A/N: You know, this part right here made me realize that I should never limit myself to a number of chapters. The length itself explains it all. Dx

Part III: Limitless

Sora found himself alone once again, grey walls surrounding him, his cobalt blue eyes staring back at him through the wide mirror. His lips were turned down in a small frown, his eyebrows furrowed, a crease in his forehead. If he was going to redeem himself, he had a lot of work to do. As much as he wanted to just walk out of the room and ignore what happened there earlier that day, he knew he couldn't; he had to suffer the consequences of his actions, even if they weren't intentional.

As he set up the stereo, he couldn't help but think back to the lecture. Tifa's words hit him hard…harder than he imagined. True, at the time it was awful and mortifying, but there was nothing he could do about it now. In fact, he felt worse. Even if he was alone and there was no one to be embarrassed in front of anymore, he still felt humiliated.

Sora worked on his steps, all the while still thinking. How could Tifa make such assumptions? How could she accept that without proof? Were his slip-ups all the proof she needed?

A sound of annoyance left the brunet, both at the thought and the fact that he messed up on his footing. He walked toward the mirror, where a stool was set, and picked up the remote that lay on the seat. Skipping back a few seconds in the song, he started from where he fumbled, a bead of sweat beginning to trickle down his temple.

Focus, he demanded of himself. Just focus.

Dismissing his previous thoughts and concentrating solely on his reflection in the mirror, Sora finally worked his way through the routine without messing it up. He sighed in relief once he finished, a smirk forming on his face at his own achievement. Great, one of the independent acts was cleaned up…for today. Now he just had to focus on the partnered numbers…

The routines he destroyed all on his own. Terrific.

Sora switched songs, selecting one with an average tempo. Unfortunately, that didn't mean the dance was as easy.

The boy attempted the routine for around twenty minutes, going through the steps and making a misstep every single time. Of course, it was harder now that he was alone, but he tried to turn all of his concentration toward what he saw in the mirror and the steps anyway.

As soon as he looked in the wall-length mirror and started again, he found himself visualizing her next to him. Sora couldn't help but picture the way her brow would crease as she tried a move for the first time, or the way her ruby hair would whip around her delicate face every time she performed the routine. Occasionally she would make eye-contact with him through the mirror, but when she looked at him dead-on when they had to face each other, her chicory eyes would nearly cause his legs to give out from underneath him.

Sora shook his head, using his legs along the floor as he remembered Tifa instructing him to. No, he couldn't let his mind drift again.

But no matter how hard he tried, he wasn't able to follow the order.

The physical contact they had to make as partners would cause Sora to quake at the knees. A surge of something would course through his entire being even if she just touched his arm or his hand, merely a finger. The girl was just so captivating; he didn't know how to handle himself around her.

Her angelic voice flowed through his ears, even though they weren't on the track. Her heart-shaped face flashed before his eyes, blinding him. The next thing he knew, his knee met the wooden floor beneath him. The boy's blue eyes pierced the floor.

"Are you serious?!" Sora asked himself through gritted teeth, his voice rising from frustration.

He did it again?

Sora curled his fingers in his hair, gripping it with pure aggravation. "Agh!" he cried through gritted teeth, dragging out the sound as he squeezed his eyes shut. He let his body recline, his back meeting the cold floor. His hands fell down to his sides as he glared up at the ceiling, breathing heavily from dancing and the irritation that coursed through his veins. At this rate, he was never going to get this right. And all because of her—because of Kairi.

Sora let his eyes close, the sweat trickling down the side of his face as he sucked in air through his parted lips. He just didn't understand. What was so special about her? Why was it that she caught his attention unlike any other girl he had met? What did she have that nobody else did?

A few weeks ago his life was perfect; not one thing was wrong. Only the audition stressed him, but once it was done nothing else did. That was, of course, until he met her.

Her silky red hair, her enchanting eyes, her dazzling smile, her amazing personality… Her everything. She was just so…so radiant—pure. He couldn't deny that she was beautiful. In fact, she was beyond it. Kairi was so genuine, true. Through the weeks of working with her, he didn't notice one flaw. Did his eyes betray him? Or was what he witnessing the real thing?

Sora sighed, hearing nothing but the music and his calmer breathing. Who was he kidding? Despite the lack of relationships Sora had had, he knew that Kairi was different from other girls. And not only in presence or personality, but something else…

She was somebody he knew he could never have.

Sora felt an uncomfortable pang hit his heart. That thought was heart wrenching, tearing him at the very core. He had never felt so strongly toward someone the way he did Kairi, a girl he barely knew but saw so much potential in. He had no doubt that next Saturday was going to be her big break. She deserved it. Hell, she deserved anything that she received. Except for pain. If anyone hurt her…

Sora felt his hands clench at just the thought. Kairi didn't need any of that, especially from him. What he was doing—holding her back—was making it worse for her in the long run. And that's why he was here, in the practice room around seven at night, to make up for what he'd done. If only he could just get her off his mind, then maybe he could focus.

But it was impossible, no matter how hard he tried to make it viable. Her being was permanently carved into his brain…and most likely his heart.

Sora released another breath, the music ringing in his ears. Kairi


"Gah!" Sora gasped, his eyes flashing open. His heart thumped in his chest at an alarming rate as his wide blue eyes located the source of the voice. The first thing he noticed was vibrant strands of hair, a giggle resounding in the room. He panted, his eyes focusing on the pair above him, which were in close proximity. Tilting his head back slightly against the floor, Sora could see that her hands were on her knees as she leaned over him. He began to relax, his body going limp on the floor as his eyelids fluttered closed for a moment so he could regain his composure.

"Whoops! Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Her voice rang through his ears, real this time. Sora took in a breath before opening his eyes, immediately seeing the sheepish grin on her face.

"Don't worry about it," he insisted. He could feel his heart still beating rapidly against his ribcage, his blood pumping fiercely through his veins. Apparently his nerves still needed to die down. "What are you doing here, Kairi?"

She smiled down on him, and Sora was forced to blink to avoid fascination. "I came to see you, silly."

Sora arched an eyebrow. "What? Why?"

She shrugged, her hands still on her knees. "I don't know. I figured you could use some company." She tilted her head to the side slightly, her red hair dangling next to her face. "Unless you're napping. You wouldn't need my company for that."

Sora couldn't help but chuckle. "No, I'm not napping. Just…resting." He made a face. What was the difference?

Kairi simply laughed. "That doesn't sound much like a deviation." Sora smiled sheepishly, scratching his cheek as he continued to lie on the floor. Kairi turned her head, looking around the room before gazing back down at Sora. "You're not auditioning for Laziest Bum, are you? I'm sure you would land that spot as well, with the way things are going."

Sora's eyes widened, causing Kairi to laugh again. He blinked before smirking playfully, lifting an arm. "Would you like to join me, Miss Coleman?" he taunted, grabbing her forearm and lightly yanking her down. With a squeal she landed beside him, landing on her rump and facing his direction.

"Hey!" she cried, backhanding him on the shoulder. He only grinned as he tilted his head to the side to look at her. Her attempt to hold seriousness against her features soon dissolved as she started giggling, one hand resting on her leg that was beside Sora's head.

"Oh, c'mon. You should've seen that one coming," Sora said, pushing himself up with a grunt.

Kairi shook her head as her soft laughter faded. "You're unpredictable, Sora Carter."

"What can I say?" Sora started, shrugging. "When people expect me to go right, I go left." This earned a smile out of Kairi, which caused Sora's to widen. As a small silence came between the two of them, the music entered his ears again, and he was sure that the song he had been dancing to earlier was back a few tracks.

Kairi seemed to notice the choice of music. "Wait… Are you working on the partnered dances?" she asked, her perfect eyebrows lifting. Sora nodded, and her eyes widened slightly. "Isn't that a bit difficult? You know, since you're alone?"

Sora folded his legs, leaning up and resting his hands against his calves. "Well, yeah, a little. I'm still trying…" He paused, rubbing the back of his head. "Um, was trying."

"No luck, huh?"

Sora smirked. "Why do you think I'm still on the floor?" He used his hands to gesture to his spot.

As Kairi tucked a few tendrils of her hair behind her ear, she said, "Good point. But still, you can always try again."

"What's the point?" Sora's eyebrows pulled together. "I'll just mess up again, and it's not like it'll get any easier. I've done the routine again and again, but I can never really finish it without doing something stupid at least once."

Kairi only smiled sweetly, causing Sora's breath to catch. "I wouldn't be too sure of that. Things can always be accomplished when you have help." She stood herself up, dusting off her deep blue sweatpants.

Sora quirked an eyebrow, tilting his head to the side as he pointed a finger at her. "Wait a second. You mean…"

Kairi put her hands on her hips. "To keep you company wasn't the only reason I came, Sora. If you needed help, I was gladly going to give it to you."

"You don't have to," he insisted, brown spikes swaying as he shook his head. "You've got enough on your hands as it is. Plus, if Tifa finds out you were here—"

"Tifa said herself that she didn't care what it took, remember? So there shouldn't be a problem." Kairi bent down, offering a hand out to Sora. He took it, his hand sliding into hers. A sense of déjà vu ran over him, remembering that not too long ago they were in a similar position—him on the floor with Kairi holding out a hand.

Once he was up, they let go, not holding on for as long as last time. Kairi started toward the stool near the mirror, grabbing the remote. "Besides," she started, scanning through the songs, "I can use all the practice I can get. I have to sing and dance."

"Makes me wonder why I'm complaining," Sora muttered, running a hand through his spikes. Kairi turned to him then, her hand still on the remote.

"You're so hard on yourself, Sora. You just need to let loose and have fun." Kairi glanced back at the stereo in the corner of the room, pushing a button. Music filled Sora's ears, and ironically Kairi picked the song he had given up on. She set the remote down on the stool and started toward his position. "It may be considered work, but you should also remember that opportunities like this can be entertaining, too."

Sora watched as Kairi came to his side, getting in position. "But how can I have fun when I have so much to worry about?"

Kairi turned her head toward him, a small smile on her face. "That's where I come in." Sora tilted his head in confusion, but Kairi only looked towards her reflection. "Okay. Five, six, seven, eight."




It had only been a few minutes and already Sora was messing up. Every time he did, Kairi would grab the remote off the stool and start the song over again. He felt bad; he was building limits for her. She was trying so hard to help him, yet he still wasn't progressing.

As Kairi went up to the stool again, breathing heavily from the work, she reached for the remote. "Hey, Sora?"

"Yeah?" he panted, wiping sweat from his forehead with his arm.

"You don't mind if I try singing with the routine, do you?" she asked, pressing a button.

Sora looked at her for a second before shaking his head. "Of course not," he said. Her voice was beautiful, from what little he heard of it. She hadn't started singing in practices yet, for they were more focused on the dance steps. Sora had seen her mouth the words occasionally, but that was it.

Kairi set the remote down, walking over to a corner of the room. "Great," she replied with a smile. She grabbed the Nady HM-5U headset, putting it on and flipping the switch. "Test, test," she spoke into the black mouthpiece, her voice echoing through the room. "Alright," she said with satisfaction, walking back over to the stool in the front of the room. She pressed a button on the remote and a beat began pulsating through the room.

Sora got ready, a light tempo reaching his ears. Kairi came beside him, getting into position. Sora glanced at Kairi, who nodded her head, as if counting. "Five, six, seven, eight!"

"You've been waiting so long. I'm here to answer your call," she began, and the two side-stepped, their feet gliding across the floor. They bent their knees in unison, their arms moving with the notion. "I know that I shouldn't have had you waiting at all. I've been so busy but I've been thinking 'bout what I wanna do with you.

"I know them other guys, they've been talkin' 'bout the way I do what I do. They heard I was good, they wanna see if it's true." Kairi twirled her hips as Sora slide-stepped over to her, getting behind her. He snapped his fingers to the beat, his hand out by her side so it was visible in the mirror while the other was on her waist. "They know you're the one I wanna give it to." Kairi turned her head, looking up at Sora as she sang, "I can see you want me too." She put a hand on his shoulder before pushing him away, the two separating.

"Now it's me—it's me and you now." The two clapped their hands above their heads before taking two steps to the left. "I've been waiting, waiting. Think I wanna make that move now. Baby, tell me if you like it. Tell me if you like it."

The two of them worked on the partnered bit, coming closer to each other. "It's me and you now. I've been waiting." Sora grabbed Kairi's hand and pulled her to him, simultaneously twirling her so her back was against his chest before she twisted back out. "Think I wanna make that move now. Baby, tell me how you like it." She walked forward a few steps away from him while he faced her until she turned back. Facing each other a few feet apart, they performed the same steps. Sora kept his eyes focused on her as he tried to concentrate on his moves at the same time.

"I was waiting for you to tell me you were ready." They both jumped before crossing their feet on the floor and then spinning in a quick circle. Sora did a smooth slide step toward Kairi, gliding on one knee. "I know what to do if only you would let me."She then threw her hip in his direction, her arms going in the same direction above her head, her hands linked. Sora rose from his spot on the floor. "As long as you're cool with it, I'll treat you right." Kairi turned toward him, doing a body roll against him as she sang, "Here is where you wanna be." This move caused Sora's insides to swirl—his heart leaping, his body tingling.

Kairi turned quickly, her hair whipping behind her as she took a step away from Sora. "I know them other guys, they've been talkin' 'bout the way I do what I do," she sang, before they both faced the mirror again. "They heard I was good; they wanna see if it's true."They stepped to the left, their right feet crossing behind their left as their arms pumped down. They spun again before they bent their knees and tilted their heads quickly from one side to the other, Kairi's hair being thrown in that direction, some of her red strands splaying across her face. "They know you're the one I wanna give it to. I can see you want me too. And now it's me and you."

As she continued, Sora watched his feet in the mirror, making sure he didn't trip. He was actually very surprised at how well he was doing. He should have messed up by now, considering how far they had gone into the song already. But he could only guess that the reason why he was doing so well was because of Kairi; the aura she sent off gave him more confidence, which was a great advantage. The young dancer recognized this part of the song, so he turned his head toward Kairi, side-gliding toward her smoothly as she sang the words.

"Baby, I'll love you all the way down. Get you right where you like it," she sang softly, facing Sora. "I promise you'll like it. I swear." She spun, her hair coming into her face as she put her hands against Sora's chest, starting to push him back as she walked slowly with the beat. "Just relax and let me make that move. It's our secret, babe." As she voiced the next words, she lifted a hand off of Sora's chest, bringing her finger to the tip of his nose. "Keep it between me and you." She smiled before turning around and singing again, performing steps.

Sora tried to keep the grin off his face as he danced with her, but couldn't resist. Kairi had a hold on him like no other girl had before. She was so different, but that's what attracted him to her. Her personality shined through whenever he saw her, confidence always in her step. The girl carried herself so well.

As she sang, "Me and you, it's just me and you," Kairi dragged her right foot in a semi-circle, starting in front of her and pulling it around to the back. She then let the same foot tap the floor next to her, crossing her wrists in front of her face and then bringing them behind her head. She stepped forward with her left foot, arms stretching out in front of her, and slid toward the mirror, her arms coming to her sides when she moved forward. Her left hand found her hip as she rocked her waist from side to side, while she held up two fingers with the other hand. "It's just us two. It's just me and you now."

She twirled toward Sora, her back meeting his chest again as he put his arms around her waist. "I've been waitin', for your love I've been waitin'." Their hips swayed from side to side, her arms over his as they stared at the mirror. "Gonna make that move now. Baby, tell me how you like it."

The music faded out and the two's dancing came to a halt. Sora gazed at the mirror from over Kairi's right shoulder, short-winded and panting for breath. He took in their position, watching as neither of them moved a muscle as the disk switched over to another fast-paced song. Sora remained where he was, his arms locked around Kairi's waist. She didn't make any move to separate either, her hands resting on his forearms. Her head tilted back slightly, resting against Sora's shoulder, her hair touching the side of his neck. The girl was breathless as well, gulping in air as she closed her eyes for a moment. As the beat bounced off the walls, Sora could also make out Kairi's breathing coming through the mouthpiece of the headset.

The sweet fragrance of her perfume entered Sora's senses, and he closed his eyes as he absorbed it. This moment—here and now—was one he didn't think he would be having with her. It seemed impossible for him to be holding her so close, especially since the routine was over and she wasn't tearing herself apart from him.

Where did this sudden surge of courage come from? Normally he would have pulled away from uncertainty or nerves. But presently, there were no jitters, no amount of doubt. Only assurance and something else Sora couldn't identify; a funny feeling was in his heart, like a million butterflies were fluttering around in his chest and with every beat they were closer to breaking free from their cage. This feeling had never been within him before; something foreign.

Sora's cobalt blue eyes met his reflection in the mirror, his breathing calming. Flitting his eyes over, he could see Kairi observing herself in his arms, her head no longer leaning against his shirt. Her auburn strands of hair were brushing against his left cheek, though, tickling him slightly. However, he didn't show it. He blinked when the girl's chicory eyes met his own blue orbs, her expression calm as she continued to catch her breath.

"How," Sora started, swallowing air, "was that?"

Kairi nodded in approval, her expression unreadable. "Better." She inhaled before releasing the breath. "Much better."

Sora nodded slightly, exhaling heavily. "Good."

A silence overcame them, although the music still resounded in the room, along with their heavy breathing. Their eyes stayed connected, an intense look in each pair of eyes. Sora could sense what his was. As for Kairi's, he wasn't sure if it was in dislike of their position or a strong pull of attraction.

The grasp on his forearms tightened suddenly and he looked down, his gaze leaving the mirror. Sora felt Kairi's hands grip his arms harder, making him furrow his eyebrows in disarray. Glancing back up at their reflections, he noticed the look on the redhead's face. "Kairi?" he wondered aloud, his voice showing his confusion.

She then started to wriggle free from his hold, in which he released her immediately, the girl stepping away from him. She kept her head down as she walked a few feet away, stopping a good distance from him. Sora turned his body slightly to face her, his sweaty face representing his mental state. He could only watch as she ripped the headset off, a sound of impatience leaving her lips. Her pale fingers raked through her dark red locks. At this point the CD had come to a stop, silence filling the room.

"Kairi?" Sora called again, his eyes showing his concern.

Kairi turned around slowly, one hand still in her hair. She stared at the ground for a minute before lifting her sight to him, an apologetic look in her eyes. She shook her head slowly as she whispered, "We can't."

Sora continued to gaze at her with furrowed eyebrows. "Can't what?" He knew what she meant. Of course he knew what she meant.

The hand that was in Kairi's hair fell, slapping against her leg. "That!" she said, motioning to the mirror. "We can't do that! What we just did!"

Sora shook his head slowly, taking a step closer. "Kai—"

"No," she declared, her voice firm. "We can't, Sora. I'm sorry."

"Why not?" he challenged. "I'm not the only one who feels it… You do, too."

Kairi bit her lip, her eyes falling to the floor. She shook her head, red hair swaying. "Even so, I can't do it…" She looked up, staring at his form a few yards away. "Not with one of my dancers."


"Even if we did goof off with each other and form a friendship, that's all we are. We're friends."

Sora never knew how hard words could impact him. Kairi saying that to him was like taking a bullet to the chest.

"I understand that it could easily develop into something more," she admitted. "The way we danced clearly showed that."

"Then why not let it?" Sora countered, his voice rising slightly. "What's so wrong about it? We're partners; even if we didn't feel this way toward each other, we would still have to dance like we did." Kairi shook her head again, and Sora decided to take a step or two forward, gradually getting closer to her. "Let's stop pretending, Kairi. I'm tired of hiding my feelings. I have been since the day I met you."

"Don't say that…" Her voice was starting to shake. "I already said no."

Sora stared at her for a minute, a breath leaving him silently. "Just…just be honest with me," he requested gently. "Between the two of us—did you feel…anything?"

Kairi diverted her gaze to the floor, her head turning a little. She pressed her lips together, closing her eyes. After a moment's silence, she nodded.

"Then why are you denying it?" Sora asked, his eyes pleading. "Why can't you just give into your feelings? What's so wrong about—about us?"

Kairi's eyebrows furrowed over her eyes. "We're here strictly for business, Sora. We didn't come looking for relationships."

"So what? Haven't you ever heard that the best things come to you when you're not seeking them?" Sora's heart was beating hard against his chest, heavy with sadness but also full of hope. "Have a little faith, Kairi. Good things come to those who least expect them. Why can't you just accept…this?"

"I can't be held back anymore!" Kairi suddenly cried, causing Sora to fall silent. His features expressed his shock, but also his hurt. Kairi's free hand clenched into a tight fist. "I've tried so hard to even make it as far as I have. A relationship will only keep me at the same place I am now!"

"…So that's it?" Sora started, his tone hushed. "You don't want me to keep you from your dream?" His head was lowered by the time he finished, his eyes focusing on the floor beneath him. "I guess I am being a little selfish…" he admitted softly, a hand coming up and rubbing the side of his head of spikes.

Kairi tilted her head to the side slightly, her expression holding remorse despite her decision. "Sora… I really am sorry."

"I-I know," Sora said, lifting his head to look at her. His hand moved to the back of his neck as he glanced away for a second. "I was… I just thought…" He sighed, lowering his head again. He was at a loss for words. What could he say? He was being rejected, his feelings getting tossed back in his face.

"Sora, please understand. I do like you…a lot. But I just can't right now."

Sora offered her a small smile. "I know. Like I said before, you have a lot on your hands. I understand…" After a few seconds of silence, he turned around, walking near the door. Once he approached the wall, he bent down, grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. It may have been earlier than he was supposed to leave, but there was no reason for him to stay anymore. He accomplished his goal for tonight: cleaning up his act, fixing one routine.

"Where are you going?"

Sora turned his head at the soft voice, his eyes falling on Kairi on the other side of the room. She looked as upset as he felt, and he desperately wanted to just walk up to her and wrap his arms around her to get rid of that expression on her face. But it was out of the question now.

Even if she did feel the same way, she didn't want him.

"Oh… Uh," Sora began, looking away until an excuse came to mind. His eyes met Kairi's again and he finished. "Tifa didn't say I had to stay as late today, so…"

"Oh." Kairi tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear.

Sora nodded, standing there for a second as he let his eyes rest on the floor under his feet. After a minute of the awkward silence, he walked forward a few feet, pulling some clinking metal out of his pocket. He placed the keys on a table by the door. Biting his lip, he grabbed the door handle and pulled the door open, walking out of the room and down the hall, a loud "click" echoing in the hallway once the door shut.

A sigh left Sora's lips as he rubbed the back of his head, closing his eyes. All of that faith and hope in his heart… It all just diminished. Here he was, hoping that Kairi would accept his feelings toward her. But she didn't, telling him that it would be too hard…and that he would be holding her back. Tifa had lectured him on that earlier, and he thought it was all a lie. Maybe he was naïve; his optimism shrouded the reality of his life. He was too soft; to survive, you had to have tough skin.

He was sure his was just like paper—delicate, bendable, and easily torn.

Now he knew his heart was the same way.

The fresh air didn't help Sora compose himself. Knowing that the one person who can make you feel whole doesn't want you back shatters you. Sora was stuck picking up the pieces on his own.

He watched his feet as he walked, silence surrounding him. One particular thought haunted his mind as he traveled home, a realization that hit him earlier that evening. Kairi… She really was someone he couldn't have. He should've understood that before he got in too deep. He'd never really had any luck with girls before, so why should this be any different?

Well, for one—none of them were Kairi.

Two—he'd never really felt his heart speak to him the way it did when he met her.

He always thought that "love at first sight" was just a phrase, but it wasn't. It never really had been. He couldn't deny that he and Kairi barely knew each other; they'd only known of each other's existence for a couple weeks. But something in his heart told him that she was someone who could change his life forever; someone who could turn his world upside-down; someone who could prove to him just by being there that not everything is impossible and not everyone should give up.

But isn't that what he was doing—giving up?

In order for someone to be happy, that's what he had to do. Sora had never really given up on anything, especially relationships. They gave up on him. There was nothing there to really love about the previous people he had met; not like her. There was so much he already loved about her…

But…maybe he did come on too strong.

Sora kicked at a pebble on the sidewalk, the sound of it hitting the pole of a streetlight reaching his ears. The warmth that had rushed to his heart when he saw Kairi was unlike anything he had ever felt before. Nothing had been as strong as that feeling. He knew then that it had to be more than a crush, because puppy love was never that powerful.

Sora dug into his pocket before pulling out his phone. It was a little after nine. As he waited for the crosswalk sign to change, he leaned against the pole. It wasn't that late; he could probably swing by the local ice cream shop and grab a Sea Salt bar before they closed.

Sora jumped when his phone started to ring. Reading the ID, he noticed that it was Roxas. Sora's eyebrows furrowed as he hit a button, bringing the phone to his ear. "Hello?"

"Sora, glad I caught you man. Are you still in the studio?"

"Er…not really."

"What are you doing then?"

"Uh…walking home? Why do you ask?" Sora put a hand in his pocket as his shoulder leaned against the post.

"Actually, I was wondering if you were all right after what happened earlier today. Tifa was a little harsh," Roxas said.

Sora grimaced. "Ugh, don't remind me."

"I mean, you didn't mess up that bad." Sora rolled his eyes as Roxas continued. "A few little mistakes here and there, but can easily be fixed."

"Roxas," Sora started. "Is there really any point to this phone call?"

"Of course there is. I'm not the only one who's worried about you, you know. Naminé has her concerns, too."

Sora smiled softly. "I appreciate it, but you guys don't have to worry about me. I can handle anything thrown at me…and I do mean 'anything'," he said, muttering the last part.

There was a pause on the other line. "Sora? You sure you're okay, man? You sound kinda down."

Sora sighed, shifting so his back was against the pole. "Trust me, Roxas. When I say I can handle it, I can handle it."

"What happened?" Roxas asked, and Sora scanned the street around him. He glanced back the way he came before looking ahead again.

Wait a second. Sora did a double-take, his sight darting back to the way he had traveled. His breath caught when he noticed a figure twenty yards down the street, enough light in the sky to allow him to see exactly who it was.


"Uh…Roxas, I'm gonna have to call you back," Sora said, his eyes still glued to the sight before him.

"Huh? Sora, wait—"

Sora ended the call despite Roxas's protests, slipping the phone back in his pocket as he watched the figure continue in his direction. She wasn't strolling like he had been, but walking quickly. Wait—was she coming toward him, or just in a rush?

"K-Kairi?" Sora hollered, blinking to make sure he wasn't just imagining the girl heading toward him. She didn't answer, but only continued walking, her pace seeming to pick up a bit when she heard his voice. He could only stare in confusion, not sure as to what exactly was happening. She slowed down about fifteen feet away, coming to a halt. "Kairi, what are you doing?"

"I was wrong," she said, a little breathless. "I shouldn't have said any of those things to you, especially after I said I felt the same about you."

Sora's eyebrows knitted together. "But you told me you couldn't afford to be in a relationship right now. You said…you said I was holding you back."

Kairi shook her head, her breathing back to normal. "No, no. You're not at all." When Sora's face only showed more confusion, she continued. "Listen, Sora. I may have said those things, but I wasn't being honest. You see…I was a little skeptical about this whole thing—about the show. I wasn't really sure if things were actually going to change, instead of staying the same like the other times. When Tifa told me she would be choreographing another group of people to dance with me, I wanted to tell her to just forget about it because I didn't think it was really worth it. I kept asking myself what would be different this time around. I didn't have an open mind, and I definitely wasn't being optimistic."

Kairi smiled sweetly, almost shyly. "But then I met you. When I got to the studio that first day, I didn't think that I would see things differently. I just thought I would have to force myself through more rehearsals. But after partnering up with you…I knew things changed. Working with you that day, I began to see things in a new light. Remember when I messed up, and you told me to just laugh at my own mistakes?"

Sora nodded silently, still trying to absorb everything she was saying.

"Well, after that, I felt that you were going to be the difference this time around. The previous guys I've performed with, they were never as carefree as you are. They barely even paid attention to what I was doing with them; they didn't care about me, but only themselves." She took in a breath, her smile softening. "You were the opposite—you were actually worried about how I would do. The first time you were forced to stay after practice I knew that you did. Other guys would have walked out then and there. It's happened before, so I was half-expecting it to happen again."

Sora blinked in shock. "Really?"

Kairi nodded. "Yeah. And when you didn't, I was actually flattered. That's one of the reasons why I smiled at you before I left—out of gratitude."

Sora listened intently, though he couldn't help but wonder what the other reasons were.

"And then today, when you got so upset about it—that was when I realized that you truly cared about me. The way you looked when Tifa was yelling at you… It hurt to see you like that," Kairi admitted, lowering her gaze to the concrete. "It made me upset to listen to Tifa make assumptions like that. I knew you would never do that to anyone. Tifa's stress gets in the way of her common sense, which was probably why she lashed out on you. Regardless, it shouldn't have happened, and I want to say I'm sorry for not at least saying something."

Sora shook his head. "Don't apologize. It wasn't your fault," he said gently.

"Maybe…" Kairi's voice grew softer as she rubbed her arm. "But I shouldn't have used the same excuse a little while ago. It was immature of me to use that against you."

"So… I'm not holding you back?" Sora asked, wondering if he was getting the story straight.

"Not at all," Kairi confessed quietly, her voice holding a bit of remorse. "You've done everything but. You see, you've helped me more than anything. When I dance with you, it's so…strange. I mean, before I never really connected with anybody. But a few minutes ago, I fell in sync with you. It felt so funny at first, but then it felt good.

"But once we stopped, and I realized what was happening…I got scared," Kairi admitted. "I'd never gotten so close to someone so fast, and never really dealt with the feeling I had at that moment. It was definitely not a familiar feeling."

"I know what you mean," Sora said, smiling slightly. Kairi returned the expression, tilting her head to the side.

"That was the feeling you were talking about?" Sora nodded and she tucked some of her red hair behind her ear. "It's strange. I never thought a feeling could be that powerful."

"Neither did I. It was surprising, really, how hard it hit me the first time." Sora kept his eyes lined with hers. "I don't really know what to call it…"

Kairi smiled again, which caused Sora's heart to skip a beat. He was not going to get used to that any time soon. "…Love at first sight?"

Sora stared at her for a second. Did she believe that, too? "You think?" He tilted his head to the side, a smile growing on his lips.

Kairi shrugged. "What do you think?"

Sora smiled shyly, his pearly whites making an appearance. He brought a hand to the back of his head. "Well…" He scratched the back of his head as he stared at the ground. "It's possible. Very possible. But I think our dance is what did it." He glanced up, seeing Kairi smiling even more.

"We connected, didn't we?" she asked, and Sora could have sworn he heard a tremble in her voice.

He paused for a second before he boldly shook his head. Kairi's expression completely changed, her forehead creasing. Sora only smiled at her, his eyes locked on hers. "We did more than that."

Kairi narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" she asked, her voice quivering.

Sora shrugged, a smirk on his lips. "That depends," he started, crossing his arms. "Is your intuition coming from you mind? Or is it coming from your heart?"

A silence fell upon the two of them, the heart of the nineteen year-old rapidly pumping blood through his veins, the pulse thumping loudly in his ears. A thick aura of faith and hope lingered in the air, bright, azure irises gazing into the innocent periwinkle opposite them. Sora felt his eyes beginning to soften as he took in the sight of Kairi—her lip was quivering ever so slightly and her eyes were glistening in the faint light; her ruby hair shifted in the gentle breeze that blew behind her, the strands getting pushed over her shoulders and brushing against her cheeks.

Sora blinked when her tote landed on the sidewalk, his eyes focusing on it for a few short seconds before he heard running footsteps. Looking back up, he uncrossed his arms just in time to catch Kairi as she crashed into him, her lips meeting his. He had to take a step or two back to keep from stumbling, but readjusted as he held the girl in his arms, her legs hitched around his waist.

Her lips moved with his, soft and warm. He hadn't even imagined this moment, but it was thrilling to know it was reality. Her fingers ran through his unruly hair, the other hand on his cheek. The tug on the corners of his lips informed him that he was trying to hold back a smile; the fact that his lips were connected with Kairi's prevented him from showing his happiness.

But in his heart, the butterflies finally broke through their barrier, fluttering wildly throughout his insides. A tingly feeling overcame his fingers and toes, goosebumps rising against his arms; the hair on the back of his neck stood up, the sensation giving him chills. He suddenly felt light-headed; all thoughts in his mind a blur as he kissed the girl he had so many feelings for.

She gently pulled back for air, her hands in his hair as she exhaled, her sweet breath fanning over Sora's face. His eyelids lifted, his sight immediately focusing on the girl's face inches from his, a smile gracing his lips at that moment. When her lips mimicked his, the heart inside him leaped, his knees almost giving out underneath him.

"Hi," Kairi whispered shyly.

Sora chuckled quietly. "Hi," he replied at equal volume. A short silence lingered between them as they gazed into each other's eyes, only their breathing being heard. Sora's smile faded a little as he decided to break it, his tone hushed. "So…which one was it?"

"What do you mean?" Kairi said softly, one of her thumbs stroking his cheek.

"Your decision," he elaborated. "What was the source? Did you listen to your mind or your heart?"

Kairi smiled, her ivories appearing. "My heart spoke to me. Definitely."

Sora felt his smile grow, looking up slightly at the girl. He started to lower her, her legs unhitching from his waist and her feet touching the ground. But he didn't let go, and neither did she; as her hands stayed next to his face, his rested against her back, keeping her close.

"So, Sora Carter," Kairi started, said boy looking her right in the eye, "dance with me next Saturday?"

"You can count on it," he whispered. Kairi beamed before closing the gap between them, her lips meeting Sora's once again.




"Alright, everyone!" Tifa hollered, the group wandering over and gathering into a circle. "Tonight's the night. We go on in just a few minutes, so get your blood pumping. We've worked hard for this." She paused, glancing at Sora who stood next to her. She put a hand on his shoulder. "All of us." Sora nodded, offering a small smile before she turned back to the rest of the group. "I know you're all going to do great. Over the past week and a half you guys have really shaped up, and I know that the show is going to be perfect. Kairi's going to shine and you're all going to hit the mark.

"There's a big crowd out there tonight, so do your best and have fun. This is the night we've worked for, so be sure to let loose out there." When Tidus beamed, she eyed him. "But stay on task and focus. No silly business until the freestyle sections."

The group laughed as Tidus rolled his eyes, sighing.

"Okay, I just want to say before we get ready that it has been a pleasure working with all of you. Who knows? Maybe you'll all audition for another performance I'll be choreographing." Tifa smiled, dark eyes representing her contentment. "Go out there and nail it tonight. Make me proud, kids."

Yuffie smiled widely. "Aww," she cooed. "Group hug!" She jumped forward, grasping Tifa in a tight embrace before everyone else followed suit. Riku rolled his eyes as Leon shook his head, but Selphie and Xion pulled them into the hug as well. After a minute of chuckling, everyone separated and Tifa grinned.

"Good luck, you guys. And Kairi," she began, the redhead looking in her direction. Tifa winked. "Rock the red hair."

Kairi laughed. "Will do, Tifa."

Tifa smiled, waved, and then left, leaving the dancers and artist to fend for themselves. Roxas and Naminé remained next to Kairi and Sora as everyone else drifted.

"You guys ready?" Roxas asked the couple, his eyes bright with excitement.

Sora grinned, bringing his hands together behind his head. "As ready as I'll ever be."

Kairi smiled up at him before looking back at Roxas. "I may have done this a couple times before, but I can't help but be a little nervous. I guess I'm just a little worried that this might not be my big break, you know?"

"I wouldn't worry about that," Naminé assured with a small smile. "There are multiple agencies out there tonight, not just for the dancers but record companies, too. I'm sure you'll get an offer."

"Yeah," Roxas agreed. "You are popular with the locals, right?"

Kairi nodded. "Thanks, guys."

"Three minutes!" a voice called from near the stage.

"Showtime," Roxas said with a cheeky smile. Sora and Kairi nodded as Naminé looked up at Roxas.

"We better go get in our places," she suggested softly. The blonde girl suddenly leaned over, pecking him on the cheek, causing Roxas to freeze. "See you out there." She turned to Sora and Kairi. "You too, Sora. Good luck, Kairi."

Kairi smiled. "Thank you. You too."

They watched her go until Roxas finally spoke. "Uh…What she said." He smiled sheepishly, his face still tinted pink as he waved, walking off.

"He definitely has a crush on her," Kairi said with a giggle. Sora looked over at her, a smile coming to his face.

"You think she knows?"

Kairi nodded, her smile widening. "I'm sure she does." She gazed up at Sora, her eyes locking with his for a moment until she stepped toward him, wrapping her arms around his back. Without thought, Sora placed his hands on her waist, looking down at her. Peering through her bangs, Kairi asked, "Do you think things will be different tonight?"

"I wouldn't doubt it," he said, smiling a little. "Everything else you believed in before changed, so why not tonight?"

Kairi's lips formed a soft smile, her irises in line with his. "You're right about that. Ever since you came, things have turned out for the better. I think you may be my good luck charm, Sora." She giggled once she finished, his surprised expression being the reason. "Besides, I'm sure I'm not the only one who will benefit from you; a talent agency or two might be graced with your presence as well."

Sora's cheeks tinged a faint pink. "Let's hope so. How many people are going to be here anyway?"

Kairi pursed her lips, her eyes darting to the ceiling. "Well… Twilight Town's not that small of a place, so I'd say we have a full house."

Sora's eyes widened. "How big is the arena?"

"It seats more than a thousand, as far as I know."

"You're that popular?"

Kairi playfully smacked him on the shoulder. "Hey, I happen to be very popular with the locals, okay? I've been here for a while." Her hand found its way around his back again. "But even with that many people, things may not go as you plan. Like my career—it's only gone as far as covering songs done by other artists." She frowned a little, her eyes falling on Sora's chest.

"Aw, you shouldn't have to worry about that. Things will go differently tonight," Sora assured her, her eyes finding his again.

"You think?"

"Positive." He leaned forward, pecking her on the lips. "You just have to have a little faith."

"You have faith in me," Kairi stated, and Sora realized that he didn't have to confirm that; she already knew. "I think that's enough to keep me moving forward."

"Good." Sora smiled lovingly at her, receiving the same from her.

"Kairi!" The redhead whipped her head to her left, her eyes falling on one of the backstage men. He waved her over hurriedly, signifying that they only had a short time until the show started.

Kairi turned her gaze back to Sora. "I guess I better go get set. I'll meet you on stage."

"'Kay." She leaned forward, kissing him quickly before they pulled apart. She fixed her black and white striped shirt, adjusting the black vest that went over it as she headed to her spot. Sora watched her go before he went and joined the guys on one side of the stage.




"Do we want what we've got? If not I, say so what," Kairi sang, walking back toward Sora. "Here's my formal invitation. Let's go, let's go masquerading." She stood right in front of him, her face inches from his. "La la la la, la la la la. La la la la, la la la la."

Once the song finally ended, the crowd applauded. Kairi kept her eyes connected with Sora's, though, both of them breathing hard. He winked at her, feeling sweat trickle down his temple. She smiled at him before turning her attention toward the audience.

"Thank you, Twilight Town!" she said happily into the microphone, hollering over the cheers. "You've been a great audience!" She turned around halfway, holding her hand out behind her to Sora. Hesitating at first, he finally approached her and took her hand. She then looked over her other shoulder, waving the other dancers over. They all joined her at the front of the stage, linking their hands together. Kairi looked down the line on each side of her before all of them bowed.

Sora glanced over at Kairi, seeing her grinning from ear to ear. He squeezed her hand once they were fully upright again and she tightened her grip on his hand, peeking at him and then gazing out over the crowd. "Have a good night!" she cried into the microphone, everyone dispersing and heading backstage. She waved at the audience with her free hand before looking over at Sora, who grinned at her and started leading her off the stage.

As soon as they were backstage everyone started clapping, causing Kairi to smile shyly. Sora released her hand and started clapping himself. When she glanced at him, he noticed how her cheeks were close to rivaling her hair, a giggle leaving her lips.

"Great job, Kairi!" Tifa cried, bringing the redhead into a hug. "You did it!"

"Thanks," Kairi chimed, still grinning from ear to ear. Looking over the brunette's shoulder, she noticed everyone else wrapping their arms around her. "Whoa!"

Sora laughed as he stayed back and observed the scene, feeling as if the smile on his face was permanently etched into his skin. Even if things didn't work out tonight, Kairi was happy. That was all he wanted. That was all that mattered.

"Sora Carter?"

Turning his head, Sora's eyes fell on a man wearing a black suit, a goatee on his face that was the same color as the dark brown hair on his scalp. "Yes, sir?"

"Trent Howard, Radiant Garden Dance Agency," he introduced, holding out a hand. Sora took it politely, giving a firm shake. "Your performance this evening was impressive. You seem very skilled in your dance region. What would you say to getting together and talking about joining us soon?"

Sora blinked. "Really?" Trent nodded. "Yeah, of course. Definitely."

"Great." Trent smiled, reaching into a pocket inside his jacket. "Here's my card. Call and we'll set up an appointment."

"Thank you, sir," Sora said, glancing at the card before looking up at the man. Trent nodded and turned around, walking away. Sora fixed his gaze on the card again, still feeling slightly dazed at what just happened.

Kairi came up beside him, one of her hands resting on his shoulder closest to her. "What's this?" She leaned forward, peering at the card. After her eyes skimmed over the words, they grew in size. "Oh my goodness," she said, her tone hushed. She let her eyes rest on the boy's face. "Sora…"

Sora looked over at her, a smile slowly growing on his face.

Kairi grinned, her face brightening. "Oh, my God! Sora!" she cried, immediately pulling him into a hug. He could only smile—something he'd been doing a lot of lately. "You got an offer! That's great!"

"There aren't any guarantees yet, Kai," Sora mentioned, the girl pulling away from him. "I still have to meet with them first."

"Are you kidding? Of course there is!" She wrapped her arms around him again, and he chuckled as he looked down at her. "They'd be crazy not to hire you."

He leaned his head down, kissing the top of her head. "Thanks, Kairi."

She smiled, letting her cheek rest against his shirt. Sora kept his gaze fixed on her for a moment, one arm winding around her waist. With the other hand, he looked at the card between his fingers. Who knew that just knowing that he could be accepted felt this good?

Kairi suddenly gasped, snapping Sora out of his thoughts. "What?" he asked. "What is it?" She wasn't looking at him, her eyes settled on something across the room.

"Her," she said, lifting a hand to point across the room. "That woman."

Sora followed her finger, his eyes falling on a woman with light brown hair, a pink ribbon in her braided hair. He watched her talk to Tifa, an eyebrow arching in question. "What about her?"

Kairi peered up at him. "That's Aerith Gainsborough, the A&R Coordinator from Roseland Records," she explained, her eyes sparkling with knowledge. "She's found some of the biggest talent around…and she's here."

The boy's blue eyes flitted back over to Aerith, finding that her green irises were focused on them. Sora's arm tightened around Kairi's waist. "Well, it looks to me like things are about to change, because she's coming over."

"What?" Kairi's gaze immediately fixed on the young woman traveling toward them. She brought her arms back to her sides as she turned to face her. Sora's arm still remained around her waist as Aerith approached.

"Are you Miss Kairi Coleman?" she asked, her voice light in tone. Kairi nodded silently and Aerith smiled warmly, offering a hand. "I'm Aerith Gainsborough, from—"

"Roseland Records," Kairi said without thought, a star struck expression on her features as she took Aerith's hand.

"You've heard of me, I presume?" Aerith inquired, an amused smile replacing the other. When Kairi nodded again, she laughed softly, taking back her hand. "Well, it's good to know that one of us has heard of the other. I never knew you had such a voice, Kairi."

Kairi blushed. "Thank you."

"Sure." She smiled again, her hands holding her clutch in front of her. "Have you considered signing with any major companies?"

Kairi smiled shyly. "Um, not at the moment."

"Well, we'll have to change that then," Aerith said softly, reaching into her clutch and pulling out a light blue card, handing it to Kairi. "You are quite talented, Kairi. Roseland Records would love to have you."

"Oh, thank you so much!" Kairi smiled widely, looking up from the card in her hands.

Aerith nodded. "Just call and let us know when you're free. We'll set up a meeting and talk over your future, okay?"

Kairi's smile softened. "Sounds great. Thank you." They shook hands again. "Nice meeting you."

"Pleasure," Aerith replied with the same smile. Her emerald green orbs flitted up to Sora, nodding at him before turning to leave.

As soon as Aerith was out of ear shot, Kairi squealed, jumping up and down until she wrapped her arms around Sora's neck, hugging him tightly. Sora laughed, his arms naturally winding around her form.

"Congratulations," he whispered in her ear. She only squeezed him tighter.

"I can't believe it," Kairi gasped, pulling back, her hands resting on his shoulders. "Roseland Records actually wants to sign me…"

"And why wouldn't they? You're great." Sora flashed a smile, earning a soft one in return. "Where are they located, anyway?"

"Radiant Garden," Kairi answered, and her tone immediately saddened, her features showing her disappointment.

Sora's eyebrows furrowed. "What's wrong?"

"I'll be leaving, Sora. Radiant Garden is so far from here; I'll never be able to see you," she explained weakly.

"Radiant Garden, you say?" She nodded and Sora smirked, bringing one hand back to show her the card. "Radiant Garden," he said simply, signifying the words on his pale yellow card.

Kairi's lips parted, her eyes resting on the card for a second before flicking to Sora. "You mean…"

Sora smiled lovingly. "We'll go together."


Disclaimer: Stands very strong. I own nothing; that includes the first song Me & U by Cassie and the second song Masquerade by Ashley Tisdale.

My GAWD. Can you say "FLUFFY CHEESEEE"?! Haha, especially with the last line. :P The whole conflict between Sora and Kairi didn't come to me until a day or two ago. It was supposed to be completely different, like the confessions coming at the show. But I happen to like this version better, and I hope you do, too. :)

I apologize about the length. It definitely wasn't intentional. I think the fact that I actually wrote out the moves to the songs performed and everything actually made this much longer than the previous chapters. But, whew! That took a lot of energy out of me. Probably the longest chapter I've written in my entire life.

Anyway, I'm glad you read till the end. Makes me happy. Now if you would review! That would be wonderful! So, if you would please not just Favorite (etc.), but also review and let me know how this did, I'd be very happy.

Thanks for reading. :)