Author's Note: This is my entry for sweetestirony's August 2009 competition. Their prompt was to write a story that starts with "(s)he would never understand...".
The Hercule City Grand Dance-off: Saiyaman VS Hercule
He would never understand how utterly embarrassing it is to be his daughter sometimes, Videl reflected as she buried her face in her hands.
"Ha! Hooo! HA HA HA HA HA!!!" Hercule shouted while making various poses.
"Dad, you can't challenge the Great Saiyaman to a dance off," Videl complained. "It's the stupidest idea ever!"
"Listen, Videl, you may not know it, but that kid is a serious threat to my title as World Champion!" Hercule said. "I've seen the videos. That kid can lift a bus with only one hand! Right?"
Videl nodded. She remembered her first run-in with the Great Saiyaman all too well.
"Now, I may be able to pull a bus (after all, I am the strongest man in the world), but there's no way I can take on somebody who's strong enough to bench-press a bus without any effort. That's when I had my brilliant idea! If I can't defeat him in a fight, I'll defeat him in a dance-off!"
"Couldn't you think of something less embarrassing?" Videl asked. "If this goes wrong, I'll never be able to show my face in school again."
"It's an eeeasy victory, Videl. I've seen those things that nerd calls dance moves. A two-year-old could out-dance that guy!"
"You have a point..." Videl mused. "But still, Daddy, please don't! I couldn't stand to have you dancing in front of everyone in school!"
Hercule laughed. "Don't worry, Sugar Plum. Your daddy won't dance in front of your school!"
Videl breathed a sigh of relief.
"He's going to be dancing in front of the entire town!"
"And on national television!"
Gohan was in for a surprise the next day when the entire school was buzzing about Hercule facing off against the Great Saiyaman that Saturday.
"I've heard that Hercule is going to have a nine-piece band play while he waltzes to victory," one student said.
"Well, I heard that the Great Saiyaman is going to do an Irish jig," another student said.
"Gohan, I think I may have to go to your house this weekend," Videl groaned. "I have a feeling I'll want to be as far away from my father as possible."
"A g-g-girl at my h-h-house?" Gohan stuttered. "Mom would never--!"
Sharpener laughed at Gohan's nervousness. "Don't say stuff like that, or you'll give the nerd a heart attack," he said. "What are you worried about, Videl? Your father can out-dance that Saiya-Goon any day!"
"I don't know, I heard Saiyaman has some awesome routines," Gohan said.
Videl laughed. "You should have seen him yesterday. He did a twirling routine that was so stupid everyone fell over laughing. Not even his own mom would have thought it was cool!"
Gohan frowned. He had thought everyone fell over because of a freak earthquake. And his mom did think that was a cool routine, thank you very much.
But just in case...Gohan was going to have to get a dance instructor to prepare for the dance-off.
"Hey, Vegeta? Can I talk to you for a second?"
"Go away! I'm training!"
"Can you teach me how to dance?"
"Augh! Vegeta! Stop!!"
Okay, scratch that. Gohan was going to have to come up with the most awesome dance routine EVER to prepare for the dance-off. Look out, Hercule! The Great Saiyaman was on the case!
Author's Note: All right! In the next chapter, we'll have Round Once off the dance-off. Stay tuned!