FINAL CHAPTER!!! I would like to humbly thank anyone who has left any reviews (especially lulu halulu who seemed to leave one for nearly every chapter...:D) and anyone who even deemed this worthy of reading. There is a small surprise awaiting at the end of this chapter so please read it through! I hope you enjoyed the silliness and randomness of my writing!

The fourteen high school students seemed to clog up the railway station. Why were there so many kids there at ten in the morning when they should have been at school? The tired and bleary eyed Ouran and Ryokofu students looked absolutely shattered. They had stayed up chatting, snacking and card playing until the small hours of the morning. A sleeping Kei was once again being carried onto the platform by Ken, who also had his bag under his arm. Honey was snuggled on Mori's back and watching the goodbyes from a height while half asleep. Kyouya and Kazuhiko muttered a few words to one another away from the others, and then rejoined the group, nodding understandingly at one another.

"How sad it is that we must part!" Tamaki called out tragically, hand over his heart.

"Come on boss." Hikaru pouted.

"Don't make it harder than it already is." Kouru grumbled.

"Now guys," Billy laughed. "I'm expecting you to give everyone hell while I'm gone. Can you do that for me?" The twins saluted at his words and the three grouped into a long and breath squeezing hug.

"We should probably board." Narumi suggested. Everyone else had taken their seats on the train already and it was less than a minute until departure time.

"Yes, you're right." Kazuhiko checked his watch. The S.P members sombrely stepped onto the train, one by one.

"Uh, Koshiba-kun?" Haruhi spoke out, as she took Kiri by the shoulder.


"I just...I just wanted you to know that I really appreciate all your help this week, y'know, pretending to be a boy and all. And, well, it was nice to have someone who knew what it was like to be in disguise with me, even if we didn't talk as much as I would have liked to. And also...for the other night." Haruhi mumbled embarrassedly.

"You don't need to thank me again." Kiri smiled down from the train. "Maybe you should invest in some earmuffs to carry around with you?" She suggested jokingly as she turned tipped her cap at Haruhi and lazily stepped further into the train. The door slid firmly shut behind her. Haruhi watched Kiri through the long window as she sat down. She waved, still smiling, as the carriage began to move, slowly then quickly, sideways and out of the host club's sight. Haruhi sighed, slightly disappointed that they had left and she had been thoughtless enough to not even procure their phone numbers.

"That goodbye was too cute Haruhi!" Tamaki rushed forward. "Give daddy a goodbye hug!"

"But you're not going anywhere!" She argued as Tamaki pulled her into a tight hug. "Sempai! Let me go!"

"Come on boss, it's too early for you to be perverted. At least wait until after lunch." The twins said unanimously.

"Why is it perverted to want to give your daughter a hug?!" Tamaki followed them, bickering out of the station. Kyouya, Mori and Honey not far behind. Haruhi looked one last time in the direction the train had disappeared then turned to follow her fellow club members back to Ouran Academy.

On the train Kiri sighed to herself. If every week with the S.P was going to be that eventful, maybe she didn't want to join after all...but then again, the people she had met made it worth the end.


"Hey Tamaki!" The twins chorused.

"What is it?" He asked as he looked up at the neat, red-bricked building.

"We've just noticed something cool!" they said in unison.


"Their school is smaller than your house!" Hikaru and Kouru laughed.

"Ah! You're right! Commoners really do know the best way to conserve space! We must pay close attention to detail, gentlemen! This will be an exchange project to remember! Camera's ready?! Then let us proceed!"

"You guys, don't you think that Narumi-san and Ochiai-san would be offended if they heard you talking about their school like this?"

"Dont be a spoilsport Haruhi! Let's go!"

KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR THE SEQUAL... 'THE RYOKOFU INVASION'! Coming to soon! I hope to see you there and thank you for all your support with Mirror Image! This is Kakeru Tamaki logging out! xx