Hooray to a new Warriors story! This is Shattered Love and I plan to make a sequel to this story once I finish it. I estimate that there will be somewhere between thirty and forty chapters. This is my first Warriors Fanfic, so I hope you like reading the story.

Here's Chapter one! Enjoy!

Chapter 1: Kit to Apprentice

"Graypaw!" called a small kit. She poked her head out of the nursery and looked for her friend. Bluestar had just ended a Clan meeting and her mother had refused to let her come out.

"But mom, I'm six moons old! I should be able to go to Clan meetings now!" she argued to her mother when the meeting was first called.

"I know, and your apprentice ceremony will be soon, but some cat has to stay behind to watch the kits, and I'm not letting you go out there on your own." her mother, Featherfur replied softly. She bent down and licked her kit's head.

"I can't wait to be an apprentice!" she yowled at her mother. Featherfur sighed and turned to the mewling kits. Her daughter rolled her fire-red eyes before looking out the nursery.

"Graypaw!" she called again, wanting to see her gray-furred friend.

"Yes Mosskit?" he answered, walking over to her with a stranger at his side. The kit gasped and let her claws slid out, as her fur fluffed up.

"There's a rogue behind you!" she yowled rushing out of the nursery. Graypaw just crackled a laugh.

"He's not a rogue, or a loner either." he replied. The kit stopped growling and her fur returned to normal.

"Then who is he?" she asked, looking at the ginger stranger.

"This is Firepaw. He's going to be training to be an apprentice like me." he responded. Mosskit growled at the word apprentice. She thought it was unfair that Graypaw became an apprentice before her. They were the same age and were the best of friends in the nursery.

"Hi." Firepaw purred as Mosskit looked him over.

"He smells like a kittypet." she stated, standing next to Graypaw.

"I used to be one, but now I'm part of ThunderClan." the ginger tom meowed, standing firm.

"ThunderClan doesn't need more apprentices!" Mosskit snarled. Firepaw winced, thinking that he said something wrong.

"Don't worry; you'll be one before you know it." Graypaw reassured. Mosskit just flattened her ears. Taking a deep breath she looked at them.

"So what are you doing?" she asked.

"Taking a tour of the camp." Firepaw answered.

"Can I come?"

"Ask you're mother first." Graypaw reasoned.

"Fine. Mom, can I go with Graypaw and show the new cat around camp?!" she yowled. Featherfur walked out of the nursery, her light green eyes worried, and her fur twitching.

"I guess, but don't leave camp and be back before sundown." she told her daughter. She was very protective of Mosskit since her son, Mosskit's brother, Wolfkit, died from a raid by rogues.

"Thank you mom." Mosskit meowed, touching her nose to her mother's white and black flank.

"Come on then." Graypaw announced, walking toward the Warriors den. Featherfur watched her daughter as she went with the two young apprentices.

She has to grow up sometime, and I guess that time is now. She thought to herself. Frostfur and Speckletail walked up to her, distracting her from her thoughts. She nodded to them. Speckletail immediately went into the nursery to check on her kits, leaving her with Frostfur.

"Did you hear what happened?" Frostfur asked standing next to her, sadness shining in her eyes.

"No, Mosskit was arguing with me. I couldn't even hear myself think." she replied, looking at Frostfur.

"Redtail was killed!" That sent a shudder through Featherfur's splashed fur. "And Ravenpaw was seriously injured."

"The poor thing. I remember looking after him when he was nothing more than a newborn kit." The queens continued to talk, but Featherfur kept her gaze on the sleek, white figure in the distance. Her precious kit. She would soon have to deal with battles, and the horrors that come with it. Featherfur couldn't bear to imagine it.

"Here's the Warrior's den!" Mosskit shouted, jumping up and down. She was so excited just to be out of the stuffy nursery and away from all the whining kits.

"The senior warriors get to sleep in the middle where it's warmer." Graypaw added.

"But every cat has their own little nest, so when you choose where to sleep, you're stuck there. Now come on, I want to go see Spottedleaf!" Mosskit shouted with happiness. The two tomcats shared a look. "What?"

"We shouldn't go in there right now." Graypaw meowed, looking at her.

"Why? Spottedleaf loves it when I see her." she replied, feeling confused.

"She's busy with patients right now." Firepaw added, making her nervous.

"What happened?" she demanded. Graypaw took her away from the Warriors den and told her to lie down in the shade of the camp wall. Firepaw was a little confused, but stood next to Graypaw.

"There was a battle. R-Redtail was killed by a RiverClan warrior, and Ravenpaw was injured." Graypaw whispered. Mosskit gasped and looked at him with disbelief.

"T-then who's the new deputy?"

"Bluestar hasn't chosen one yet. But personally, I hope she picks Leopardstripe."

"He won't want that. Father doesn't want to be the deputy anyway." Mosskit replied, the shock ebbing away.

"You okay?" Graypaw asked her. She nodded. "Then let's go teach Firepaw how you never disturb the elders." After giving her a quick lick on the ear, they toured the rest of the camp.

When they reached the elders, they were welcomed with warm eyes and purrs.

"Hello youngsters." one greeted them.

"Hi Smallear, we're giving the newest apprentice a tour." Mosskit announced nodding politely. Graypaw repeated the action. The rest of the elders looked up and focused their attention on Firepaw, but only for a moment.

"So this is our new apprentice Firepaw." meowed a different cat.

"Yes." Firepaw responded, nodding like Mosskit and Graypaw.

"Welcome to ThunderClan." Several cats purred.

"Are you hungry?" Dappletail asked, giving Mosskit a soft lick between the ears.

"We could spare a mouse or two." Halftail meowed pointing to a small pile of prey.

"Thank you." The three young cats chimed at once.

"Firepaw, you should get first bite, since I doubt you've had anything as wonderful as mouse before." Mosskit joked, smiling to herself.

"Thanks." he responded sinking his jaws into a plump mouse. He closed his eyes as the warmth and flavors swept over him. Graypaw and Mosskit pushed him aside playfully.

"Let us have some!" Graypaw protested.

"Don't be rude to your new friends! Or else we'll gang up and take you down while you sleep!" Mosskit purred. After they each had some to eat, Bluestar called a Clan meeting. Mosskit followed them, hoping not to be noticed by her mother.

"Aren't you going to get in trouble?" Graypaw asked as they sat down.

"No. It's not sundown, and I'm still in camp." she retorted, searching the clearing while hiding behind her friends.

"Do you know what this meeting's about?" Firepaw inquired, trying to stop them from fighting.

"Bluestar's going to tell us who the new deputy will be." A new voice sounded. Only Firepaw jumped. Mosskit gave a small laugh as he licked his chest fur to hide his embarrassment.

"Leopardstripe." Graypaw motioned to the giant tabby as he sat next to Mosskit. His white legs looked like fresh fallen snow as the sun shined on them. His face looked alienated, as if belonging to two different cats. One side was white, while the other was striped brown and black. A single stripe started from the corner of his left eye and went down his back to his striped tail. The one thing Firepaw didn't understand, was his name. Along his light brown sides were darker colored spots, like a leopard. So where did the stripe part come in? His question was answered when Leopardstripe moved. The spots morphed into stripes as his fur quivered.

"You must've heard from Bluestar then." he meowed to Mosskit.

"That Redtail died? No Graypaw told me." she replied, tilting her head.

"Not that, the cere-, oh you don't know, then I'll keep it a secret."

"What are you talking about father?" she persisted, staring at him.

"Nothing. I'm going to go see where you're mother is." he smiled, leaving them.

"Guess you're not in trouble." Graypaw whispered once he was out of earshot. Mosskit opened her mouth, but was cut off as Bluestar bounded up to the top of Highrock. She let out a yowl that silenced her chattering Clan.

"Tonight we have many things to cover, both good and bad. To start with the bad, we all mourn our fallen deputy, Redtail. But life must go on. I say these words so that his spirit will approve of my choice." she paused, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Most of the warriors were looking at Tigerclaw, while some were staring at Leopardstripe from the corners of their eyes. But the giant tabby, along with Featherfur and the elders were looking at Lionheart. Even Whitestorm was staring at him. Bluestar opened her eyes. They were expressionless, as she looked over her Clan.

"Lionheart will be the new deputy of ThunderClan."

Lionheart stepped forward and nodded, "I will serve my Clan well."

"I know you will. Next to some happier news. One of our kits has been eagerly waiting to become an apprentice. Tonight, she finally will. Mosskit, come here." Mosskit was frozen to the ground as she heard her name. And only after a nudge from Graypaw and Firepaw did she finally move her paws. With one look at her mother and father, she saw pride in their eyes, making her the happiest cat in the world.

"From this day on, until she earns her warrior name, this apprentice shall be known as Mosspaw." Bluestar's gaze shifted from the newly apprenticed cat to a small brown dusky she-cat. "Mousefur, it is time you had your first apprentice, you will mentor young Mosspaw. You are a great fighter as well as a talented hunter. And you know when it is time to strike and when you need to listen. I know you'll be a great mentor for her and will teach her everything you know." Mousefur walked up to the young cat and gently touched noses with her. She looked as proud and excited as her new apprentice.

"Mosspaw! Mosspaw!" The Clan yowled with enthusiasm. Mousefur guided her to the edge of the group and continued to watch Bluestar.

"One of our apprentices has recently been left without a mentor. Dustpaw, your new mentor will be Darkstripe. I expect him to teach you everything he learned from Tigerclaw. Now I will take vigil for Redtail, you are dismissed." She finished and jumped to the bottom of Highrock. Graypaw and Firepaw ran over to Mosspaw.

"I told you that you would become an apprentice soon." Graypaw said, licking her on the forehead.

"I-I'm just so, so excited. I just can't believe I'm now going to be training with you guys." she stuttered, her eyes wide with eagerness.

"We're so proud of you Mosspaw." Featherfur and Leopardstripe purred, coming up to their daughter. Featherfur licked her kit on the ears as Leopardstripe placed his tail around her shoulders.

"We'll see you in the apprentice den." Graypaw announced, leaving them. Firepaw stayed, in till Graypaw wrapped his tail around his friend's throat and led him away.

"They need to be alone for right now." he meowed to the ginger tom as they headed to their den.

Just as they were settling in, Mosspaw joined them. She yawned as she curled up against Firepaw and Graypaw, her two friends. Giving them each a lick on the ear, she purred, and rested her head on her paws. Falling into a deep sleep, she felt as if nothing could go wrong.

This was just to show when this takes place. I don't own Warriors, but I do own some of the characters in this story. I.e. Featherfur, Leopardstripe, Mosspaw, and a few yet to come.

Please tell me what you think!