Well, I have been working on this one little by little, but we don't have practice today so I had time to finish this. Please review and tell me what you thought. This is going to be the last part of this series.

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters on the television show Friends.

Monica sighed coming down the stairs. Tessa was running down the hall to get away from Jamie who was chasing her with goo all over his hands. The goo, like the beanbag chairs, had been Chandler's idea. This time Joey had been with him and seeing as he wanted to play with it too, Monica had lost the argument big time. And Monica hated to lose. Tess threw herself into her mother's arms.

"Make him stop!" She wailed. She was now three, and the twins were six. Chandler came into the hallway holding baby Tyler, who was now six months.

"Sorry Mon," he apologized. Monica nodded annoyed and turned to Jamie.

"Jamie, go wash that stuff off your hands and don't, I repeat do not, chase either one of your sisters around the house with that stuff." Jamie nodded and turned and walked out of the hallway and Monica stroked Tess's hair and walked to the kitchen. She gave Chandler and Tyler each a kiss as she walked past and headed towards the counter where Juliana was waiting to make cookies with her for the Christmas season. Monica smiled and set Tess down on a stool next to Juliana.

"Mon? I'm going to take the boys out Christmas shopping," he told her.

"Bye Daddy," Juliana said sweetly. She was the easiest of Monica's four children.

"Bye baby," he came in and gave her a kiss and then Tess a kiss and finally took Monica in his arms and gave her a kiss.

"Bye Jamie," Monica yelled.

"Bye Mommy," he yelled back.

"Bye Jamie, bye Ty," Tess said. "Mommy, Ty didn't say goodbye back."

"That's because he can't talk yet honey," Monica said amused.

"Oh, that's right," Tess nodded and went back to mixing her bowl of dough. The front door opened a few minutes later and Rachel came in. Her and Paul had married and now lived a few houses down. They didn't have any children yet, but Rachel had told her that they were trying. The rest of the gang had remained in New York, but flew out occasionally to see them. Joey had actually proposed to a woman named Claire, and they were getting married in a month. And the biggest surprise of all was that Ross had gotten together with Phoebe. Although, Monica knew that Phoebe always felt like she wasn't the right person to be dating him.

"After all," she had said. "He stills holds Rachel on a pedal stool that she will never be knocked off of." Monica had agreed. But they were happy together and that was what counted. Rachel claimed that she didn't mind, but the first time that they had visited, Rachel had acted very strangely and jealous. Monica knew it hurt for her to see them together, but she also knew how hard it had been for Ross to see Rachel with anyone other then himself. So she used the "I wasn't around for five years, you figure it out for yourselves," and would leave the room.

"Aunt Rachel?" Tess asked looking at her.


"Why are you here?" Monica shot her daughter a look to tell her to stop it.
"Oh, did I come at baking time?" Rachel asked. Tess and Juliana nodded, being fiercely protective of their mother and the time that she set aside just for them.

"What did you want Rach?" Monica asked reaching for the milk.

"Oh, I just needed to talk," she explained noticing the looks that she was getting from the two girls. "I'll come back later."

"Yes," Tess agreed. "I think that you should." Monica almost laughed but regained her composure.

"Tessa, be nice to Rachel," Monica told her.

"Sorry," Tess didn't even look up. Rachel said that she would be back later and hurried out of the house. The rest of the afternoon was uneventful. Days around there usually were. A few years before, Paul had told Monica and Chandler that they were fine now. They had been holding back for a while because the man that had robbed the store had been associated with some nasty people. His cousin had been deep into the whole crime scene and promised his mother that he would look after his cousin. (AN: Someone pointed out, and I completely agreed that someone who robs stores isn't going to be high up on the criminal scale. So I just thought that I would clear that up) His cousin wasn't very bright and after getting out of jail had gotten himself killed. The reason that Monica and Chandler were still in trouble was that the cousin could have possibly wanted someone to blame for his cousin's death. Monica and Chandler were the reason he was identified and put in jail so they were going to be who the man blamed. Monica had argued that one thing had nothing to do with the other and Paul shrugged.

"Everybody needs someone to blame," he had said. "You two were easy to blame." Monica had gone to argue, but Chandler had clamped his hand over mouth and nodded.

"We understand," he said.

"I don't!" Monica had said and Chandler had shot her a look to stop and she did and walked away repeating, "I don't see how though." After they were done baking, Monica had led Juliana and Tess upstairs and gave them a bath. All three were covered in flour. After they were clean, she hopped in the shower, and they waited for Chandler, Tyler, and Jamie to come home. The front door opened and the boys came in finding all three girls asleep on the couch.

"Daddy, they fell asleep!" Jamie said placing his hands on his hips. "Let's wake them up."

"Jamie, let them sleep," Chandler told him. Tyler began to crying and Chandler sighed. Monica stirred and woke up.

"Hey," she said. She took Tyler off of Chandler and rocked him back and forth.

"It's okay honey," she said whispering to him and giving him a kiss on the forehead. "Mommy's here." Chandler followed her out of the family room and into the quiet living room where Monica made herself comfortable on the sofa.

"How was baking?" He asked.

"It was fun," she said. "We put the cookies in the tins and we have to send them to Joey, Ross, and Phoebe. How was shopping? Did Jamie and Ty behave?"

"Like angels," he told her kissing her on the temple. He sat and they fell back asleep on the sofa together.

"Merry Christmas," Rachel and Paul said coming into the house on Christmas Eve. Everyone hugged everyone else and they went into the living room.

"Christmas was when I would miss New York the most," Monica said. "New York was the best place to be around Christmas." Chandler nodded slipping his arm around her and smiling at his friends.

"But now we're getting the hang of Seattle Christmases," he said.

"The first Christmas that you were gone was hard," Rachel said. "Ross spent all his time with your parents, Mon. They were devastated."

"Really?" Monica looked surprise and so did Paul at Monica's reaction. They had never discussed her or Chandler's parents. He had even thought about them.

"You see honey," Rachel said. "Monica's parents long time ago chose Ross as their favorite child."

"Rachel, Monica is right there," he said.

"I know, she's accepted it," Rachel said and the three of the former New Yorkers laughed.

"I have Paul, its been like this since I was little. Not much that you can do about it so you just learn to live and let live. So they were devastated?" Monica asked continuing the conversation. It was about her and she adored conversations that were about her.

"Oh yeah, so Joey and Phoebe and I just stayed back in the apartment, but that was hard because we would remember how it used to be when you were there and how you used to decorate the tree and how the apartment would smell like cookies. Not unlike this house mind you, and we got sad so we went out and got drunk. You can't remember your own name when your drunk let alone how your friend used to decorate the tree." They all looked at each other and just sighed and thought about what would have happened had Monica and Chandler stuck around. They did this all the time, though, and Monica had imagined the scenario over and over in her head a thousand times. But the fact of the matter was that she couldn't change it. What had happened, happened. She looked around at her friends and knew that they were thinking the same thing. Chandler tightened his arm that was draped on her shoulder. She smiled at him and gave his hand a squeeze. Jamie and Juliana came running in arguing and Tess came stumbling in after them, as per usual, and Monica heard Ty crying. This was life and she couldn't focus on the past at that time. She got up and Chandler handled the twins as she went and got Tyler.

"Hey baby," she whispered. "What's the matter?" She picked him up and rocked him back and forth. "Merry Christmas." She kissed his forehead and took him back to the living room with her.

"Phoebe and I are getting married," Ross announced smiling at his sister and friends.

"That's..." Monica snuck a quick glance over at Rachel who looked down at her hands and then caught Monica's eye and nodded her approval. "Great!" She stood up and hugged Phoebe and Ross.

"You're officially my sister now!" Phoebe said hugging her. "And, oh God, Chandler's my brother." Chandler laughed and pulled her into a hug.

"Love you too Pheebs," he said and she shrugged. Rachel got up and slowly hugged Ross.

"Congratulations," she whispered.

"Monica told me that you're pregnant," he said. "I guess there's a lot of congratulations to be heard." She nodded wiping at her eyes to stop the tear that threatened to make it's way down her face.

"Yep, Paul is so excited," she said pulling away and finding her husband laughing with Joey over something.

"You okay Rach?" Paul asked. Joey just nodded, knowing the history behind Ross and her. You can try to forget the past, but it always find a way to creep back into your memories. She nodded.

"Just got a little nauseas," she lied.

"Then, we should leave," Paul said telling everyone goodbye and getting her coat and taking her home. Phoebe followed Monica into the kitchen to get drinks and took her arm.

"It's because of us that she left right?" Monica sighed and placed the plate on the counter.

"Yes," Monica said. "But she's married and has a baby on the way, so she has to learn to live with it. Just as Ross has. They still have a special place in the other's heart, but he loves you. And Rachel loves Paul. The truth is that they would never work out if they got together again."


"Yeah, they grew up. We all did." Phoebe looked over at her friend and nodded.

"Yeah, we did." Juliana came into the room and hopped into Phoebe's arms.

"Oh, you're getting so big. What does your mother feed you?" Phoebe teased. Tess tugged on her mother's sleeve and Monica picked her up and hugged her tightly.

"Hey beautiful," Monica said. "How are you today?"

"Fine," Tess said twirling a piece of Monica's hair around her finger.

"Aunt Pheebs?" Tess turned her attention to Phoebe.


"Well, Juliana and I were wondering if we could be your flower girls," she said sweetly. Monica let out a laugh and hugged her daughter.

"Oh, honey," she said. "That's not something that you ask."

"Yes, you can be," Phoebe said. Juliana and Tess clapped and smiled and then ran off to play. The adults laughed and went back in to talk to everyone else and had a wonderful evening celebrating Ross and Phoebe's engagement.

"Rachel had a boy named Paul Chandler," Paul said over the phone to Monica and Chandler.

"That's wonderful!" Monica said and Chandler beamed at the name.

"You named him after me?"

"Yeah, its because of you and Monica that we met," he explained.

"That is true," Monica said.

"Thanks," Chandler said.

"Come down and see them when you can," Paul suggested before hanging up to be with his wife and son.

"That's that," Monica said.

"Yep," Chandler said. "We've all settled down. Even Joey." Joey and Claire had married and now were expecting their first baby.

"Wait until you have four," Chandler kept telling him.

"Don't say that!" Joey would cover his ears. "Claire! This is it! No more!" Monica had hit Chandler.

"Don't tell him things like that. It's Joey, remember who you are talking to," she admonished. Chandler looked down at his feet like he was sorry, but he was just trying to stop laughing. Everything seemed to have fallen back into place for the friends. They were all safe and happy. They had settled down and now were raising families of their own and doing well. The three in Seattle, were much closer to one another as were the three in New York. That couldn't be helped.

"We'll go down after dinner and see little Paul," Monica said as she headed towards the kitchen table and sat down.

"Okay," Chandler said. He took hold of his wife's hands. They may have been separated from their friends, but they still had had each other.

*~ That's the end! I just wanted to give you some idea of what had happened in the future. Anyway, please tell me what you thought!~*