All characters belong to the wonderful Stephenie Meyer!!

****Sorry that this chapter took longer than I said it would. But I wanted to make this chapter really great and really show how Jake and Bella's relationship is developing. I hope you enjoy it! And thank you to all of you who have read and reviewed! You really fuel me to keep writing!By the way, there is exactly one month before New Moon comes out in theaters and I am so excited. I bought my tickets for the midnight showing over a month ago! I just saw the clip of Paul changing into a wolf and Jacob too and it was amazing.. Chris Weitz sure did a great job making the wolves look so real! I can't wait! The countdown is definitely on!****

Chapter 5: Falling For You

Edward. I sat there in my bed for the rest of the night with the image of him standing next to me in the forest. It had been awhile since I had seen his face, his beautiful face. He looked exactly as I had remembered him, total perfection, exactly the way he did when he left me. I was surprised at how much easier it was to think about him, but I still had to wrap my arms around the invisible hole in my chest to keep my broken heart from falling out. Months ago I wouldn't have been able to think about him this much, let alone be able to see his face without falling completely into the darkness that had been my only companion for so long.

After I heard Charlie get up hours later, I decided that I had thought enough about my dream, so I got up and headed downstairs to make breakfast.

"Good morning Bella! What are your plans for the day?" Charlie asked me.

"Morning Dad. Well, I thought I would make you breakfast and then I was going to head down to La Push in a few hours and hang out with Jacob." I explained to him.

"Sounds like a great plan, but I have to go soon because we have so much going on down at the station, but maybe breakfast tomorrow?" He asked with a look on his face that explained to me just how much was going on at the station.

"Yeah, sure Dad. Will you be home for dinner tonight?" I questioned further, breaking eye contact with him to get myself the eggs out of the refrigerator.

"No, I'm afraid not. I hate leaving you to have to fend for yourself like this, but things are really just so crazy right now. But you have fun with Jake today. I am glad that you two are working things out. You mean a lot to him Bella. Even a blind man could see that. Maybe you can have dinner down there tonight, treat them to one of your finest dishes. I'm sure Billy would really appreciate it and I know that Jake really loves your cooking." He paused and then continued, "But I need to get going now. Have a great day Bella."

"Okay. Thanks Dad. And making Jake and Billy dinner is a really good idea, I will definitely offer my services to them." I started. "But, you count on a really great breakfast tomorrow morning. And don't work yourself too much Dad. Even the chief needs a break here and there."

"Don't worry about me Bella, I'll be fine. And I look forward to having breakfast with my wonderful daughter tomorrow! It will keep be going today," he leaned down and kissed my forehead and said; "Say hi to Billy and Jacob for me." Then he walked out the door. Wow, I don't think I could even remember a time when Charlie had ever kissed me on the forehead in my whole life, but it certainly was a nice change of pace. Charlie had never been the touchy feely type of father so it took me by surprise that he would show affection like that, but it made me happy. Ever since I had come here Charlie and I had become closer and closer, more than I ever thought possible, and that made me feel like I could have a normal relationship with him. I looked forward to growing that relationship with him. Things were definitely starting to get better in my life. I never thought that after he left that things could get better for me. I always thought that my life could never be good again, that I could never be truly happy, but recent events were starting to prove otherwise, and it gave me hope.

After cleaning up my mess from making myself some eggs for breakfast, I headed upstairs to take a shower and get ready for my big day with Jacob. I couldn't wait to tell him about what happened this morning with Charlie and how glad I was that me and him were working things out. I thought about what I could make them for dinner and figured I should probably call Billy and make sure he didn't have any plans and so I could stop at the store on the way down and get enough groceries to make dinner. I didn't know what they would have so I would just buy everything I needed, just to be safe.

After showering and putting myself together, I looked in the mirror. The girl in it was smiling back at me and I knew that today was going to be the turn around day for me. I found the phone and dialed Jake's number.

"Hello?" Jake answered. I was so glad that he answered!

"Hi Jake! It's Bella. How are you?" I said with a huge smile on my face.

"Hi Bella. Are you calling to cancel our plans?" He asked and he sounded so sad.

"No silly! I was calling to offer to make dinner for you and Billy tonight, since I am going to be down there anyways. Is Billy around?" I asked

"Really? You're really going to come down here to hang out with me? And you are even offering to make dinner for me and my dad? How did I get so lucky?" He sounded so excited. Like a little kid on Christmas morning when he comes down and sees all the gifts.

"Of course Jake. Didn't you get my message last night? I told you that I was coming!" I put as much enthusiasm as I could into that, hoping that that would make him less nervous about me doing whatever he thought I was going to do.

"Yeah, I got it. But I still didn't know if you were going to back out or not, but I am so glad that you aren't! But I'll get Billy. Are you still going to be here at like noon?" The enthusiasm had definitely worked. Jake sounded so much calmer now. And I could have sworn I heard him let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Yup! I'll be there. Should I still meet you at the beach or just at the house? I'm bringing all I need to make you two dinner so I'll have to get that stuff in the refrigerator before we head to the beach."

"I'll meet you here at the house, so I can help you put everything away. What do you think you are going to make us?" He asked.

"I was thinking some sort of casserole or maybe even a soup, I thought I'd ask Billy if there is anything he has been dying to have lately." I told him, trying to nudge him into getting Billy again.

"Oh yeah, of course. Here he is. I can't wait to see you Bells! Hurry down okay?" He exclaimed.

"I will. See you soon." I assured him again. I heard him call for Billy again and then heard him handing the phone, telling him that I was coming down and that I had a question for him.

"Hi Bella! So, I hear you are coming down to visit us today." Billy said.

"Good morning Billy! I was wondering if I could make you and Jacob dinner tonight?"

"Wow that is really sweet of you Bella. You know I could never pass you up on it. What were you thinking? I could send Jacob to the store to get whatever you need." I could hear the joy in his voice.

"I was hoping that you had some sort of idea of what you would like. I can make anything. Have you been craving lately? And I'll stop on my way down to get groceries. You don't have to worry about anything; I have it all under control." I explained to him.

"You are so good to us Bella. Well, hmm, let me think." He paused and I could tell he was deep in thought about what he wanted me to make. "How about a chili of some sort? Do you have any good chili recipes you could try out on us?" He asked.

"Yeah, how about a white chicken chili?" I asked him, thinking how that even sounded really good to me.

"That sounds amazing Bella! Can't wait! See you soon." Billy exclaimed.

"See you soon too Billy. Will you tell Jake I'm leaving right now for the store so I'll be about 45 minutes before I get down there?"

"Sure, no problem. Between you and me, he is really excited that you are coming down. That boy has a permanent smile on his face. He really cares about you Bella and really needs you right now. He is going through a really rough time right now, and I really appreciate all you do for him." He said very sincerely.

"He is my best friend Billy. I would do anything for him, I love him." I told him.

"I know you would and I know you love him, more than you actually know." He said back. I didn't know what he meant about more than I actually know but he was probably right.

"Alright, well I'll see you soon Billy." I changed the subject quickly. Billy and I had never talked like this before and I wasn't sure how far to take this type of conversation.

"Okay. Bye Bella." He said with a light chuckle.

"Bye." I said hanging up the phone.

After getting off the phone with Billy, I pulled out my book of recipes and jotted down what I needed to get from the store to make the chili. Minutes later, I was out the door and on my way to the store and then to La Push. As I walked out my front door, I smiled thinking about the things that Charlie and Billy had said about our relationship. We meant a lot to each other and there was no way I was going to let anything get in the way of that relationship. Billy said he needed me, but Billy had no idea how much I needed him.

I got everything from the store very quickly and the next thing I knew I was pulling into La Push. It was about 11am, so I was definitely earlier that Jake had first stated but I'm sure he would have no problem with me being an hour earlier, since he had said on the phone to hurry down. As I pulled into their driveway I saw something that was made me look twice. There were five huge men standing by the front porch in nothing but a pair of shorts and shoes. They all looked my way as I pulled up and started to get out of my truck. They finished their conversation as I shut my door and four of the five turned towards the woods and walked away. The fifth was Jacob, who turned to me with a huge smile on his face, ran over, and picked me up, spinning me around and then pulled me in for a bear hug.

"Jake, can't breathe." I managed to get out.

"Sorry," he said putting me down, "I am just so excited that you are here. And you're an hour early which is even better."

"I'm happy to be here too. Do you think you could help me carry all these groceries in? Billy said he wanted white chicken chili tonight, how does that sound to you?" I told him.

"That sounds wonderful! Here, I'll get all of them. Why don't you head in the house and say hi to Billy." He said to me as he pulled the bag away that I had in my arms.

"Okay, if you insist." I teased.

As I walked up to the house, Billy was already wheeling himself out onto the porch.

"Hi Bella! Jacob there has had ants in his pants ever since he handed the phone to me earlier." He joked.

"Yeah, thanks Dad!" Jacob yelled from behind me.

"No problem son. Just keeping it real." He laughed.

"So, I thought I'd start the chili right away so that it can cook all day and have really nice flavor by the time we eat it tonight. So, I'm going to head in there and get things started. You go relax Billy. Like I said I have everything under control." I explained to him, reaching down to give him a hug.

"Thanks Bella. Don't worry I'll stay out of your way. There is a game on in an hour that you couldn't pay me to miss anyway." He said turning around and wheeling himself into the living room.

I followed him in and headed straight to the kitchen. Jake was right behind me with all the bags. Wow, I thought to myself, how did he carry all of those in here at once without dropping any of them? I guess Jake had out grown his clumsiness, I wondered if he had any tips on how I could too. I would have to ask him about that later.

I started cutting everything up while Jake pulled up a chair and watched me work.

"So, who were those guys you were talking to when I pulled up?" I asked, trying to get as much information out of him as possible.

"Oh, just some new friends and Embry." He said all nonchalantly.

"Wow, that was Embry? He sure has gotten big. What is in the water here in La Push that makes all you guys so big?" I laughed. "What were the names of the other three, they look familiar to me, but I am so bad with names you know."

"They were Sam, Jared, and Paul." Jake was hanging with the La Push gang?! I gasped. "What's wrong Bells?" He had heard me gasp and the worry crept across his face.

"I thought you didn't like those three? Especially Sam; what has changed?" I asked him, stopping what I was doing to look right at him.

"Lots have changed. And I was wrong about them. I just didn't know them and I was wrong to judge them before I knew the facts. You will really like them Bella. You just need to give them a chance like I did." He assured me.

"Okay, if you trust them, I am sure I can find a way to trust them too. But I am glad that you are hanging out with Embry again. Where was Quil?" I asked.

"I haven't seen Quil in a couple weeks. He hangs out with a different group now." He paused. "So, I am really glad that you are here. What do you want to do today? The weather is sure agreeing with us. No rain for once." He said, completely changing the subject.

"It's good to be here. Whatever you want to do today is fine with me. But if you're looking for suggestions, I was thinking something like a walk down the beach? We can just talk and catch up. I have missed you." I said reaching out to touch his hand. He grabbed my hand and looked up to me and smiled. His hand was so warm, warmer than usual. But maybe my hands were just cold. So I didn't think any more of it.

"I have missed you so much Bells. A walk down the beach and catching up is perfect. Would it be okay if I go take a shower real quick?" he said asking my permission, which surprised me, because why would I need to say if it was okay or not for him to take a shower.

"I'll be another 10 minutes or so anyway. Go ahead." Still holding my hand he put it to his lips and looked up at me, winked, and then walked out of the room.

I finished cutting everything up and then added it all together in a pot. I then worked on cleaning everything up. It was when I was cleaning up that Jake came back in from his shower. I looked over and saw that he was wearing nothing but shorts again and my eyes couldn't look away from his chest and his newly arrived six pack. I don't know if it was the fact that my mouth was wide open or that I was just staring at him that gave it away but Jake pulled me away from trance saying, "Like what you see?" He chuckled, pulling a shirt over his head and covering up what I had just so obviously been admiring.

"Umm I don't know what you mean." I tried to hide by turning away.

He laughed, "Bells, you were practically drooling." Yeah, I had been hadn't I? I felt myself turn bright red as he turned me around and put a finger beneath my chin, pulling it up, making me look right at him. "There is nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm glad you noticed. At least now I don't have to be so embarrassed when you catch me looking at how beautiful you are." That comment really made me blush. He had always been sweet, but never this straight forward.

"Beautiful, right." I said with sarcasm, looking down at myself.

"Don't you dare think that Isabella Swan. You are beautiful. You are just one of those girls who are beautiful but don't know it. It works to your advantage too."

"How so?" I asked

"It makes you more beautiful, because you don't flaunt your beauty, it is just natural." He explained to me, making me spin around in a circle, so he could get a complete look at me.

"Thanks Jake. I really appreciate the comment." I said, and I could feel myself glowing with happiness.

"Sure, sure. I just speak the truth." He said, winking at me again. "So, are you all done? Ready for our day together?"

"Yup, all done! Let's go!" I exclaimed. A huge smile was planted on his face now and I knew that I had done what I came here to do; I was making things better for Jake and me.

I told Billy on the way out that he didn't have to worry about checking on the chili at all, it would be fine until we got back. And with that Jake and I headed down to the beach, hand in hand.

We walked in silence for what seemed like hours, but were probably just a matter of a few minutes. I finally decided that I needed to say something; I needed to ask him the questions that I had not been able to get out of my head since I had seen him the day before.

"Jake?" I looked over at him. The look on his face was like he was at battle with something. He wanted so badly to tell me something but I could see on his face that he wouldn't.

"Yeah." He said looking down at me.

"What is going on? What aren't you telling me?" I paused. "I want to help you but I need you to tell me what is going on first so I know what to do."

"Nothing is going on Bells; you have nothing to worry about. I promised you that I would be there for you and that I would find time for us and I have so please, can we just put the last few days behind us and just be here, together. Please?" He begged and I could see the pain in his eyes, and the need for me to just leave it alone.

"Okay. But can I just ask you one question and then I promise I will drop it?"

"Okay. What is your question?" He said gripping my hand in his.

"Are you in trouble?" I asked him. His grip on me tightened some more and I took that as a yes.

"No, not exactly." He answered, looking away from me.

"What does that mean?" I was confused, so I pressed the issue.

"You really have nothing to worry about Bella. I am going to be fine as long as I have you here by my side." He skirted the question.

"Why aren't you answering the question that I am asking you?" I pressed some more, getting frustrated.

"Because it is an empty question; I'm not in trouble, not the way you think I am. So please, Bella, please just drop it." He let go of my hand and walked away from me, walking only a few steps and then he sat on a log and put his face in his hands. I followed him and kneeled in front of him.

"Jake, I am sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I just feel like you aren't telling me things and I want you to be able to trust me with whatever is going on in your life right now. I can tell that something is tormenting you and I hate it. I want to make it go away so that you can be happy." He looked up at me.

"Like I said, I will be happy as long as I don't lose you. As long as I have you by my side Bells, everything else doesn't matter." He said, putting both of his hands on my face and stroking my cheeks with his fingers. "Please, I have missed you so much and I just want to be able to be us again. I don't know if that is going to be possible, but damn it I am going to try my hardest to get as close as possible to the pair that we used to be. I do trust you; it has nothing to do with it. You are my best friend and I need you to trust me to know what is best for me. And what is best for me is for you to not give up on me no matter what happens for here on out. I know you have so many questions about the last few weeks, especially the last few days, and things I have said but I am begging you to please just let it go. If all you have for me today is questions, then please, just sit here in silence with me. I just need for you to be here, that's all."

I sat there for a few minutes just looking into his eyes, and him looking back into mine. It was such an intimate duration and for a brief moment the thought of kissing him flew threw my mind, but I couldn't kiss him, it would just make things worse. It would confuse him and it would hurt him. I couldn't and wouldn't do that to him. I was confused on how I was feeling about things between us. And I needed to figure out what was happening between us before I gave him any hope of me wanting to be more than just best friends. I completely understood what he was saying. When everything happened with me, the best medicine for me was just sitting on the beach with Jacob, holding his hand in silence; just feeling safe and secure with him made all the difference in the world to me and my recovery. That is all he was asking me for right now, so I would give it to him and I would drop what had happened over the past couple weeks to help him. I would do anything for Jacob.

"Okay. I'm sorry I pushed the issue so much. Can you forgive me?"

"There is nothing to forgive Bells. You have the right to ask me whatever questions you need to. I am just sorry that I can't answer them for you." He wrapped his arms around me and for a long time we just sat like that; my arms around him and his arms around me, and it was the best feeling in the world. In those moments the world stopped for me and him. It stopped to let us just be.

In those moments, I thought about our relationship. Jake meant so much to me and I truly loved him. But I was starting to feel more for him than I had ever felt before. The safe and secure feeling that I had always felt in his arms was starting to turn into feelings of affection and infatuation. I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat. He seemed so calm now and so at peace. And I felt the exact same way.

"Bells?" He whispered.

"Mhmm" I managed to get out.

"What are you thinking about right now?"

"How peaceful this is." I wouldn't tell him how I thought that I was beginning to have a crush on him.

"I think so too." He paused and took a deep breathe. "Bella, I know this is a hard subject for you, but what did you see in him that I can't give you?"

I pressed away from him and got up, walking towards the waves that crashed onto the beach. I slipped off my shoes quickly and walked where the water rushed up onto the beach with every wave to just feel the cool rush on my feet. I felt him walk up behind me.

He grabbed onto my hand and said, "I'm sorry. You don't have to answer that, I don't know what I was thinking, I shouldn't have asked. It is just that back there I felt like you could be mine, like when you were his. I know you don't feel that way, but the way you were holding me before, was different than you have ever held me. I'm sorry; maybe I am just looking into things too deep because I want so badly for something to be there." I turned around and looked at him. At some point, he had taken off his shoes and joined me in the cool rush. I could see in his eyes that he was waiting for me to turn him down again, to tell him that nothing that he did could ever be enough, but I wouldn't say that this time.

"Here, take my hand," I said offering my hand to him. He looked at it and without any more hesitation, took it in his. "Walk with me?" I asked giving him a quick smile. He nodded and so we started walking along the beach with our feet in the cool rush of the waves.

"I haven't talked to anyone about how much him leaving has torn me apart. But, I know that you can see exactly how much it has." He nodded again. "He meant everything to me. I would have given anything to have been with him forever." And I knew that all too well. I would have given up my life to be with him forever. I would have walked away from everything I had ever known, given up my family and my friends for the chance to be with him forever. His grip on my hand tightened and I knew that this subject was as rough on him as it was on me.

"I had a weird dream about him last night. I haven't dreamt about him in a long time. I mean I have nightmares about him leaving me and the pain I felt when he did but I never see his face." I paused and stopped walking, looking over at Jake. "The pain he left me with was horrible. At times, I wished for death to just take me. I wasn't enough for him, which is why he left me." I felt the hole in my chest start to open and I let go of his hand to wrap my arms around myself to try and stop the destruction that I was imposing on myself. But I needed to get this out.

"When you left me two days ago, when I was taking you home, I thought that you have finally figured out that I wasn't good enough for you. I thought you were going to leave me just like he did." The tears started to fall now and by the look on his face, I knew that my recollection of it was taking him back to that day.

"Bella, I am so," but before he could finish what he was saying, I cut him off.

"No Jacob, that isn't what I am looking for. I don't need you to apologize to me. You are not him. You came back for me. You have proved time and time again that I am good enough to have you in my life, to be in your life." I paused and let go of my chest and put my arms around his waist. "Look at me." And he did, he looked deep into my eyes.

"You are better than him in so many ways. Please don't compare yourself to him or my relationship with him. I am a different person than I was with him. You have helped me become that person. When I looked into the mirror this morning I saw that person smiling back at me and I felt good about myself, for the first time in a long time. You know how you said I was beautiful before?" He nodded. "You make me feel beautiful Jacob. That feeling alone means everything to me."

He smiled and said, "Really? I make you feel beautiful?"

"So beautiful!" I proclaimed. He wrapped an arm around me and we turned to look at the ocean. Behind it the sun was starting to set.

"We should get back to the house." He said.

"Yeah, we probably should. Billy is probably wondering where we are and when he can dig in to the chili." I giggled. And he laughed along with me.

He took my hand in his and with the other began to caress my cheek. "I wish we could just stay like this, right here, together. I wish I could make time stop so that I wouldn't have to stop feeling like this."

"We have all the time in the world to be together Jacob. I'm not going anywhere. I promise I will be right here by your side whenever you want me here." I assured him.

"Then never leave." He whispered right before he kissed my forehead. I couldn't believe that I was falling for him. I needed to get back to his house before we took this any farther.

I quickly said, "Well, let's get back to Billy. I am really starting to get hungry and I know that you are."

"Okay let's go." And we walked hand in hand back to his house, just like we had walked to the beach earlier that day. Except something had changed for me, there was a new fire burning deep inside of me that I wanted so much to explore, and with time I would. For now though, I would just have dinner with him and Billy and enjoy the rest of the time I had with him on this turn around day.

****So, what did you think? Pretty good day for Jake and Bella, huh? Just because Jake is an animal now, doesn't mean he can't be the same man he was before for her! I hoped that you enjoyed it! I will try to get the next chapter up later in the week.****


****Here is the song that I think fits this chapter perfectly, "Fallin' For You" By Colbie Caillat. Here are the lyrics****

I don't know but
I think I maybe
Fallin' for you
Dropping so quickly
Maybe I should
Keep this to myself
Waiting 'til I
Know you better

I am trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I'm scared of what you'll say
So I'm hiding what I'm feeling
But I'm tired of
Holding this inside my head

I've been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life
and now I found ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you

As I'm standing here
And you hold my hand
Pull me towards you
And we start to dance
All around us
I see nobody
Here in silence
It's just you and me

I'm trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I'm scared of what you'll say
So I'm hiding what I'm feeling
But I'm tired of
Holding this inside my head

I've been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life
and now I found ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you

Oh I just can't take it
My heart is racing
The emotions keep spinning out

I've been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life
and now I found ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you

I can't stop thinking about it
I want you all around me
And now I just can't hide it
I think I'm fallin' for you (x2)

I'm fallin' for you

Oh no no
Oh I'm fallin' for you