Surprise, Surprise

A/N: Hey people, its me again. I have an idea of where I am wanting to take this story. I'm so sorry that everyone is OOC. As you already know, Emma has left the story to me, and so I had nothing to do with the beginning. I will keep it, though, as Emma had done, but have their original personalities shine through. Okay, so basically, review and you get more chapters!

I don't wanna feel this pain,

I'm so tired of being ashamed

And my heart is so confused,

Because it still belongs to you.

Thinking about those days

Whenever you would call and say

That I would never be alone,

But here I am,

All on my own.


I didn't get. I didn't understand. And a small part of me didn't want to. But the more dominant part ruled it over, and I was reaching for answers. I was already annoyed with the fact that we had no idea where Bella was, and Jasper was just adding to that problem.

"I wish Alice was here; she would know what to do. And all of these emotions! Did you know someone is actually feeling the emotion triangle right now? Triangle, seriously!" Jasper shouted, and I simply sighed, rolling my eyes.

Rosalie was in the back seat, a breathing stone, if you will.

"Rose, are you hungry?" There was no response. I would have gotten worried but she always seemed to block everyone out when a big catastrophe had taken place.

It was times like those when I wished I could fall asleep. Jasper was driving, Rose was being-well, Rose. And I was lounging in the passenger seat. Being completely and utterly bored, I flicked on the stereo, it was turned right back off.

"Emmett, I'm trying to think. And I cant really do that when crap is playing." I scowled silently, and was left with a dead silence… again. I sighed a looked out the window. Loneliness is a serious illness, I thought to myself.

"Jasper, where do you think Bella is?" I asked, finding the need to hear a voice.

"That's what we are trying to figure out." Jasper stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. I huffed out an annoyed breath and began tracing invisible pictures in the air.

"Emmett," Jasper glanced at me, "what are you doing?"

"Acting like a psycho lunatic, and you?" I could practically feel the sarcasm dripping off of my voice.

"I'm starving," Jasper sighed.

Uh-oh, I thought. Even though Jazz was getting better at our animal diet, he was known to get tempted when he wasn't fed. Suddenly, I felt worried.

"Do you want to stop…?" I hinted, no wanting to risk a slip up from him.

" No, I just want to figure out what happened with Bella, and then go to Tanya." I felt an uneasy feeling rush into the pit of my stomach. I didn't really enjoy our little visits with Tanya. She was always really moody, and no offence to her, but she had a really annoying voice! It was like listening to someone running their finger nails down a chalkboard all day long! And I mean it when I say all day long; she would never shut up!

"Emmett! Can you calm down? Your emotions are bouncing off the walls!" Jasper screeched. With my "spidey-senses" I could hear him breathing in tuffs of air.

"Well excuse me for having feelings," I said and turned towards the window. It was lightly raining out and the palm trees didn't hold much of an interest. I felt useless because of the fact that I couldn't help anyone. Edward and his "family" were at home acting like a blood-sucking vampire clan. Rose was in the back seat still playing with her nails. I obviously wasn't getting lucky that night. And Bella was being held prisoner from some magic kahunas girl, and she could've been anywhere. I had never felt so lonely than in those few moments it took to process all that. I sighed.

"I feel your pain, Emmett, literally."

"Shut up, Jazz."

Edwards POV

You. Are. My. Meal. That was the only thing running through my head as I quietly stalked a blonde haired beauty. She had deep doe eyes, and for a human, she was quite the looker. Beneath her perfectly tanned skin though, was the only thing that I was after; her blood.

Blood is the key to survival. Not just mine, but everyone's. Humans have it running delicately through their veins. And we use it to supply ourselves with a healthy dosage of food. I'm sure that any other mythical creature out their needs it two, but right then and there; it was between me and her.

I inhaled deeply, letting my animal instincts completely take over. Nothing could interrupt me, not even- Bella?

I felt like shutting down as a look-a-like stood over me. It wasn't possible, Alice said the only way this would happen is if…

"Hello Edward, wonderful to see you." It was her voice, but no blood pulsed through her. And she would have been distraught at the sight of me.

"Bella?" I asked quietly.

"Edward?" This girl mimicked as she roughly pulled me up out of my crouch. Now that I looked closer, this person looked nothing like Bella, the eyes were completely empty of any feeling.

"Well, well," A wispy voice sang as someone else walked out from behind a large group of trees. "always going after the blondes, eh? What do you have against brunettes?" It was all coming true. Everything Alice had promised would happen, is already here.

"Are you…Mist?" I asked swallowing a lump in my throat.

"No, I'm evil." I rolled my eyes at her.

"No, I mean is your name Mist?"

"Oh yeah, it is." She looked embarrassed for a splint second there. I almost felt like laughing. Seemingly young she looked in that small fraction of time, but as soon as she composed herself, she was aged. It disgusted me.

"Let me guess what you are here for then," I said, sounding a lot braver than I felt, " you want me to come with you to wherever the hell Bella is. Pretend to love her, then when she is opened up to me, lour her to you?"

The Bella look a like gasped a little, but Mist wasn't impressed.

"Wow, why am I not surprised you would know that? Could it be the fact that you are a silly old vampire who happens to know very talented silly old vampires?" Mist asked. Oh the irony!

"How do you know that-"

"You're girlfriend told me." Mist's face puckered up as if she had choked down a lemon.

But what she had said bothered me.

"She is not my girlfriend, I broke up with her, or did she leave that part out?" Mist still seemed bored, she looked around, as if trying to find something more amusing.

"Yea, well she is still hung over you. It's pathetic really. I would have been over you not two seconds after you dumped me. But of course I would have been the one to break it off." With that she winked. I sighed happily. I knew Bella would never get over me. The last time we split up, she came running back to me! And I got tied back down. It. Was. Horrible. Not that I don't feel some regret. I mean, sure, the food was better and we got to act like thugs in those criminal movies, but half of my family left us. Even though I said I didn't care, I still did.

"So where is your precious Belinda?" Mist sneered. Her voice reminded me of Tanya's…

"She left us, obviously wasn't brave enough to stay. Why does she look like that?" I inclined my head to the Other Bella.

"I thought I would have to use her incase you became…difficult." A grin slowly made it's way across her delicate features.

"Well is that really a look a like…or something else?" I didn't show it, but I was rather frightened at having those two in front of me. Alice had said they bring death.

In the corner of my eye, I saw the blonde girl make her way into a bookshop. What a nerd.

"He is a demon that can change into any form it wants. An human would be completely fooled at the sight of him. But mythical creatures are not. The eyes are a dead give-a-way."

"Okay, so why do I need to come with? Can't you just turn him into me?" I was baffled. Nothing more, nothing less.

"I would," Mist groaned, "but she'll see right past it!"

"What does she have some super glasses? How the hell would she see through it?" Angry, confused, more anger.

"Don't you get it, you moron, she's not human! I'm not human!" She shouted.

"What are you then? I did not change her!"

"No! We're mermaids!" Suddenly her eyes were a bright red.

"Son of a-"

Belinda's POV

I had heard everything. All of what Mist had told Edward. And I wished I could have died. Thinking that Edward was a nice guy didn't really work out too well. I suddenly had a burst of adrenaline..

I ran out of my hiding spot and into the clearing where the three were talking. They all immediately look at me. Then I felt scared. Stupid nerves.

"Belinda?" Edward asked with disbelief. He seemed out of breath.

"I'm telling Bella everything," I shouted, before running at full speed back to my car.

"Edward, get her, if you want your family to live!" Was all I heard, because then I shut the door, put the key in the ignition, and sped away from them all.

Honestly, I had no idea where Bella was. When I went into the mall, Bella's scent had disappeared completely next to the back gate. But another smell was there, and I followed that one, until I had met up here.

So when a group of girls popped up in front of my car, I didn't know what to do.

I slowly got out of the car and eyed them carefully. They were all normal. There was about five of them, and I could feel their heart beats hammering in their chests.

"Are you girls all right?" I asked, licking my lips; I was starving.

They all looked at each other and nodded.

"Yeah, we're fine," One said.

"Well I'm not, my stomach is completely empty." I took e deep breath, and my eyes rolled back into my head. They were mouth-watering.

"There's a Mc Donalds about five miles ahead." A small red head informed me.

"I just don't think I can wait that long," My vampire instincts were slowly enveloping me.

"Really, though, it doesn't take that long to get there."

"Wait," Another girl said, "look at her eyes. They're red." I was aware of five people suddenly very interested in my eyes. Well, eyes are the key to the soul.

"Are you okay?" One of them asked me, while the others slowly backed away. And my human side was over ridden, I was all animal.

"As they say…" I showed them my fangs, "you're not yourself when you're hungry." And then I lunged at them, as they uselessly made a run for it. Breaking all of their necks in record time, I drank deeply from a blonde. Life is short for these petty humans.

After draining all of them, my stomach felt slushy, and I neatly dug a large hole. I threw the bodies in there, and then laughed a little.

"Thank you for the meal." With that I piled the dirt and grass back onto them, and got back in my car. The gaslight was on, and drove the vehicle for about three miles until it shut off. Getting out of the car, I realized what I was going to do then.

"Time to do some mermaid hunting."

A/N: This chapter was basically catching up on some of the characters that have been left out! R&R!

Also, it is shorter than usual, but you get used to it. :D