Disclaimer: I don't own Emmett's huge muscles, or Alice's pixie-ness, or Edward's charm, basically anything twilight related. But I still own my Paramore CD.

GOD: Sorry, technically I own it.

Disclaimer: Fine, I learned early that life is full of disappointments.

Okay, sorry I apologize that it took me 4 months to get this up.

Blueweed Academy

Chapter 4


Wow, can Alice talk! I don't think she paused for a single breath the whole time! As the flight was landing, she paused to look over at the occupied seat.

"He has never stayed awake for a flight! Every time we fly, he falls asleep within the first five minutes. Him and his stupid music!" I laughed and looked at Em.

He had his face pressed against the window, taking in everything. "My brother is just an idiotic little girl. At least, that's what I call him when he whines and pouts." She burst out laughing.

"You know what Bella, I like you. We should go shopping some time. Can I have your number?" (AN: LOVE that MADTV sketch. Lol. Any way…) I nodded and gave her my phone and she gave me hers. I quickly put it in then handed hers mine, vice versa.

The flight attendant told us it was okay to unboard the plane as soon as we were done. I looked over towards my brother and shook him.

"Emmy bear lets go! I want to get a new car." At the mention of a new car, he popped up, hitting the roof. "Idiot." I muttered.

He gave me a glare and got up more carefully this time. I got our carryon bags out of the overhead bin and got out quickly. I saw Alice's ebony ink black hair far ahead.

We soon arrived at baggage claim and waited patiently. As soon as I got my baggage I trudged over the door to wait there for Emmett. I was paying more attention to my feet then the path ahead of me, so I knocked into something and toppled over it them. I was in the middle of repeatedly apologizing when I looked up.


I was waiting for my duffel when someone knocked into me, sending us to the ground. I heard a familiarly beautiful apologizing and I looked up when she suddenly stopped. I looked into depthful chocolate orbs and questioned "Bella?"

I was beyond confused. What was Bella doing here?

"Edward?" she asked me. I nodded and asked her why she was here. "I'm going to school here. You?"

I'm here for school too. Where are you going? I'm going to-" I was interrupted by two people yelling "Bella!"

Bella was quickly off of me and being hugged by my sister. I saw a huge, buff guy coming over here too, looking curiously at me, then Alice and Bella's embrace.

I got up from the floor and said, "Bella, meet my sister-"

I was interrupted yet again by Bella saying "Alice"

I was confused all over again.

"You know Alice?" I asked Bella. She nodded and Alice told me about her and Bella talking the hour plane ride. So that meant Bella was Alice's new Barbie doll that she will torture to death. I'm so sorry Bella.

After Alice's descriptive (which with Alice, means long) explanation of her and Bella's conversation, she screamed at the top of her lungs, (well, not really at the top of Alice's lungs, but a normal person's) "AND BELLA'S COMING TO OUR SCHOOL!!!" wait, hold up, our school. As in Blueweed. As in Bella coming to my school and me getting to see her on a daily basis. Thank you God. I am forever in your debt.

"Well, we are going to the car dealership to get us some cars. Meet you there?"

"Acutually, we need to get some cars too. We left ours at home this time. We'll just go with you."

"Sure." I said, giving them permission to come with. We exited the airport and hailed a cab. Alice, Bella, and I were cramped up in the back seat while Emmett sat in the front. I sat in the middle, while Alice and Bella sat on either side. Bella and I sat close together, talking quietly, while Alice belted out to the song on the radio.


We quickly arrived at the car dealership and paid our fair while getting out. We all got our cars without much hassle. I got a blue BMW Z6, Edward got a cherry red Aston Martin, (left his Volvo at home, and bought the pretty car ^_^) Alice got a canary yellow Porsche 911 Turbo, and Emmett got a black jeep. But back to Edward. He was SO SMOKING HOT!!! HE MADE ME WET JUST WATCHING HIM AS HE REVVED THE ENGINE!! I am such a girl. And I like it.

I instisted on leading the pack since I wanted to try out my new built in GPS system. We arrived at the gate around 45 minutes late and I rolled down my window when I got to the man in the booth.

"Name," he ordered. He glanced up, then did a bewildered double take. He put on what I assumed was what he thought was a sexy face. "And numba too, babe." I raised my eyebrows at him then put on my most flirtatious look then whispered to him, "See the guy in the jeep," he nodded, "He's my brother. Maybe you should tell him how you tried to flirt with me and we'll see if he causes you bodily harm or not. Name is Isabella Swan." He sent me a horrified look and quickly fumbled with the stack of papers, found my name, the hurriedly pressed the gate opener. I drove through as the others followed. I saw he let Edward and Alice in quickly, just waving at them because he knew them. When he saw Emmett, he also let him, with a wimpy lok on his face. We all got out and made our way to the office to get our schedules.

Alice, Emmett and I got ours without a hitch and then Edward stepped up. (AND CUE DRAMATIC MUSIQUE) He had on his charming smile and asked in his velvety voice "Same schedule as last semester, Margaret?"

she looked up at him, a slight glaze over her eyes until she snapped out out, scattering her papers and pulled it up on her computer, having typed his name naturally, as if it was her own name.i chuckled softly at her as her blank mind slowly came back to her. He certainly has an effect on the ladies.

"charming much?" I started laughing as soon as we had exited the office to outside. We laughed in unison. Some girls were walking opposite of us from a little away from us and they giggled as they said hi to him. He raised his chin acknowledging them. They giggled some more and swayed their hips purposefully as they passed us.

Crap, these girls are gonna be all preppy and girly and shit.

And it was obvious Edward was a ladies man. "so,you get some major ass? Right man? Right?"

Emmett was really starting to get on my nerves.

Edward only chuckled and shook his head. "These girls just aren't appealing to me. They wear too much makeup and too little clothing. I want a girl that is comfortable in her own skin and is simpler in the good way. She needs to be smart too." He finished up.

"So where are you boarding?" Edward asked me as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I looked at Emmett to see how he was taking the physical contact and he didn't look even the least little bit mad. I look inside the packet and said the assignment that was printedon the paper.

"cool! My room is right across the hall!"





We quickly got to our rooms, briefly hugging, then I unpacked and fell into a deep sleep.

Again I apologize,

