AN- Ok so I thought maybe I should give Len x Rin some rest for a minute xD

I need to express my love for Meiko x Kaito which seems to be a dying fandom. I need to resurrect it Dx

Ok so...there are other fics that go in this sort of direction of plot (Cough cough My Vocaloid) but I in NO WAY want to compete with them. I just wanted to give Kaito and Meiko a chance :3

Disclaimer: I do not own Vocaloid, Crypton, or really anything here but the plot and writing Dx

Kaito sighed, exhausted as he entered his small apartment. He shut the door with a soft 'click,' and proceeded to slip off his shoes before continuing into the room. His school bag is left abandoned next to his shoes. Tiredly, he finds his way to the couch to collapse.

He never how tiring a job as a singer could be.....Ok so he just sang for a few hours at the local cafe but was tiring. Well he did also have to a few tables. There was no way they'd get him in that dress again. Even if he did look good in it. Wait....What?

Kaito shook his head, rubbing his face into the cushion of the couch in the process. He was so tired. The "I'm-going-to-pass-out-and-most-likely-end-up-in-the-hospital-and-I-don't-have-the-money-to-pay-for-that-type-of-thing-right-now" kind of tired. Maybe if he just lay here for a few seconds he could get a few minutes of sleep-


Kaito groaned, placing his hand over his stomach.

"Why do you have to be hungry when I'm trying to sleep?" He said, irritatedly, to his stomach. Well now he had two options. One: Try to sleep with an empty stomach, (which was almost impossible) or Two: Try to eat something and then wake up the next morning with his face covered in it.

His stomach growled once more, giving it's opinion.

"Alright, alright. I'm going." He sighed, pushing himself off of the couch. He trudged toward the small kitchen, yawning a bit. The freezer greeted him with a blast of cold air, which woke him up a little. The chocolate ice cream he searched for decided to hide itself from him way in the back of the freezer. He almost had to crawl inside to reach it, but he managed to grasp it before reaching such extremes. Pulling out the sweet frozen treat, he pushed the freezer door closed and dug around in the silver ware drawer for a spoon. He sat down at the table and plunged the silver spoon into the chocolate ice cream, and released a pleased sigh as he put it in his mouth.

This was his dinner for the night. It was also his breakfast. Kaito couldn't really cook anything but eggs and noodles, and when that ran out he always kept a large stash of ice cream in the freezer. It was his most favorite food in the world. So sweet and creamy. So cold that when you swallow a spoonful without letting it melt a bit, you could see your breath when you exhaled. Anything ice cream related, Kaito was willing to eat. Everything and anything to do with ice cream was his obsession.

His friend, Kagamine Len, told him once that he was a bit weird for this certain craving, suggesting that bananas were defiantly better. Long story short they ended up buying a banana split, making themselves hungry from the argument.

Kaito took another spoonful into his mouth. The ice cream was beginning to wake him up a little, which was a good thing since he still had homework to do. Then again, he'd probably just wait until morning to do it.

Cerulean eyes slowly eye the clock on the wall of the kitchen. 6:46 (pm) and he was already exhausted. That was a bit sad, wasn't it?

Ah, well...There wasn't much that could be done about it.

Soon Kaito had cleaned out the small carton of the frozen snack. As he threw away the carton and placed the spoon in the sink, there was a knock on his door. His brows raised. A visitor? Now?

He strode quickly back into the front room and answered the door. A man in basic mail-man uniform stood there with a clipboard and a huge wooden crate that stood taller than Kaito himself. The man immediately thrusted the clipboard in Kaito's direction.

"Got a package for a Shion, Kaito?" He said. Kaito nodded.

"Uh, yeah that's me." He answered. "What is it?"

"I dunno. I just deliver 'em." The man replied, as Kaito signed his name on the line. Once the papers were once again in his possession, the mail-man wheeled the crate inside the apartment, leaving it in the living room as Kaito instructed. Once finished he left without another word. Kaito eyed the crate suspiciously.

'What in the world could this be?' He thought.

More importantly: how was he going to get it open? He didn't have a crowbar or any sort of tool. He supposed he might as well try and open it himself.

Twenty five minutes later, the crate was open, but Kaito's hands were red, sore, and blistered. Nursing one of his hands, the teen eyed the contents of the crate. His eyes widened. He let out a loud yelp before tumbling back onto the floor.

It was a girl! In a glass box!?

"What the hell?" Kaito whispered. "Is...she dead?"

The girls eyes were closed, even as she stood in an upright position in her container. She appeared to be sleeping. A regular Snow White. She wore a red zip-up jacket that cut off right below her (rather large) bust, showing off her stomach. A white belt was threaded through a red mini skirt, and brown, soft looking boots covered her feet. She also wore black arm warmers that extended into fingerless gloves, and hugged her arms tightly. Over the warmers, on her hands, were a pair of red gloves, also fingerless and matched the rest of her outfit. Her brown hair was cut in a short bob style.

Kaito slowly stood back up. He noticed a small booklet taped to the glass container and quickly snatched it up.

Opening the first page he read aloud:

Shion Kaito,

Congratulations. Your name was one of the few pulled from the Crypton Raffle you entered last week. Here is your prize. A Vocaloid! Her name is Meiko.

You have never heard of this before because simply, it is a brand new product.

Vocaloids are robots designed to make your life easier. She knows how to cook, clean, and her voice is especially programed to sing beautiful notes. You may download songs into her system for her to sing, if you wish. Just hook the connector cable to your computer and the other end into the plug-in on her left wrist.

Meiko is just like a normal human. She has hunger, and sleep needs so give her somewhere comfortable to sleep. She doesn't require any toiletry needs however. She also has ability to have emotions, and likes and dislikes.

Being a new model, we'd like you to give her a test run before we introduce other models to the public. If any malfunctions occur or if any 'bugs' are detected with the product, we've added company numbers, who's receivers will be able to help with.

To turn her on, a DNA sample will need to be given. This is because Vocaloids can only have one Master, and will only listen to the one who's DNA she recognizes. A kiss, or a drop of blood will suffice. No worries.

Also, please do not let it out to anyone that she is a Vocaloid. We want to keep the new product a secret, you see?



Kaito blinked a few times before turning back to the girl- no robot- in his living room. So...he had a robot? And she would cook and clean for him?

But wh-

Wait, now he remembered.

He and Len had gone to the mall to waste money on video games when they had seen the crowd. It was a raffle for a 'super special prize' that would only be given to three people. Len had pestered the older male non stop until he agreed to enter his name with him.

So....he actually won. Awesome. But now what?

Kaito bit his bottom lip as he let the booklet drop to the ground. He once again placed himself in front of the open crate. He hesitantly turned the lock on the glass case and the lid slowly opened. Due to gravity the robot came tumbling out of the case. Kaito managed to catch her before she hit the ground, though. He was surprised to find how soft her skin was. How she didn't make any sort of robotic noises when she landed in his hold.

Not knowing what else to do, he carried the motionless girl- robot- to the couch and placed her there. Now she really looked like she was sleeping. Once again Kaito thought of Snow White.

"So she needs a kiss to wake up, does she? That's a bit cliche." He muttered. Still, he leaned downward, their faces coming closer until he was merely hovering over her sleeping features.

'This is stupid.' He thought suddenly, but his body seemed to think different. With a jerking movement he planted a small peck on the robots mouth. Even her lips were as soft as a real girls.

He stood back at that point, waiting for her to explode or something. But nothing happened. Kaito sighed and began to turn around until he saw her eyes fly open. They were a deep chocolate brown colour, and were a bit glazed.

"Meiko is starting." She said. Her voice delaying in a robotic echo. Kaito's eyes stayed glued to the girl as she shot up to a sitting position.

"Installing skill components.......Booting saved memory." Again her voice delayed in a metallic way. All at once her body lost it's stiff posture, as she slumped in her position. Her hand flew to her forehead.

"I hate doin' that." She mutters, her voice devoid of the metallic delay it previously had. Kaito could only stare with a stupid expression on his face as she turned her slightly curious eyes to him. The glazed look was also gone.

The robot suddenly stood up from the couch, brushing off her skirt as she did so. Then, with her hands on her hips, she stepped up to Kaito. Her head tilted to the side.

"So you're my Master, huh?" She asked.

"Uh-...I guess?" Kaito replied. She smirked, raising a brow. Her eyes looked the blue-haired teen up and down, making him a bit self-conscious.

"Well....I guess I could've got worse." She said. Kaito was about to come back with a rude remark of his own, but she pressed a slender finger against his lips.

"Don't interrupt." She said with a smirk. "As I was saying, I could've got worse...but at least you're a cute one." She said, making Kaito blush a bit.

"Uh...thanks?" He said. She rolled her eyes, and pushed past him toward his kitchen.

"Anyway, what do you have to eat around here? I'm starving!"

AN- Hopefully I wrote Meiko in character?

I'm used to writing her while she's drunk xD

Remember kiddies: Reviews are made of ramune and I love me some ramune x3