AN: Excited to post this chapter! Some of you are really sharp, already know where this story is going. Thanks for reading and please review!


Chapter Five:

Venus Desert Mayhem

by Phantasy Star

"Good morning!" Mina said cheerfully as she addressed each of them, "Lady Serena, Lady Raye, Sir Endymion, Sir Chad," she turned to Andrew, "Pervert."

Serena's eyes darted between Andrew and Mina. Last night, almost everyone had heard the screaming in Sir Andrew's tent, but nobody could make out the words. All they knew was that Mina had run off sobbing. She glanced questionably at Andrew, hoping that he was as noble-minded as her other comrades.

Andrew smiled, looking up briefly from the morning stew they were cooking around the fire, "Good morning, hag."

Mina glared at him, sitting down on a log as she took a small portion of their breakfast.

Serena had gotten used to her new nomadic life. She was still downhearted when she thought about Endymion… It seemed that their relationship was purely one of a princess and her knight. But perhaps he was right – they truly were from two different worlds.

"Seems we have arrived at a crossroad, princess," Endymion remarked, addressing Serena although speaking to the rest of the group, as he often did, "If we pass through the desert to the Venus Kingdom, it would take four days. Journeying through the hills would be a safer route, but would require an extra two days. I advise the latter, as even seasoned travelers find it difficult to navigate through Venus desert."

"I agree," Raye said.

"I can take us through the desert."

The others turned to Mina, surprised.

"I've... passed through it before... I can do it again," Mina said, then grinned, "Now then, I shall act as a holy light guiding you weary travelers!"

"No way," Andrew argued, "It's far too dangerous traveling through a desert."

"Sorry, you don't get a vote," Mina intercepted, "You're just a mercenary!"

"And you're just a wanderer!" Andrew retorted, "If I don't get a vote, why should you?"

Endymion ignored their bickering, "Lady Mina, are you sure you would be able to guide us through the desert?"

"One hundred percent!" Mina announced, "I swear by the holy light!"

"Yeah, I have no idea where we are," Mina muttered while Andrew glared at her.

They had been riding and walking for five hours now, the horses slowed by the shifting sands. The sun was scorching, dust filled the air, and their water supply had gone low.

"It seems the goddesses have granted us an obstacle in our quest!" Mina announced, brightening abruptly, "We shall come out of it stronger and more committed to our journey than ever before!"

"If we ever do come out of it," Raye muttered.

"We shall set up camp here until night, when it is cooler for us to walk," Endymion declared.

The others mumbled their agreements, taking their tents out of the carriage.

Serena was retrieving hers when Endymion approached her, handing her a pouch of water.

"Your Highness, please take a drink."

"That's your ration," Serena remarked, "I already had mine."

"I am not thirsty, Princess Serenity."

She smiled.

"Endymion... I'm fine. I'm not just a spoiled princess anymore. These many days of traveling with you, living outdoors, fighting and hunting, I have learned to take care of myself. I don't need special attention."

"If you insist..." Endymion said, withdrawing his hand.

"Endymion..." Serena said hesitantly, "If I were not a princess, and you were not a knight... Would you still look after me?"

He stared into her eyes, and her heart pounded heavily in her chest.

"Guys, come quick!"

They turned and saw Raye motioning at them frantically.

"There's a kid here lying in the desert!" she exclaimed, "We've gotta help him!"

Serena and Endymion rushed over, finding a young man with short brown hair and large eyes. He seemed to be Serena's age, certainly younger than most of the men in the party. He was unconscious.

Endymion quickly poured some water from his pouch on to the man's face. He awoke with a jerk, sputtering and gasping for air.

"Ugh, where… where am I?" he cried.

"We have done yet another great deed!" Mina announced from behind, "Saving a poor soul wandering aimlessly in the desert! Oh, the Heavens must have guided us here to-"

"You're in the Venus desert," Andrew interrupted, "We found you lying here unconscious."

"Oh!" he said, "Oh, how careless of me!"

He sat up, coughing, "My name is Gregori. I am a messenger knight from the Mercury Kingdom, en route to the Venus Kingdom!"

He frowned, surveyed the multiple faces around him, and added nervously, "You're not... bandits... are you?"

Mina gasped, "How dare you accuse us of-"

"No, don't worry, kid," Andrew said, "We're heading to the Venus Kingdom ourselves. You don't happen to have instructions, do you?"

"I do!" Gregori said enthusiastically.

"Great!" Andrew said, "You see, we were foolish and entrusted our lives to a arrogant wench who claimed she knew the way through the desert. How fortunate of us to run into you here!"

Gregori nodded excitedly, "Once I rest up, you can all follow me!"

Mina stomped her foot, "I knew the way! I did! I just didn't know it backwards! Hey, why isn't anybody listening to me?"

"Princess Raye!"

"Chad. What's wrong?"

She watched as he rode up to her, their horses galloping in parallel.

"Nothin', I just wanted to see how ya are doing, is all."

"I'm fine, thanks," she smiled, "See you later."

She tightened her reigns and rode forwards away from him.

"Princess Raye!" Chad called again, accelerating to keep up with her.

"What is it, Chad?"

"I see your archery skills have improved vastly!" he commented with a grin, "Your grandfather would be proud of ya, I'm sure!"

"Thanks Chad," she said good-naturedly, "So long."

Again, she rode ahead.

"Wait, Princess!"

She slowed and looked at him, slightly annoyed, "What is it now, Chad?"

"Why do ya keep riding away from me, Princess?" he said.

"Well, to be honest..." Raye admitted, "You say a lot of useless things, and I don't really know why you say it or why I have to hear it, so... I'm sorry, Chad, but I'm more of a direct person. Do you know what I mean?"

He scratched the back of his head, "Uh, yes... I suppose. Sorry, Princess."

"It's okay," she said, feeling a little guilty, "Just, talk to me only if you really have important news, okay?"

"Ya got it, Princess," he said, his shoulders slumped over.

"Well, see you later, Chad."

As she rode ahead, she rolled her eyes. What was with that soldier? Ever since grandpa had assigned him to her personal service two years ago, he had always followed her around like a puppy dog. Was he that desperate for a friend?

She never thought they would be traveling together like they were now. It was nice to see a familiar face in the crowd other than Serena, but it also made her uneasy sometimes with the attention he paid her. She had never considered herself a people person, and only got to know Serena at the other princess' insistence. Oh well, she had more important things to think about, like avenging her kingdom.

Sir Chad would just have to wait.

Serena held on to Endymion's back silently. It had been awkward between them ever since their conversation in the camp. She didn't dare bring it up again, and he didn't seem eager to continue the conversation. She sighed. She was thinking way too much… they had an impending war to worry about.

"We're out of the blasted desert!" Mina announced, "The Heavens have shined their bright lights upon us!"

Andrew came up next to her, "Why do you always have something to say?"

As the two argued, Serena looked far into the distance. The Venus Kingdom was in sight, although it was only a dot on the horizon at the moment. Her heart pounded. Maybe she would see her mother soon.

"Enemy troops!"

Raye's eyes filled with horror as the party turned around. Streams and streams of green-armored soldiers wove their way across the hills, surrounding them.

"We're being ambushed!" Gregori said, terrified.

More soldiers appeared, emerging from caves, from the trenches, from the top of the hills. Their weapons flashed dangerously under the sunlight. Giant axes, bows, spears, swords.

"Surely the Heavens will protect us and deliver us from this-"

"Shut up!" Andrew growled at Mina, riding ahead of her and covering her from the enemies' view, "Just stay back! And run if you have to. This is not going to be an easy battle!"

"Princess Serenity, please stay behind me," Endymion said quietly.

She nodded, taking out her wand.

Chad announced, "Princess Raye, don't worry! I'll protect ya! Stay in the back!"

"Of course I'm going to stay in the back!" Raye retorted as she strung her bow, "I'm an archer! What good would I be on the front line? See, this is exactly the type of useless thing I told you not to say to me!"

Serena's eyes filled with horror as she surveyed at the enemy troops. There were too many, far more than they had ever met up with. There was easily a hundred of them.

A hundred versus seven.

She gulped.

No way they would survive this.

"Bandits, go get'em!"

Serena gasped, turning to the cliffs.
