Okay. I am sorry. I should'nt have had such an abominable delay between updates for this, and every other, story. I just...lost my spark, I guess.

But tonight something happened. I was on my computer and said 'Okay I need to post something.' And since it takes much more effort to right my serious stories, I decided to go the silly route. And so Plus Deadpool was updated! I will say this, I might just make a super Mega Crossover so I can work more Deadpool stuff in.

Okay, on with the show! And any questions, please just ask!

PS This is very, very raw. As in, I wrote it all up in one go, did spell check, and posted it up. So if something seems off, then there's your reason.


A deep breath.


Another deep breath.


"Will you stop that!"

A pause.





Ow! That actually hurt!

"Ow! That actually hurt!"

"You had it coming!" shouted Sokka.

"That doesn't mean you should've thrown the boomerang right in his face, Sokka." said Katara, who surprisingly sounded rather bored. Well, she was probably used to me doing something obnoxious until Sokka reacted with violence, either with his boomerang or club.

Speaking of said boomerang, which is currently wedged in your cranium, hows about getting it out?

Nah. It'll be a good gag for the rest of the story, anyway.

Yes, for the sake of hilarity, it makes sense to keep a boomerang stuck on your head.

It makes sense?

It makes sense.

"It makes sense."

"See, even Deadpool understands when a man is pushed too far he has to take action!" said Sokka.

"What? Oh, I wasn't agreeing with you Sokka, I was just talking to the yellow and white boxes."

Actually, we are now bold and italic, seeing as we aren't, ya know…

Sokka threw up his arms in frustration. "Whatever! It was my right! Right Zuko?"

"Right Sokka." grumbled Zuko.

Holy mother of inconsistent settings, where'd he come from!

Perhaps now would be a good time to actually describe where we are?

Oh yeah. No illustrations. Gotta narrate and stuff. Anyway. We're on the flying cow with six legs, which was flying. Which was why I was saying 'Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!' in the first place. Because we were flying. That reminds me…


Okay, okay. Anyway, we picked three more party members since I joined in (whenever that was). Since I'm kinda new to using only words to describe things that wasn't yuri slashfic, we shall use the ever-reliable Trope-Speak™! Okay we first picked up Toph, The Big Chick (but she's actually tiny, did ya catch the silly irony?), Chaotic Good, Little Miss Badass, and Boisterous Bruiser. Oh, and she earthbends, too.

Ahem. Then came Zuko PRINCE OF THE FIRE NATION AND HEIR TO THE THRONE! I don't think I'll ever let him live that one down. Anyway, tropes™. The Atoner, Badass Angster, Hot-Blooded (yes I went there), and Estrogen Brigade Bait despite the fact that he has a massive scar on his face. Oh, and he firebends, too.

And finally, the Eleventh Hour Ranger herself, Suki, Love Interest to Sokka, despite the fact that she is infinitely more masculine than him. Let's see: Action Girl…..that's it, actually. Oh, and she….punches, too.

Okay, phew. NOW can I do it?

Now why are you on the cow?

Aw come on!


Fine! Aang went bye-bye right before we went off to kill the Joker, I mean Luke Skywalker, I mean the Hobgoblin, I mean the Watcher-


Wow, the pop culture references really got me there. The Firelord! That's the fellow! So yeah, now we're looking for Aang 'cause he's, like, the main character, or something. Now can I?




Huh. No reaction?



I said everything aloud.


Yeah. Everyone is looking at me with those silly bug eyes people make whenever I'm around them for extended periods of time.

Which also begs the question; why do these kids let an obviously insane man travel with them?

Why, because the most powerful force known to man, that which guides us all and is the cause for the universe itself.

Plot, of course!


Okay, they're talking. I should perhaps pay attention. Love Interest Action Girl is saying something.

"Why do guys let him tag along, again?"

"He's useful," shrugged Sokka, "He's done a lot of good by us, besides I don't think we would've gotten this far without him."


So yeah. An hour or so later, we ended up at the tavern Zuko PRINCE OF THE FIRE NATION AND HEIR TO THE THRONE conveniently remembered. We walked in and….

Oh. My. God.

It's like all my twisted fantasies came together and made this divine sex goddess just for me!

Well, not ALL of your twisted fantasies. We'd have to put this on adultfanfiction if we did that.


Yes my lord.

She has a whip.

She has too many belts. (I admit I never understood this one)

She wears tight leather!

She can kick my ass!

Which she promptly did when I tried to swoon her with my charms. I don't know why I'm attracted to women that can kill me, it just sort of happens.

Anyway, Zuko PRINCE OF THE FIRE NATION AND HEIR TO THE THRONE convinces her to help us, but she can't seem to track Aang with his staff (his airbending stick you sickos!). By the way, she has what seems to be a demon mole. It has no eyes and a really long tongue. Cuh-reepy. And I think it's trying to mate with the cow.

Anywaaaaaaaay, its decided we need to find General Dragon McStudmuffin, cuz he's General Dragon McStudmuffin. Zuko PRINCE TO THE FIRE NATION AND HEIR TO THE THRONE somehow has his sandal from way back before he had any character development, which Leather Sex Goddess uses to track General Dragon McStudmuffin to BS(S) City. See what I did there? Did ya? I bet you did. You're a good kid, you're scared but you're not a coward.

That does not fit at all.

But it makes sense for maximum hilarity.

Please do shut up.

Anyway, Leather Sex Goddess leaves cuz she's too cool for us lame kids, and we get a random encounter! We run into Jeong Jeong, old badass guy, Piandao, old badass guy, Pakku, old badass guy, and Bumi, old badass guy. A pattern, perhaps?

No, it's just that all old guys in martial arts stuff are badasseseseses.

Mmkay. So now wh-