Author's Note: Woah. What the hell, right? I'm updating this story after labeling it as 'discontinued'? Bahahaha.

In my defense, I really did think I was done with it. Actually, the last piece of writing I've done before this was "Forget Me Not," and that was written back in June of 2010...It was pretty much a case of major writers block. I literally have not been able to write a single word, no matter how many ideas I had. Weird, and even more annoying. D: I finally decided to try and spit something out of my head to try and overcome it, and...going off of something I already started seemed like a better idea than trying for a one-shot. (I kept trying and...incidentally, failing. Hard.)

Soo...Here you have it! The next chapter of a story that was suppose to be abandoned! (Please don't kill me!)

Disclaimer: Nope. I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist. And may I say, Brotherhood was kickass!

Damn, why does this walk have to take so long…I groaned, trudging down one of the many streets of Central. I had gotten off the train not long ago, and I swear I had heard my bed calling to me from miles away. "Oh, Edward, come back to me!~" I closed my eyes for a moment as I walked; fully enveloped in my dream world until I felt the pressure of something on me –


Blinking my eyes open quickly, I realized that I had stumbled into Gracia. Grinning sheepishly, I rubbed the back of my head. "Sorry about that…probably should have been paying a bit more attention to where I was going. Are…you hurt, or anything?"

"Oh no, don't worry about me I'm fine! It was just a small bump after all. How have you been? Elicia has been asking me nonstop when you and Winry were going to visit along with Alphonse."

She smiled at me and I soon realized that I had returned the gesture. I chuckled slightly when I got a better look at her – that Colonel Bastard could go shove it; I was almost as tall as Gracia!

"Ah, you know. As good as one can be with the military tossing me around all the time…" and my mind, I almost added, but thought better of it. "I…well, I'm sure Al and Winry would love to see you two again. I'll give them a call next time."

"Oh thank you Edward, that means a lot." She smiled again, and rose her arm up to check her watch. "Forgive me though, I really must be going – It was great seeing you again."

"You too, Gracia. Take care."

She nodded at me before walking past me, but not before grabbing my hand and pushing something into it – a piece of paper? – but before I could ask her about it, she was already well on her way. Unfolding the small slip, there was only one thing written on it: "Central Library, 9:00 PM tonight." So she wanted to meet? About what?

Either way, it was still only six, so I had some hours to kill before that.

"Bed…~ Wait for me…~"

I didn't find it strange that my Sin had been completely silent since we had stepped on the train from Resembool. It was one of those sayings, or whatever. Count your blessings, right?


There was…darkness? No, darker, it was pitch black, like it was trapping the light out itself. What…?


My name? I can't hear. There's too much noise, static, but not, like the darkness is leaking into my ears…

" Don't..,"

It's too loud. Your voice is too muddled, you have to speak up or I can't hear you. Who are you?

"..ou. Wa..up."



My eyes drifted open and immediately over to the clock – 8:44. I still had some time before I had to be there, but barely. Damn it, I knew I should have set an alarm or something…

"Damn it! Ah, whatever, guess there's no time…"

Throwing on a plain black long sleeved shirt and slipping on my shoes, I finally headed out the door. I fiddled with my pocket watch idly as I once again ventured the street, no longer finding the silence comforting. However, not wanting to be the one to break it between my sin and I, I kept going until I reached the library.

"9:10. Better late than never, I suppose."

Pushing my way through the doors, the lady at the front desk just smiled and waved. I waved back out of formality and continued through the rows of books before finding Gracia sitting at one of the small tables by herself with a few books; a few of which I recognized as alchemy books. She seemed to have noticed me and waved me over before turning back to the one she was currently had open. Silently I pulled up a seat across from her and watched as she skimmed though the pages of the alchemy text. Could she really understand what all was there?

"I'm glad you came, Edward. There was something I had been needing to talk to you about…I hope this wasn't an inconvenience to you?"

I shook my head. "No, it's fine. But if you don't mind me asking, m'am…Why are you reading an alchemy textbook?"

There was a short pause, and for a moment, I thought she wasn't going to answer. But after a second she took a deep breath and flipped the book closed while propping her elbows up on the table; resting her chin on her hands as she closed her eyes.

"I was seeing what all these books and notes had to say about human transmutation."

My heart sank. Human transmutation? She wouldn't…Hughes…Would she really…

"Miss Gracia…" I cleared my throat, staring at her with wide eyes. "You wouldn't…try and bring your husband back, right? Hughes…He wouldn't…you just can't…" Was this what she wanted to ask me about? How Al and I transmuted our "mother"?

She broke my train of thought with a laugh; leaning back in her chair while opening her eyes to stare at the ceiling.

"It says in all these books that it's forbidden. Every one of them. The greatest taboo man could ever commit…How could I ever think I could pull something like that off. No one has ever been able to do it, no matter what their skill level was." Another laugh. "I'm no God."

My heart sunk even further into my chest, and I felt like I was going to puke. That's exactly what I had thought. I was God. Maybe not directly, or with those words, but…with my actions. I built myself a pair of wax wings crafted from alchemy, and tried to fly through the skies that belonged to the heavens. And to make matters worse, I nailed a pair of metal wings right onto my brother…So when we got too close to the sun, my wax wings melted all the way down my arm and leg, and sent me into the sea. And my brother…My brother doomed to sink to the very bottom. We played God…Drowned ourselves in the 'magic' that made us feel like we owned it all. We played, and…we lost.

My fists tightened in my lap, and from the corner of my eye I saw Gracia sit back up. I didn't know what to say to her. What could I say? It was my fault that Hughes was…

"Edward…How is Pride doing?"

My blood ran cold.

"W-What?" I managed to spit out before snapping my head up to stare at her. She was just looking at me with that smile on her face…Had I heard wrong? Or…did Mustang say something to her? How else would she know? But for what purpose would he…?

"You heard me the first time, didn't you? How – Is – Pride? And don't act ignorant, I know you know exactly what I'm talking about."

"But…But how do you…"

"Know about him? It's simple, really. I've been watching you for a long while, Fullmetal Alchemist. That, and the Truth knows a whole hell of a lot of things."

And suddenly it clicked. Brown hair slowly sparked to black, green eyes became amethyst purple, and a light voice suddenly became dark and rough.


Sleep. Now.

The world slowly faded to black – a color, I realized, that I was growing to know far too well.


The blond Alchemist's eyes opened right before his head hit the table and sighed. From in front of him, Envy smirked before chuckling again. "What, is it really such a shocker, Fullmetal pipsqueak? You should be marveling at the fact that I'm still alive!"

"The only thing that I find myself able to 'marvel' about is how much you're able to run your mouth. And change back to that women – there are people around…not to mention your usual form is an eyesore."

"The nerve of you to say something like that to me you pea sized piece of shi—"

"…If you want to keep that pathetic life you've managed to catch, I would recommend holding your tongue when you speak with me, Envy."

"Pride, huh…"

Stiffening, Envy allowed the red alchemic sparks to dance across his skin as he morphed back into Gracia Hughes; the sin still not daring to move. From under the table and around his legs he could feel small, claw-like hands slowly making their way up his body. Pride merely smiled before relaxing himself back in his chair; a smirk playing devilishly across his features.

"Loosen up, 'Miss Gracia'…You're so tense…is something bothering you?"

Pride's grin only widened when Envy swallowed loudly and clenched his jaw; his chin lifting slightly at the contact of the small, pitch black hands. "There must be a reason that you called me here, after all…"

"Oh, you know, just wanted to see if you were staying out of trouble…You've been making quite a scene, so the whispers of some members of the military say."

Envy twitched slightly as the black hands suddenly tightened their grip around his neck; Pride himself only narrowing his eye as he leaned forward in his seat again. "I was just seeing what I was able to get away with in this body," He replied smoothly, his eyes never leaving Envy's gaze, "After all, I don't have complete control yet…"

The dark hands reseeded back as Envy touched his neck before sneering; glaring back at the younger blond that sat before him. "Oh? And what do you plan to do now?"

"I should think it would be obvious…" Pride traced his finger across the table in various shapes, grinning to himself as he slowly closed his eyes. "I plan to take this body for my own. All I have to do is crush that 'will' of Edward's…"

"And you expect that to be easy? In case you haven't noticed, that runt's pretty resilient when in terms of being stubborn as a mule." Envy scoffed as he crossed his arms, noticing that Pride had stopped his previous motions and was staring at the table. "Well?" He asked, curious.

"I was just going about things the wrong way…I'll just have to crush the person who seems to have the most connections to him."

"Ohh? And who would that be? That blonde girl? His brother?"

"No…Someone much closer." Pride's grin turned into an all-out smirk; his eyes glancing up to meet those of the other Sin's. "Roy Mustang will do just fine."




Mustang sniffed before rubbing his nose and dropping his head back onto the table that was currently occupying its usual pile of paperwork; groaning loudly. "Someone's talking about me. Probably telling me that it's too late to be working…" He murmured quietly as he allowed his eyes to shut for a moment. Being forced to work this late…it should be a crime. It may have been occupying his mind so that he could keep his thoughts off of Fullmetal but…

:"That doesn't make any of this go by any quicker!"

From a chair beside him, Hawkeye sighed; shaking her head as she glanced out the window from behind them. Tonight's going to be a long night…

AN:'s done. Lol, I'm sorry if it was complete icky-ness in terms of writing. Like I said, this was my desperate attempt to write something so that I might be able to start again...Let's hope it didn't fail?

Yep, I borrowed Pride's power from Brotherhood...I swear, this was a lot easier to write when I didn't know everything I do now. Because now it's not even sticking with a specific timeline...It's completely mismatched and patched together with different elements from different things XD Sorry for that.

PS: I think I got some characterization wrong. I haven't read or watched anything Fullmetal Alchemist related...I actually just got done watching Pandora Hearts, and am off to read the Manga because the anime ending did NOT please me...Like srsly. D:

Anywho. Hope you enjoyed at least slightly! And remember, don't kill me, please?~

(Oh, and kudos to whoever can spot the myth I referenced in here! Albeit kind of loosly...)