Hello my faithful readers. Yes I happen to still be alive and you all are probably ready to kill me with my lack of updates. And I know this is going to be the worst excuse EVER but I have writters block and then this idea for another shorter story is swimming around in my head. It wont leave me alone. I have I think the first chapter of it written and some of the second. It will be up soon. But sadly I wont be able to handle two stories so this one is going on Hiatus. Yeah I suck but look out for my next story. Its called Masquerade. Its another Maximum Ride fanfic and it will be up soon.


At Max's Sweet Sixteen Masquerade Bash an unknown hottie kisses Max at the stroke of midnight. Max is determined to find out who it was even though all she knows about him is that he goes to her school.

So whatcha think? I know you would just want me to continue this one but im going to have to get this one out before im going to be able to focus on GVSB. I will do my best to keep it updated and try to squeeze some ideas out of my head. Please don't kill me.

Thank you for reading this and supporting me. Without you guys I wouldn't even be able to write. And thank you to Alexa35 for beta-ing both this story and Masquerade.

Since I have decided this is the longest autors note ever im going to go now.

Peace out
