearing the sound of the air being split the young child looked behind him only to feel immense pain as a kunai pierced through the back of his knee.

"Why...Why do you keep doing this to me....What have i ever done to any of you." Sobbed the now immobile and cornered child.

"You know damn well what you did to us Hell Spawn!" Said a large fat man at the front of the mob.

"We're tired of your lies and tricks demon....So now lets finish what Yondaime-Sama started!" Shouted a Woman with strikingly pink hair.

The mob began to move forward eager to finally be rid of the Demon that had plagued their village for so long. Only for them to stop short as a Cyclone of Leaves appeared in between the mob and the injured child.

"ANBU we better get out of here now"Shouted one of the villagers.

"Now Now Now no one said I was going to arrest any of you....In truth I say we dispose of this monster right now." Stated the ANBU in a Inu mask another noticeable distinction about this man that the child could see was his silver hair.

The Child just stared in abject horror as the man that the villagers had called ANBU griped his right wrist only to see sparks of electricity start to shoot out of his open palm. The child shut his eyes waiting for the pain to come and the last thing he heard was the cry of "Chidori!" then he felt the searing pain of a hand being shoved through his chest cavity and out the other side as well as the effects of the lighting as it coursed through his boy. he also smelled what he knew to be his own blood burn as it dripped down on the ball of electricity in the mans hand as it passed through him.

"Now get this creature and dispose of the corpse in training ground 44 that way one of the animals in there will be able to dispose of the body for us and we won't have to deal with the old man getting to suspicious about him being dead and tracking it to us......I Said GO NOW!" Explained then commanded the Inu masked ANBU to the villagers.

"As you say ANBU-san we'll get on it right away........Lets get the Demons Corpse tot he Forest of Death people NOW!" Hurriedly stated then commanded the Fat man who was now clearly shown to be the leader of the mob.


Mindscape at this moment

"Where the hell am I now the villagers must have dumped me in a sewer again......hmmmm what would that make it this time 10th maybe 20th ahhhh i lost count........"stated the blonde 5 year old child to himself."Might as well go look for an exit now."

So the child looked around him only to find out that he was sanding in a puddle of water going up to his feet and that the only other place for him to go would be down the dark tunnel where errily enough a crimson light was coming from. So the Blonde gaki slowly crept along the tunnel through the water to the next area of the sewer only to come face to face with a massive gate being sealed shut by a small bit of paper with the kanji for seal on it.

And just like any other curious child would do he started to head right for the gate to see what was there.

"Ah so my jailor finally decides to grace me with his ever so wonderful presence" roared a voice from the dark depths of the Gated area.

"Jailor.....What are you talking about?.........and for that matter Who the HELL are you!?" Shouted and questioned the blonde.

"Well for whom I am I AM THE GREAT AND ALL MIGHTY KYUUBI NO KITSUNE!............" Declared the now visible and gigantic nine tailed fox lord......only to be interrupted by the still curious 5 year old.

"So you expect me to believe that your the almighty Kyuubi Lord of hell and all demons is my prisoner."stated the blonde only to start roaring with laughter....Which stoped about two seconds later when one of the fox's tails wrapped around the small child's waist bringing him too a stop in fornt of one of the giant glowing red eyes of the fox demon.

"YOU WOULD DARE LAUGH AT ME YOU INSIGNIFICANT WORM I'VE KILLED GREATER BEINGS THAN YOU FOR FAR LESS THAN LAUGHING AT ME! at me grant it no ones be foolish enough to ever laugh at me before you kit." Roared Kyuubi only to end up stating that the blonde gaki before him was the first being to ever laugh at him.

"Ok so you are the kyuubi but how in the name of Kami-sama did i end up being your jailor.......and WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE!" Questioned the blonde....."and another thing my names not kit it's NARUTO....UZUMAKI NARUTO!" stated the now named Naruto.

"Fine then i'll answer your order the Yondaime couldn't hope of ever killing a being of my magnificence or power so he did the next best thing he summoned that old bastard Shinigami and locked my soul away in a new born child i.e you.....As to where we are you happen to be within your own mind." explained the Kyuubi."Now Kit I REFUSE to have a weak vessel because it makes me look bad to be sealed away in a mortal who cant even uphold my reputation of destruction and glory......So I'm going to train you so for this to work out your going to have to rip a piece of the seal and I'll be able to communicate with you freely as well as I'll give you a gift." continued the great fox lord.

"So I get advanced training and a gift.....from you but whats the catch to this I don't see the almighty kyuubi giving this stuff away for free." asked the blonde suspiciously.....Then growing a little sad as he continued " So if your sealed in me what does that make me a Demon like the villagers claimed......" Questioned the blonde only to have his voice slowly fade out at the end.

"Kit your no demon those villagers are just ignorant fools.....As for what i get out of this i'll be able to feel what you feel from the outside such as smells, sounds, even sights." states then explains in a now more sympathetic and caring voice to the young blonde kid.

"Alright thanks for the comfort......but it is a little odd for a great demon lord like you to even care for how I'm feeling so.....Thanks for at least caring a bit......And i guess it wont harm anything to give you a bit more freedom." says Naruto so the small child unwraps the fox tail from around him only to land face first in the water down below. Trying to right him self as quickly as possible walks towards the seal and rips a quarter of the seal off.

"Kit its time for you to wake up you seem to have been dumped in a forest of some kind but the animals here seem a bit more violent than normal creatures so be careful." states the kyuubi

"Alright Furball talk to you later I guess" Said Naruto as he fades out of his own mind back to the world of the wakeful and living.


Real World-Forest of Death-

The surrounding carrion and other animals that had come for the young childs corpse were soon surprised when the 'corpse' started to move around as if waking from a nice peacful sleep instead of what the blood on his cloths would suggest. As said child got up he made a quick inspection of his clothes and came to one insurmountable conclusion and that was.

"Shit now i have to find a new set of cloths unless.........I want to walk around looking like the walking dead" said our favorite blonde child just before he made his observation of his surrounding which came to 'where the FUCK am I' such a remarkable conclusion for a 5 year old......Then he noticed the pack of wolves circling their once tasty treat only for it to become living prey in their eyes.

"Well that can't mean anything good for me but......Then again when has anything been good in my life."states the now some what frightened blonde."Good doggies.......Nice doggies you don't want to eat me do ya."his only response was for the wolves to start circling in on him.

The Alpha of the pack began to growl louder as he got closer to the child. Naruto looking around for any possible way to escape........found none and came to one conclusion he was 'screwed'. Then seeing a stick decided for one desperate act and pray to Kami for it to work, so he picked up the stick and threw it as far as he possibly could except......... It hit a tree across the clearing from him.

All of the wolves heads had turned at seeing the stick thrown and by some act of Kami (a miracle) or some instinct found in dogs they went go fetch the stick. The Alpha letting out a low growl at the others as they started to head for the stick, seeing his chances slowly slipping away he starts to worry more only to shortly hear a bark from the Alpha Wolf as it brought the stick back to him. See no other options available he took the stick from the Wolfs mouth and threw it for him again.

'I really need to find away out of here' He thought only to look down to see the glowing eyes of the wolf as it stared at him expectantly.

"You really want me to continue to throw the stick for you" The blonde child asked in disbelief only to receive a nod from the wolf as if it could understand what he was saying. So he threw the stick once again this time farther than the last two times.

Only this time he didn't try to run or look for an escape route all he did was wait for the wolf to return with the stick and he spent the rest of the night playing with the wolves and their pups that were there to all he did was throw some sticks for them and bask in the glow of being accepted even if it was by an animal. He finally had a place that he could actually call a home now all he had to do was make a comfortable living area for himself out here in the woods that seemed to be only filled with animals that were too dangerous to have around humans. Such as the snakes, wolves, scorpions, and even poisonous frogs and bugs.

The next morning we find our favorite blonde child running out of the forest on his way to the Hokage Tower completely ignoring the looks of shock, anger, hatred, and rage from the villagers that saw him. He only barely heard the secretary outside the Hokages office say that he couldn't go in there because the Hokage was busy at the moment.

"Hey jiji-san I wanted to ask you something" said the practically dancing with joy Naruto who had just broken down the doors to the Hokages office but what else was new.

"Alright. Alright just calm down Naruto and tell me what it is and I'll see what i can do." said a elderly voice that came from a elderly looking man sitting behind the only desk in the room that just so happened to have massive amounts of paper work stacked up around it he was wearing some red and white robes with a matching hat that had the kanji for 'Fire Shadow' on it.

"Well you see oyaji last night I was chased into these woods that have a big fence surrounding it and well.... When i woke up after passing out there was this pack of dogs surrounding me so I threw a stick to see I could didn't work but the doggy brought it back to me and i kept playing with it and soon I was playing with all of them along with some of the other animals in the I was wondering if you could possibly help me build a house out there for me to live in." rushed the hyperactive blonde

"OK let me get this straight Naruto-kun you were chased into a fenced off forest wich must have been training ground 44 or better known as The Forest of Death...and then you 'played' with a pack of wolves and other creatures in there that would most likely kill or frighten even the most battle hardened shinobi." the old man said putting extra emphasis on played " and now your asking to live in one of the most dangerous training grounds we have"

"Yep that would be what I'm saying know you catch on pretty fast for a old man" stated Naruto now sufficiently calmed down.

"Yes well Naruto you have to realize that I can't let you live out there it wouldn't be safe for you to live with all those animals that might try to eat you" Said the Hokage in his most resonable yet commanding tone possible.

"Oh sure Hokage-sama and I'm so much 'safer' in my apartment that's what be broken into and burned down nearly 200 times now" said Naruto with with as much sarcasm as he could muster in safer and his voice slowly losing its playful happy child quality for a more somber and mature voice as he progressed.

'No child's voice should sound like that' thought the old man."Alright I'll admit I've made a few mistakes so far but you've survived this long........Now if those animals get a hold of you they'll eat you and not even give you a chance to recover from their attack." said the Hokage trying to be reasonable with the child.

"jiji if they were going to eat me they had every chance to do so last night.....Hell for that matter I slept in the wolfs den my self so I figure if they were going to kill then eat me they would have done so by now."explained the blonde gaki in a surprisingly mature, reasonable, and logical way.

"Fine Naruto-kun you can live there....Just don't die in there."said the old Hokage as he conceded defeat to the a 5 year old child.

"Thanks jiji it's a real help and don't worry about the shelter i'll take care of building it my self!" Exclaimed Naruto joyfully

"Your Welcome Naruto-kun....but how do you plan on building a house or shelter for that matter seeing as how your only 5."said the Hokage trying to figure out what Naruto was planning from the mischievous smile that now graced the young boys face.

"Well jiji until I can figure out how to build a house period I might as well live with the wild animals that you say are going to eat me."Said Naruto with a fox like grin appearing on his face.

"Now Naruto-kun you really don't have to I can always hire someone to build the house for y...."the old Hokage started to say only to be abruptly cut off near the end by Naruto

"Jiji you know that they wouldn't want to hell even some of the most battle hardened ANBU try to avoid 'The Forest of Death' which in turn makes it an excellent place for my home because no one will bother me there because......their to scared of dying to go anywhere inside it" explained the blonde Jinchuriki.

And with that Naruto turned around saying one last bye to the old man and left the office brushing off the glare from the secretary with practiced ease.

'Naruto I truly have failed you as well as your father' were the last thoughts from the Sarutobi before he looked back at his desk letting out a loud shout of frustration as the paperwork he had before was nearly twice as much as it was before Naruto came in.

"NOOOOOOOOO WHY MERCIFUL KAMI WHY!!!!!" Was all that was heard through the village it was also the last thing a certain blonde heard before he entered the the forest that would become his home and training grounds for the next few years.


OK so there's the prolog tell me what you think. As well as what I can improve on

This is my first fanfic more or less written out of the fact I couldn't find much more to read and so I wrote this if you want me to continue say so if not I might still write it any way.

Also tell me if you want me to give a brief over view of his years in training or if you want me to just skip over the training and give his skills as we go along I might do some training in flashbacks if you dont want it next chapter because some of it might be important later on.


Eternally trapped in a void of shadows.