Sorry about the lack of updates. I've been busy. This is my third week of my junior year and I've never seen so much homework in my life. I started on a Thursday and after two days, my first weekend of the year was spent doing 10 hours of homework. So, that's pretty much my life right now. I'll work on this the best I can!- burnoutbright

My heart almost leaped out of my chest when we arrived to that room. Our room. The room we've stayed in almost our whole lives. I watched the faces of the flock carefully. We all had the same thoughts of this place. None of them were good. It's not like a home where you could have mixed reactions. Yes, this was the place where we all grew up together, but it was the place where we were given wings, where Iggy lost his sight, where we had been injured, experimented on. Where we would never have a chance to have a normal life. This room was hell.

I was the first to step in. None of us had ever thought we'd be here again. We'd never wanted to come here again, and we'd never thought we'd be here as a visit and not as a capture. It was weird not being shoved into a crate with a bunch of Erasers everywhere. It was surreal and the air was thick. I looked around in the dark room. The cages were in their places, labels marking which crate belonged to each bird kid. Experiment 11, Angel. Experiment 8, Nudge. Experiment 10, Gazzy. Experiment 5, Iggy. Experiment 3, Fang. I stopped in front of the last cage. The label had no experiment number. Just the name MAXIMUM. I ran my fingers over the label and turned around to face the opposite wall and stared at the clock right above Fang's old crate. It was late, around 9 pm. The daylight out the window by my crate was replaced by the reoccurring flash of lightning. The howl of Erasers were replaced by loud claps of thunder. Angel hid behind Jeb. Fang came beside me and placed a hand on my shoulder but I didn't move.

I couldn't sleep that night. I don't know why, though. Call it "animal instinct". Like you know when a dog senses an earthquake then they get all worked up and scared. I guess I could sense something was going to happen that night because I was absolutely restless. I stayed up listening to all of the others sleep. Their breaths were normal and consistent. I listened to the wind rush loudly outside the School and the thunder and rain. Every once and a while I'd see a quick flash of light from the window. There was a loud clap of thunder and I huddled up. I saw Nudge flinch from across the room in her crate.

There was a noise outside the room and my spine tightened. I put my senses on full alert, praying it wasn't an Eraser. I watched the door slowly as the handle turned and slowly opened. A cart was pushed into the room, the kind that the Whitecoats would use to put our crates on when they wanted to move us all at once. The cart stopped in front of my crate and I heard footsteps come towards me. I moved to the back. Without any words, my crate was lifted off of the floor and on the top of the cart. I watched as the Whitecoat placed Fang next to me and then Iggy on the other end. Then he put Nudge, Gazzy and Angel on the bottom of the cart. I couldn't see far enough up to see the guys face but I could tell it wasn't an Eraser.

I felt Fang's eyes rest on me through the holes in the side of the crates and I looked back. I gave him a look that said, "I don't know but we'll be fine". I was the oldest (Jeb told me this) and so I made it my duty to look after the others. Fang, Iggy and I were roughly all the same age. We think that we're ten but we're not really sure. So when Nudge was born we guessed we were about three since we think she's about seven right now. Then there's Gazzy who is probably four and Angel is roughly two. But those were just estimates. It's not like I have a calendar in my crate crossing off days or anything. If anything, that would be a step up.

We were wheeled out through the back door of the School. The door we were told never to go out of. If we did then we were told that there would be consequences. These consequences most likely involved Erasers so none of us ever dared to escape out that way. We knew that the School had two floors and a basement (because we have heard Them talk about it) but we've never been off the main floor so we don't know of any other exits.

The man pushing the cart brought us out to the front of the School and then took us around back. I recognized the back. It was the place that we could see outside our room window. It was the place that the Whitecoats brought out small animals for the Erasers to practice hunting. Every once and a while I'd see a poor, innocent animal get attacked and the sounds were just awful. Then the Erasers were rewarded and brought back inside.

My heart sped up. Were we going to be targets for these creatures, these executors? Were we their next meal? I looked at the gate of my cage frantically, trying to figure out if there was any way I could get out and then save the others. There was no way they were going to kill us. Not today. Not after all that we've been through.

The Whitecoat stopped rolling the cart and bent down. He picked up Nudge's crate and put her in the back of a truck. Were we going somewhere? To a new School? The Whitecoat then moved Gazzy and Angel, Iggy then Fang. Then it was my turn. He picked up my crate and placed me beside Fang then shut the tailgate of the truck. I shot a glance at the Whitecoat's face to try and identify him. It was Jeb. I heard the truck start and it started to move. I watched nervously as the School got smaller and smaller behind us. And that was the last time I saw it.