AN: Okay, so this could either be considered an au, depending on if you are for or against GT.

Technically its set post-Buu. There will eventually be a little side story about a wish gone awry, thus not only bringing a large population of earthlings back, but also a certain Saiyan. So just keep that in mind if you're wondering how the heck Radditz got back to Earth. Either way its just a little story that's been swishing around inside my head recently. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep it up.

Summery: Radditz has been brought back to life in a badly worded wish. Death seems to make you remember things you thought were long forgotten. Radditz/OC. Mature content beware!

Disclaimer: I don't own or make money off any of these characters. I have a day job.

Chapter 1

Radditz sat shoulder deep in the cut off oil drum that had served the Son family's bathing needs for the last 30 odd years. He silently wondered when the last time he had taken a proper bath. 'Had it really been so long, ' he mused as he created a little whirlpool in the water with his kai. Closing his eyes, he sank deeper into the water letting his mind wander. 'To happier times? Keh,' he thought shaking his hair loosely across he shoulders.

Certainly it was his first 'proper' bath he remembered the best. He was young then, thirteen or maybe fourteen at the time. He had gone to the palace for work, the new prince had needed attendants. Upon arriving, he had been dragged by his thick hair into a side room, stripped and then dunked in scalding water. People he had never seen in his life began scrubbing him from head to toe. He remembered feeling violated, hands scrubbing his privates, his tail even. Pleas didn't seem to work, and neither did the few forced tears. The onslaught had continued until someone finally lifted him out of the bath and wrapped a overly large, dark blue robe around him. Groaning and pushing the memory out of his mind, he dunked his head under the water.

Coming up for air, he noticed the back door close and Chichi, arms full of firewood, stalked up to him, a rather sour look gracing her features. He sank up to his nose, as she dumped the wood next to the drum and began poking at the fire situated underneath it. Radditz couldn't bear the awkward silence that followed, as Chichi sat below him poking the ashes back to life.


"Don't what, Radditz?" Chichi barked at him.

"You don't have to be so nice to me."

"I have no idea what your talking about," she got up, turning to face him. He just looked at her, his chin hidden under the surface of the water.

"I know you don't want me here. Trust me, I wouldn't have imposed on you if your husband hadn't made such a fuss." Chichi glared at him before turning away and grabbing another piece off wood.

'Gods, I wish I knew what she was thinking. This silence is driving me mad,' he thought bitterly. Dunking under again, he pushed out his mind trying to probe into hers.

'-stupid inconsiderate Goku. Piccolo was bad enough and now he brings this fu-' Her mind suddenly snapped shut, and she let out a hiss. He hadn't expected her to have that kind of mental strength. Coming up for air, he caught her piercing glare once more.

"Bulma warned me about that," she hissed at him.

"Sorry, 'is habit," he slurred against the water. He quickly sat up, catching Chichi off guard, and reached for the soap hanging from a small bag on the side of the drum. She spun around quickly at the sight of his naked chest.

'So much like his brother,' she thought candidly. She turned slowly back around to find him scrubbing his hair. He was waist deep now, his tail wrapped low around his hips. He worked his way down scrubbing his neck and arms. Pretending not to watch him she continued to add more wood and probe at the ashes. 'Get ahold of yourself Chichi. You should be used to the sight of half-naked, muscled men by now.'

Radditz could smell her anger dissipate as she secretly watched him. Unfurling his tail, he began working in the soap from tip to base. He grunted softly and his eyes lolled back. 'Ugh, its like masturbating in front of my mother,' he thought, a wolfish grin spreading across his tan face.

Breath hitching in her throat, Chichi turn toward the house. "I, um, left some clean clothes and a towel over there," she pointed at the pile for emphasis. "If you need anything else, I'll be in the house," she blurted, stalking back through the door. Once inside, she let out a breath she wasn't aware she was holding.

Dragging himself slowly out of the old drum, Radditz pulled the towel out of the pile and wrapped it around his waist. Not even bothering to look up as he heard the back door open, he sifted through the rest of the pile until he found what he assumed were undergarments.

"Yes brother?" he questioned, pulling the underwear up and releasing the towel.

Goku laughed, hand placed on his head, "I figured I'd warn you. Chichi's not in a super good mood." Radditz grunted.

"Oh, and I invited Gohan and Videl for dinner, so she's cooking a SUPER big meal. I hope you're hungry." Radditz grunted, again.

"Oh, and if you're sleepy or somthin' I made a bed up for you in Gohan's old room. Oh, and I-"

"Why are you being so hospitable?" Radditz questioned pulling on a pair of faded blue jeans. He was pleased to find that there were rather loose and hung just below his tail.

"Well its not everyday your brother comes back to life."

"How do you know I'm not going to try to pull what I did last time?" Radditz questioned, pulling a black jersey over his head.

"Because it wouldn't take me as long to kill you this time," Goku retorted.

Radditz grinned up at him, "Spoken like a true Saiyan."

Both of them turned as the back door swung open and Goten jumped into the yard. "DAAAAAAAD?"

"What's up, buddy?"

"Mom says to ask you if its okay if Trucks comes over to spar an' stuff. So is it okay?"

"What did she say?"

"She's on the phone with Auntie Bulma right now." Goten swung his arms side to side in a washing machine motion. "I think her and Vegeta might come to dinner, too."

Goku chuckled, "As long as she says its alright, than I'm fine with it."

Goten thrust his fist in the air. "Yessss!" He turned and ran back into the house, "MOOOOOOM, DAD SAYS IT'S OKAAAAAY!"

Turning his attention back to his brother, Goku scratched the back of his head, "It'll be a couple hours before everyone gets here. If you wanna go spar or somethin'."

"Eh, regardless of the training I did while I was dead, you could still destroy me in a single punch." Radditz shrugged, "Besides, I think I'd rather just take a little time off from fighting."

"Suit yourself." Goku looked up into the tree that overhung the backyard, "How about you Piccolo?"

Dropping out of the tree, Piccolo nodded, and they proceeded to rocket off in the direction of the mountains.

Shuddering with the brief thought of the green man watching him as he bath, Radditz turned and headed into the house.


Radditz wandered through the back door. Chichi busy at the stove didn't seem to notice as he sat a the kitchen table. Smirking, he proceeded to watch her back rather intently. "Goku, I'm glad you didn't wander off, can you help me a moment?" She barked, not even bothering to glance behind her. He grunted softly in response. His smirk grew wider after she continued, not seeming to notice the difference.

"Can you turn on the radio? My hands are covered in dough." She motioned to the small box on the window sill in front of her.

Getting up slowly, Radditz padded up behind her. Leaning against her back he reached up and turned the knob of the small box. He stayed there a few moment longer than he considered decent. 'Am I taking this joke too far? Eh,' he shrugged inwardly. He leaned a little further into her, relishing in the warmth that seemed to seep from her little body. Chichi just continued to work, the music energizing her.

His nose reacted to the sheen of sweat coating the back of her neck. 'Shit she smells heavenly. Gods, how long has it been since I've been with a woman anyways.' His mind went blank. 'Perhaps too long,' he leaned over his nose caressing her tight bun.

Chichi suddenly froze, taking in deep through her nose. "You have five seconds to sit back down, or else you'll be wearing my butcher knife in your chest."

"How could you not tell from my kai alone?" Radditz chuckled backing up slowly and finding his way back to his chair.

"I can tell most of the Z-fighters apart, but yours feels too much like Goku's. It's been throwing me off all morning. It's your scent that let you go. You smell spicier."

"That's because I am," he teased.

"Meh, regardless, if you do it again, I swear to my sweet mother's grave you'll find a knife in your back." Wiping her floury hands on her apron she turned to him. "I actually do have something you can do for me though."

He stood, bowing slightly, "Anything you ask, Mistress."

Picking up a bucket from the corner, she plunked it down on the table, "Go feed the pigs."


R&R Thanks!