Disclaimer: I don't own JONAS.

A/N: Here is the last chapter. I know some of you are going to be disappointed at the wrap-up, but this seemed more realistic to me. Originally I was going to have Nick do something totally different, but you all surprised me by liking the Nick/Angelina pairing so adjustments were made. Thank you so much to everyone who read and reviewed!

Dedication: To Jonathan, who is brilliant and dryly sarcastic and located this file on my computer after I lost it and only laughed at me a little.

Ellie and Frankie were sitting at the kitchen table working on their homework when Nick suddenly appeared at the head of the table.

"We need to talk, munchkins," he announced.

Frankie looked at his brother with amusement, "Okay, Nick. About what?"

"Angelina is coming over today to discuss the album, and I would like you two to lay off the matchmaking."

Frankie saw Ellie's mouth drop open in surprise as he stuttered, "Match… what?" He gulped before getting out, "We have no idea what you're talking about."

Nick raised an eyebrow at his youngest brother, and Frankie knew his brother well enough to know that there was no use denying it. Instead he said, "How'd you know?"

"Didn't take a genius to figure it out," Nick replied. "Well, considering Joe and Kevin are still clueless, I guess it did." Nick smirked a little before continuing. "You and Ellie never pay any attention to us. All of a sudden you two are around every time we're near a girl, and Joe and Kevin just both happen to get girlfriends. There was no way that was a coincidence."

Frankie looked at his brother with admiration – he really was the smart one. "Fair enough."

Nick smiled at the two matchmakers. "I will say you two did an impressive job. I never thought Stella and Joe would get together. And you were pretty subtle when Angelina was over. If I hadn't already become suspicious after the Stellavator thing, I wouldn't have known what you were doing."

"Thanks," Ellie said cheerfully, obviously glad that the sneaking around was over now that the last victim already knew what they were doing.

"So what were you going to do if I hadn't invited Angelina over?" Nick asked curiously.

"We were still working on that," Frankie admitted. "Ellie wanted to grab someone carrying a Nick sign from outside, but I told her we couldn't do that."

"Gee, thanks Ellie," Nick said sarcastically.

The little girl shrugged, "It's not that easy to find high school girls when you're in second grade. Our options were a little limited."

"Fair enough," Nick replied, sounding amused.

Ellie looked up at him seriously, "Are you sure you don't want us to help you with Angelina. I think we're actually getting the hang of this matchmaking thing. And we'll promise not to lock you in anything. We learned our lesson on that one."

Nick chuckled, "No thanks. I'm not sure exactly how I feel about Angelina right now. I was thinking about just taking it slow - get to know her and see what happens."

"But you're Nick. You never take it slow and see how things go," Frankie said in confusion. "You're the fall hard, go a million miles an hour brother."

"And we've all seen how well that's worked for me," Nick said dryly. "I thought maybe I'd see how other people do it."

"Just not Stella and Joe, please." Ellie begged. "I'm not sure we could survive that."

Nick laughed, "As much as I love them both, I'm not going to look to them for relationship advice."

Ellie and Frankie both sighed in relief.

"So no spying and scheming while Angelina's over?" Nick asked pointedly.

"Deal," Ellie said, sounding a little relieved.

Frankie nodded, "It'll actually be nice to go back to video games and stuff. The matchmaking took a lot more time than I had expected."

"But it was sort of fun getting to know your brothers better," Ellie admitted. "I still think they're weird, but they've grown on me."

Nick chuckled, "You've sort of grown on us too, Ellie." He leaned over and took something out of his messenger bag. "In fact, we made you something."

He handed her a CD case that said, "Ellie's Songs" on the front. "I put on some acoustic versions of our songs, including the one Angelina and I wrote. Plus I added some covers we did of kids stuff. Babysitter Kevin checked them all with your mom, so this should be an Ellie's mom approved, one-of-a-kind JONAS CD."

Frankie saw Ellie look down at the CD and then back up at Nick. She walked up to his brother and gave him a quick hug and whispered, "Thank you."

Nick rumpled her hair and said, "You're welcome, kiddo."

Ellie pulled away and turned to grin at Frankie. "Lego Star Wars?"

Frankie nodded as he got up from the table. Even if he didn't manage to get all three of them girlfriends, he still thought that things had gone pretty well. And as an added bonus, all three of his brothers seemed genuinely happy. He glanced over at his best friend and smiled at how pleased she looked reading the song list on the back of the CD case, or as he liked to think of it, the first spoils of Operation Matchmaker.

It felt good to make other people happy.

It would feel even better if he could get Kevin and Macy to take him to ice cream again.