Liv took a deep breath and knocked on Cragen s door.

"Come in," he called. Olivia stepped into his office and closed the door behind her. Cragen looked up curiously.

"Cragen," Liv paused, "I need some time off."

Don scanned her face for an explanation. She had never asked for time off before, so she had to have a good reason now.

She had definitely been crying, her eyes were red and puffy. She probably hadn't slept in like a week, her hair was ruffled and knotted, her clothes rumpled.

"Olivia, are you okay?" Cragen couldn't help but ask. He loved Olivia like a daughter and he wouldn't stand by and watch her be upset.

"My aunt passed away and I d like to go to Seattle to attend her funeral," Olivia finally lost the battle with her gentler side and a lone, betraying tear ran down her face.

"Your aunt?" Don was confused; she didn't know that she had any family other than her half brother Simon.

"Yeah, my mom s sister Maria. I spent a lot of time there as a kid during the summer, you know, trying to get away from my mother. Her daughter Marissa was like my best friend growing up. You know, she named her son Fredward."

Cragen thought that she was joking, until, that is, he looked up at her. A small smile graced her lips and her eyes were glazed over.

"Why Fredward?" He had to know.

"We planned our future She was going to be a doctor and me a cop. We d have 2 kids each, a boy and a girl. Their names were supposed to rhyme. Mine were Carri and Edward and hers Mari and Fredward we were 10 I didn't think that would actually happen Liv said, So, can I have some time off?"

"Yeah, when are you leaving?" Captain asked, rooting through the papers on his desk, looking for the proper paper work.

"Tomorrow. I m sorry it s on such short notice, but she died 3 days ago and Marissa is taking it really hard."

"Okay, go home and pack. Let me know when you find out how long you re going to stay."

"Thanks, Cragen."

"No problem."

* * *
"I'm Sam!" said Carly.

"And I m- hey wait a minute, since when?" the real Sam asked.

"Since never!" Carly replied.

"So that must mean..."

"That this is iCarly!"

"The only web show that keeps your shoes shiny,"

"And has that new show smell!" Carly finished.

Freddie's phone vibrated and began to ring Weird Al's "White and Nerdy".

"As you guys know, we get tons of super cool, funny or just plain freaky pics. here on iCarly." Carly put in quickly. She always tried to keep Sam's verbal assaults on Freddie at a minimum when they were shooting.

"So please enjoy this picture of a bunch of guys standing on their heads wearing cocktail dresses and eating peanut butter and cucumber sandwiches!" Sam said. They always had a few pictures picked out in case they needed them.

"What s your deal, Fredward?" Sam shouted, grabbing his phone from his hand and hurling it out the door.

"My cousin Olivia is coming to visit. She s like my mom s sister. She s coming for my Grandma Maria s funeral. We ll have to cut this iCarly short today. Mom needs me to weed the window boxes and water the Day Lilies and Daffodils."

"Do you just want to be beaten up?" Sam asked seriously.

"No," Freddie said.

"Carly, can I-" Sam asked.

"No." Carly said plainly. She knew her best friend better than the back of her hand, that being said, she had figured out by now that this request would be violent and geared toward Freddie.

"Why don t you play the recording?" Sam suggested.

"That s a great idea! Why didn't I think of that?" Freddie spouted.

"Cause you re a dork," Sam retorted with her usual aggression.

"Okay...Bye Carly." Freddie said as he walked out of the studio.

"Why are you so mean to him?" Carly asked.

"Cause I feel like it." Sam replied without hesitation, "Got any food?"

"You know I do."

"Fried Chicken?"

"The Chickeniest!"
