ParamoreFreak95: (11:45:07): Hey, where'd u go?

xnotXanotherXleadXsingerx: (11:45:36): I had to go to the kitchen

ParamoreFreak95: (11:45:57): y?

xnotXanotherXleadXsingerx: (11:46:02): 2 c if I had practice

ParamoreFreak95: (11:46:13): do u?

xnotXanotherXleadXsingerx: (11:46:22): ya

ParamoreFreak95: (11:46:43): y'd it take so long?

xnotXanotherXleadXsingerx: (11:46:58): Bcuz Chace and mark thought itd b funny to take my laptop

ParamoreFreak95: (11:47:23): Oh, brothers r so retarded

xnotXanotherXleadXsingerx: (11:47:56): Yep, they think that just because they're older that they're so much better than me, so stupid =pI feel bad for my parents

ParamoreFreak95: (11:48:04): me 2…'d u get it back??????????//

xnotXanotherXleadXsingerx: (11:48:10): I threatened to call their girlfriends Cause you know how we get along =D

ParamoreFreak95: (11:48:25): & that worked?

xnotXanotherXleadXsingerx: (11:48:30): no that's y I actually called them –laughs evilly-

ParamoreFreak95: (11:48:34): Nice, what happened next

xnotXanotherXleadXsingerx: (11:48:45): well they (the GFs picked up) and (it helps that they're twins too so I only have call one) I put it on speaker and the boys mouthed dropped

ParamoreFreak95: (11:48:52): LOL then….

xnotXanotherXleadXsingerx: (11:49:01): then Ashlyn (chace's gf) said hey and chace put my laptop down on the bed. And Mark ran out of the room into the hallway.

And Chace looked like a deer in headlights

ParamoreFreak95: (11:49:20) LMAO

xnotXanotherXleadXsingerx: (11:49:28): so I said hey ash, she said it back and so did mary . I told ash that Chace wanted to talk to her and she was like "okay" I handed the phone to Chace and he didn't know what to say and so me and mark started cracking up. I pushed Chace out of my room and into hallway w/ Mark & locked my door & here we are

ParamoreFreak95: (11:49:53): LMAO ur fam is comedy

xnotXanotherXleadXsingerx: (11:49:57): urs2

ParamoreFreak95: (11:50:14): Ok so whats the plan 4 2day?

xnotXanotherXleadXsingerx: (11:50:33): okay, so 2day. Ur still coming over right?

ParamoreFreak95: (11:50:45): Yeah packing my stuff now

xnotXanotherXleadXsingerx: (11:50:50): kay so 12 u'll b here?

ParamoreFreak95: (11:50:55): correct-toe-moon-doe

xnotXanotherXleadXsingerx: (11:50:57): LOL

xnotXanotherXleadXsingerx: (11:51:15): okay so once u get here we'll put your stuff away. Eat lunch. I'll get ready 4 soccer practice. Leave for soccer practice. Come home. I'll take a shower. Then we do what we usually do 4 long weekend sleepovers.

ParamoreFreak96: (11:51:47): YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited! I 3 that memorial day is Monday. …….Just hopefully I don't get hit in the head w/ the ball this time….

xnotXanotherXleadXsingerx: (11:51:47): LOL

ParamoreFreak95: (11:52:03): Anyway….. this time I'll pay attention when im sitting next goal

xnotXanotherXleadXsingerx: (11:52:10): lol u do that

ParamoreFreak95: (11:52:21): is it just u guys practicing today?

xnotXanotherXleadXsingerx: (11:52:30): yes we're scrimmaging the boys 2mo though

Paramorefreak95: (11:52:35): 2mo……u have band practice tomorrow rite?

xnotXanotherXleadXsingerx: (11:52:47): yep. Andrew's gonna stay practice & he'll me bring me with w/ him. Ur welcome to come?

Paraorefreak95: (11:52:51): Awesome. I'll b there. I love being the lead singer's bestie. And helps that the drummer's sister is on your soccer team doesn't it? =)

xnotXanotherXleadXsingerx: (11:53:05): Yes. Yes it does

Paramorefreak95: (11:53:15): lol…imma finish up packing then ill walk 2 your house mmmk?

xnotXanotherXleadXsingerx: (11:53:21): alright. C u in 5

ParaoreFreak95: (11:53:25): YAYAYAYAYAYA!!!

~ParamoreFreak95~ away Message~

Going 2 Caroline's. Having a shit load more fun than u!!!!! Leave one.

I move the curser to the away Message-new entry. I'm pretty sure people are sick of reading 'Arialle's over. Hanging a fuck load more than u! Leave one.'

So now the away message is, Arialle's over, having fucking more fun than you, soccer practice latter with my gurlyz. Ya ur jealous! Leave one.

Yeah, I'm nice. I smiled at that thought. I'm actually a lot nicer than that, it's just that I like to use inappropriate language and I have an attitude. But doesn't every one? And that's one of the reasons I have a picture that says "I'm not mean, your just a sissy" up on my wall.

If you couldn't tell, my name is Caroline. My full name is Caroline Roselyn Ryan and I am in the eighth grade. I'm 13 going on 14 on June 8th and that date is not too far away, considering today is May 28th. I have two older brothers who are annoying as hell but I love them with my full heart.

I found my self staring at one of the three Paramore posters on my bedroom wall while singing along to their Riot! cd when the door bell rang.

I ripped open my bed room door to see a very amused Mark (the younger one of my two twin brothers), staring at a very stressed out looking Chace (obviously the oldest).

He held the phone to his ear and turned and looked at me, I laughed at his facial expression. Mark mouthed a 'shopping' to me and it clicked. Ashlyn wants to go shopping, that means Chace has to go with her.

I then proceeded to walk to the front door and open it to my best friend Arialle. Arialle Renee Smith is the middle child of her family of 5 children. Brad was born first, then her older sister Jayra, next was Arialle, then her twin little sisters, Allison then Clare.

We met before we even started school because our parents grew up together. Both our dads are business men and Arialle's mom is a dentist while mine is a teacher. My mom travels a lot so usually it's just me, Mark and Chase. Mom is teaching some town which name escapes me right now, but I know it's some where in Maine.

My music is blasting so loud right now, so of course Arialle started singing to Crushcrushcrush.

"Nothing compares to a quiet evening alone. Just the one-two of us, who's counting on. That never happens, I guess I'm dreaming again, Let's be more than this." Coming from Arialle's mouth as she walked into the kitchen.

I shock my head and followed, but as I passed Mark who came down the stairs after me, I informed something I thought he should know.

"Mark, you should know that if Ashlyn wants to go shopping then so does Mary, and that means you have to go shopping with them." I snickered when Mark's smile fell and was replaced with a panicked look.

I then proceeded to follow my bestie into the kitchen and I grabbed a snack.

"So, now what?" Arialle asked.

"Now we put your stuff in my closet and eat lunch. Then we do shit for half an hour."

"Nice. Hey! I thought your mom was home this week?"

"She is she just went to the grocery store to get food."

"No she's getting underwear."

"Who's getting underwear? Cause I need some new pairs my underwear is getting tight." Chace said walking into the kitchen to join us.

"You are when you go shopping with Ashlyn tomorrow." I smiled.

"Shuddup ." He replied.

"Ohh nice come back." Arialle shot back.

"You know, sometime you know what I'm about to say and say it before I do. It saves my breath and I don't lose my voice, and in return I can yell louder later when I'm yelling at Chace and Mark. I like it." I said as if Chace and Mark weren't in the room.

Arialle smiled and we walked past the boys, up into my room to put her stuff away and turn off the radio.

When we got back the boys were gone, probably went outside to play catch with the football or something. Arialle and I gave up on finding food that was calling our names to eat. But nothing was so we wondering into the living room. After like 3 scanning the channels we gave up on that too, eventually we walked into the backyard to find Chace and Mark playing catch with the football as I expected.

"Kids!!!" My mom exclaimed, "I'm home!!"

"Is there any food?!" Mark answered.

"Of course!!!" Mom said.

That caused all of us to race to the kitchen. I made it first then Arialle. Which caused me to look back to the boys. They were a lot faster than us, so why did we beat them?

"I swear, they're missing a Mo." I said.

My brothers were stuck in the door, trying to brush past the other. Once one got in the other would pull him back so he could get in first.

"Larry! Curly! Come on!!" My mom yelled at my brothers.

"Do you really think your brothers are two of the three stooges?" Arialle asked. She hasn't looked back at them yet.

I grabbed her shoulders and turned her so she would see them.

"Oh." Was the only word she came up with.


After about five more minutes, my mom finally walked over to the boys and pulled Mark by his collar and then held him and Chace back so they were both standing next to her.

"I will let you both go and you boys will not move an inch correct?" My mom said.

The boys looked at each other. "But mom-!!"

"No!!" I do not want to be trampled! That's why when I let you go you both will not move until I tell you so. Right?"

I snickered. Mom's been doing this since they were six.

"Fine." They recited at the same time.

"Okay." Mom then proceeded to put her arms down, take a deep breath, grab her purse off the counter and wall.

Arialle and I started cracking up, and walked up the stairs to my room laughing at my brothers' stupidity.

"Okay!! You may now attack the food!!" My mom yelled from the living room with the remote in one hand turning the channels, her sandwich in the other.

We turned once we hit the top of the stairs and enter my room and shut the door.

"Okay," I started," so how's the family?"

"Good." Arialle snickered. She obviously knew where this was heading.

"What about Bruce, Mystical, and Piper?' I recited her cats' names.


"What about that boyfriend of yours?" I cut around the bush.

"Good. You would know, you saw him this morning in Science, and every other class considering you both sit next to each other because you both have every class together." She smiled, she was gonna make me work for the details.

"Yeah, so? You're the one who went out on a date with him last night!"

Arialle broke out into a smile. Arialle was going out with the U14 boys soccer team Co-Captain. That's the team we usually practice with considering they the same division and age as us.

"True…..Okay! So.." She went on and on about the date and I listened intently.

Eventually I got ready for soccer practice and we left. I am the goalie on the team so I spent most the time in the net blocking the shots that my team mates were taking. Occasionally saving Arialle's face when she wasn't paying attention and texting Alan (her boyfriend).

Soccer practice ended around 5:30, and when we got home I took a quick shower to find that my dad sent us a letter that everyone already read but me. It said the usual. I love you, I miss you, See you soon. All the good stuff.

I am currently straitening my previously dripping wet brown hair while Arialle flips through a magazine.

My mom walked in, beaming.

"Yes mom?"

"Caroline, hope you don't have any plans tomorrow that occur after 6." She said then walked off.

Arialle looked at me quizzically.

"I have no clue what that meant." I said.

"Then go find out!" Arialle shushed me out of the room.

I proceeded to walk down the stairs with my half dry and straight, half wet and curly hair laying on my back and shoulders.

I found my mom in the dining room cleaning up the mess the boys made earlier.


"Yes Caroline?"

"What did you mean? Hope you don't have any plans after six tomorrow?"

"I meant what exactly I said. I hope you don't have any plans after six tomorrow."

"No, I mean." I paused, trying to think about how I could reword it. "WHY do you hope I don't have any plans tomorrow?"

My mom finally looked at me, forgetting the crumbs on the table.

"What are your plans tomorrow?" She asked me.

Um…okay maybe she'll get the point if I tell her. She has to be getting somewhere with this.

"Tomorrow is Saturday, so hopefully Arialle and I wont wake up until around at least 11-"

She cut me off, "Ten. No later than ten thirty."

"Okay...hopfully we wake up around ten thirty and then we'll wash up. Do stuff for a couple hours. Eat lunch, I'll get ready for soccer practice, the twins agreed to drop me off so we'll go. Andrew is going to stay and he'll drive us to band practice from there, then I have no clue. Soccer practice starts at 12:30 and will probably end around 3:15, and then driving to band practice will probably take like 15 minutes. So then band practice is supposed to start around 3:40. Then Arialle and I were going to walk back home around 7. Why?"

"So you still practice down the street in the abandoned house?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Nice to know."

"No, why did you ask what my plans were?"

"Because I just talked to the new neighbors across the street."

"They already moved in? I didn't know that!"

"Caroline I've been in Maine for the past two weeks and even I knew that they moved in last week." My mom gave me a funny look.

"Everybody knows I'm not observant mother." I said.

"Well, anyway." She paused, to turn back around and finish up cleaning the table. "I guess its okay you come home around seven, I already told them that we'd eat dinner around 7:30."

"Okay but Arialle's gonna be with me the whole weekend."

"She can come along too."


"Alright." She repeated me.


"But what?"

"Why do we have to meet them tomorrow? Don't you think they want to settle into their new house?" I tried to get out of it. I mean I guess it wasn't that bad of a deal. I just wasn't in the mood to deal with new neighbors.

A couple years ago, the people that lived there previously, moved in and they were so annoying we bought the got blinds that are now occupying the windows and not just the curtains. They wouldn't leave us alone until Mark threatened to call the cops on the girls his and Chace's age. I just went to Arialle's house more.

Like EVERYDAY and got home after dark everyday. Mark and Chace didn't mind, being my guardians (while the parents were gone) and all. They knew I had good reason, that boy of theirs was a stalker, just like his big sisters.

Mom probably knew what I was thinking. Probably from the panicked look on my face.

"Caroline, they're not stalkers. Believe me; would I let stalkers into our house?"

Mom threw out all the crumbs and walked up the stairs into her room.

Yeah, that's what you said last time with the Wioskies. I thought.

I stood in that spot for about another fifteen minutes processing the new info. Running the conversation through my head over and over again until I came up with apperiantly obvious information that I over looked and didn't realize the meaning behind it.

I grabbed 5 Herseys bars and went back to my room the panicked look turned into a freaked out one.

"What happened?" Arialle yelled/whispered since it was 11:30 and the boys were asleep. And my mom was too probably.

"We're meeting the new neighbors tomorrow."

A/n – Okay so I know a lot of people don't read these so I don't think I'll put them a lot. Only when there's important information you guys need to know about the story or why I didn't or won't update for a while. (I will be updating regularly as far as I can see) I hope you like this and PLEASE, WHO EVER YOU ARE. If you're reading this PLEASE review. I want your input and I want to know what you do or do not like about this story.

If you have an account and you didn't understand something you can either review and I can reply to it, or you can PM me. Im happy as long as my readers are so please, just review it only takes about 5 seconds.

And by the waaay…..this chapter (with out the a/n) is 2,624 words!!! How is that for a first chapter!!!???!?!?!?!