This is my first Fanfic and I hope you like it.
Chapter 1
"John please stop crying." I begged. "I don't know what you're crying for I changed you, fed you gave, you a bath you, don't feel like playing, and you don't feel like sleeping! What do you want from me?"I asked as I was lying on my bed with my little miracle as I call him.
That's right he was a miracle no matter how much I complain I love my baby more than anything in the world and I'm ashamed of how I tried to get rid of him when I was pregnant. But in my defense I was scared, felt alone and too young. I mean damn I was only 15 when I had John. Barely even 15 when Ricky and I made him by accident. He was an accident, but never a mistake no matter what Ben and my parents say John was not a mistake.
I rolled over to kiss his head and say I love you to him even though he was wailing his head off and noticed that he had a fever. I shot upright. I'm such a horrible mother how could I not think of him being sick! OMG I have to call Ricky he'll hopefully know what to do. Wait let me ask mom. Then call Ricky.
"MOM!" I yelled as I walked down the stairs with John in my arms.
"What Amy, I was about to walk out the door to have dinner with David. It's our one month anniversary." She said while smiling like a teenager that I was supposed to be. It's like we switched places. I thought bitterly. I quickly shook the thought out. I was happy with my life, wasn't I? I mean I would like to make things better in the me and Ricky department, but I'm content. Yeah content.
"Without telling me?" I asked. Kind of hurt that she thought I wasn't worth the time to help before she left like she promised when I was pregnant I mean I was standing with a wailing 8 month old in my arms. He's been crying for the past 20 minutes non-stop, did she not stop to ask if something was wrong.
"Well you looked kind of busy Amy." She said as if it was obvious. I just blew it off I was not in the mood to get in an argument.
"Ok whatever; John has a temperature do you know what I should do?" I asked silently pleading for her to stay and help me. As much as I wanted to call Ricky and have him save me I didn't want to call and have Adrian answer the phone like last time that was awkward. And she got all pissed because I was out of formula and didn't have my license at the time. He was hungry and I was alone so I called Ricky.
"Call Ricky, then call his Pediatrician. I'm not Johns mother you need to look after him." She said in a huff as she ran out the door without even a glance back. BITCH! I thought.
"Ok then John it's just you and me." I said while rocking him he stopped crying and was now just fussy and looked uncomfortable. "Let's call Daddy and see if he'll stop ….hav… Playing with Adrian." Whew I almost talked to my 8 month old about his dad having sex with his girlfriend? Sex buddy? I don't know. I opened my phone and dialed his number from memory. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Five times it rang then went to voice mail. I hung up and tried again, it rang four times then a husky voice answered.
"Hello, this is Ricky's phone he can't come to it right now because he's having amazing sex me so go away whoever you are." Adrian said in a surly tone.
"Well I'm sorry could you please tell Ricky that the mother of his child called and said that when he's done could he please come and help me take care of his sick son, whenever it's convenient." I said back sarcastically. Slightly jealous because even though I loved Ben, Ricky would always hold a special place in my heart. Plus I was horny from left over pregnancy hormones and didn't want to have sex with Ben when I was still I love with my son's father.
"OMG AMY!" she yelled shocked.
"WHAT" yelled Ricky in the background "ADRIAN how many times have I told you don't answer my phone!"
"Ricky I'm sorry you were in the bathroom and I thought it might be jack or something." She retorted apologetically.
That's right, I thought, you should look at the caller id I mean that's what it's there for.
"That's why they made caller ID for Adrian. Don't answer my phone again. What does Amy need?" he asked sounding angry. I was secretly laughing because me and Ricky were thinking the same thing.
Silence comes from the other end all I hear is Adrian's breathing.
"Whatever Adrian, give me the damn phone!" Ricky yells seriously pissed off. I just can't understand how someone who was supposed to be having some amazing sex wasn't happier. I remember when we did it he was happy afterwards. Probably because he didn't know he got you pregnant. She thought to herself.
"Ames?" I hear come out of the phone.
By this time I'm angry, frustrated, and scared all at the same time. So every time something gets me upset I do what I've done since I got pregnant. I cry.
"Amy, what's wrong I can hear you crying!" he sounds worried now.
"Finally, I'm glad I can get you on the phone, if you're done having sex I wanted you to come and help me with our son because I'm worried and he's running a temperature. I asked my mom but she's left to go out with David and said that I had to learn what to do with my son and to call the pediatrician. But I can't get him to stop crying so I can call. And…. I need you. Please come help me."
"Oh, sweetheart I'm on my way sit tight for like five minutes." He promised.
"Okay Ricky, see you soon. You hear that John Daddy's coming home to see you." She said before she realized her mistake. "I mean our home not yours..but his..and mine..well yours to I guess I mean you spend the night a lot but…oh whatever bye." She heard him chuckle on the other end and hang up.
"Well daddy's coming and you're going to be okay my little miracle." She said looking at a sniffling John.
What do you think leave me a Review. -Sarah