Luna 4 Geo
-=Luna Platz's Room=-
Luna was finally finish with fixing her stuff and her butlers then took her bags to the car leaving Luna by herself in the room. She then sat on her bed with her head down while looking at her transer and turned it on and was about to call someone but then stop and turned the transer off while thinking to herself "I can't do it I can't call him after what I told him yesterday" she then let out a huge pondering on her current situation
She then heard her Mom calling her "Luna can you come down now we have to go already"
"I'm coming Mom" replied Luna and then thought to herself "Well I guess this is it" Luna then walk out of her door "My final hour here in Echo Ridge without my friends.... without Geo..." As she was almost out of the door her trail of thoughts continued "I'm sorry everyone I couldn't fill all your expectations as The President. Cause in the end I wasn't strong enough. Goodbye Everyone" She then entered the car along with her parents Which then left Echo Ridge while Luna gazes on her Home..... Echo Ridge
-=A few minutes later=-
Bud and Zack was walking towards Luna's House. "Hey Bud have you ever had a strange feeling that something big just left our lives without as knowing?" said Zack
Bud then thought for awhile and then said with a smile "Nah not really"
Zack then smiled as well "Yeah me too boy yesterday was peaceful"
As they both arrive at Luna's House Bud then replied "Yeah it was. I just love the meal me and my Mom made" while rubbing his stomach he and Zack then took a look at Luna's House and Bud then shouted "Hey Prez where here!"
After a few minutes Zack then ask Bud "Thats weird Prez's taking longer than usual?"
Bud also wondered about it but just said "Maybe Prez's just taking too long because she is fixing her hair"
Zack then nodded saying "Yeah you might be right. I always wondered how she fix her hair like that. Oh well I guess will just wait for her" He and Zack decided to wait for her outside her house
-=Geo Stelar's House=-
Geo was lying down on his bed with sadness being present on his face as he reminisces on the events of the day before specifically the revelation Luna revealed to him as his thoughts were "Luna why do you have to leave me..... Why?.... Why now when I just started to open up to you...... "
Omega-Xis then appeared out of Geo's Transer and said "Hey Kid I know that Prez girl hurt you. but it's nothing a little battling can cure"
Geo then retained the sadness in his eyes as he told Omega-Xis "I don't know Mega.... I'm not sure if I can battle anymore..... not after what happened yesterday."
Omega-Xis was then annoyed abit and angrily said "Look Kid I don't know what your going through right now all I know is that your hurt. back in Planet FM we didn't keep close bonds like here in Earth because we knew that it would only get in the way just look at you I can't believe your the guy that beat Taurus and Cygnus. and without Lyra's help yesterday I know you would have been deleted." Omega-Xis was then cut off by Geo's transer that suddenly started beeping "Aren't you going to get that?"
Geo replied with a monotone voice "No..."
Omega-Xis thinking it might be a important call that could get Geo to fight again then said "It could be Luna"
This reply gave Geo a bit of a surprise and hesitated but answered his Transer anyway with Omega-Xis whispering "Knew it"
Unfortunately for Geo it wasn't Luna but the familiar face of Sonia Strumm on his Transer's screen "Hi Geo so how are you doing?" Instead of a Reply Geo then shut his transer off and continued to lay on his bed
-=On Top of a Random Building=-
Sonia Strumm was left abit shock by his Geo's actions with Lyra saying "Well wasn't that rude of him"
Sonia then silently replied "Yeah I wonder whats wrong with him" She then stood up and said "Thats it were going to go to Geo's House" She then raise her guitar saying "EM Wave Change Sonia Strumm on air" She was engulf by a Blinding light and replacing Sonia was Harp Note who then jump for the Wave Road and runs to the direction of Geo's House
After a few minutes she finally arrive outside of Geo's Room and then entered through the window although for some reason Geo was lying on the bed while Omega-Xis was shouting at him about something and unaware of Sonia's arrival Sonia then decided to watch them for awhile and after a few minutes later Omega-Xis finally stop and he and Geo then discovered Sonia and Lyra's presence Sonia then said "You know usually when a well known star calls a boy. the boy usually continously talks to the star and doesn't hung up rudely. So whats the matter Geo?"
Geo stays as quiet as he was from Sonia and Lyra's arrival as he continous to ignore them all searching for some answers Sonia then look at Omega-Xis who then told her on how Luna was leaving this very day and that Geo has been mute ever since well except for the usual replies.
After finally undersatanding the situation Sonia then said to Geo "So thats how it is huh Geo? your just going to give up even if you haven't lose yet" She then waited for a reply and still nothing from Geo "I'm kind of dissapointed you being the Hero that save others lives and yet here you are doing absolutely nothing not even a simple goodbye to the girl who opened your heart..... So I guess your just going to give up huh?"
A spark in the eyes of Geo who then stood up and told Omega-Xis "Its time to Em Wave change"
Omega-Xis then said with a grin on his face "Alright Kid" after seeing his confidence back Omega-Xis knew the old Geo was back well the Geo he knew that is
Geo then said as he was being swallowed by a blinding light "EM Wave Change Geo Stelar on Air" and replacing him was Megaman who then told Sonia "Thanks Sonia " He then jump towards the Wave Road and then ran to a certain direction
Sonia who was still watching him leave suddenly shed a tear on his face
Lyra then notices this and told her partner "It's alright Sonia besides who needs men look at me I'm single and still happy along with you"
Sonia then wipes her tears abit "Thanks Lyra... I guess it's alright besides I hear that 80% of relationships that starts at a young age doesn't last that long"
Lyra then sweatdrop and said "Ahh Sonia that was for the High School Relationship the 5th Grade Relationship Survey said that 5% of the Relationship that started at 5th Grade doesn't last that long"
Sonia was then shock and fell down on her knees with Lyra whispering"I probably shouldn't have said that"
-=Dream Island=-
Luna was currently in Dream Island due to her flight being postponed for two hours due to Airplane problem. her parents were of course abit annoyed. Luna was then permitted for the remaining time to do whatever she wanted. and due to her depression she somehow ended up at Dream Island staring into space on the open sea
A person suddenly appeared behind her and said "So whats The Prez doing in a place like this all alone?"
Luna was then surprise abit and turned around to discover who it was and said "Geo" while she was thinking "Its Geo I wonder what he wants?"
Geo then said "So I guess its almost time for you to leave huh?" he still had a frown on his face
Luna tried to look away at his sad face and said "Yeah my flight was postponed so here I am..... So I guess this is it huh in less than two hours I'm going to lea-"
Geo then cut her off and said "Look Prez I haven't been honest with you for awhile and since you about to leave I guess its time I told you" He was then engulf by a blinding light and in his place was Megaman "The truth is I'm Megaman" she then waited for an outburst from Luna but instead was answered with a smile
Luna then said "I was starting to worry that you wouldn't tell me I already saw you change yesterday and I was kind of happy actually because I kind of....."
Megaman then started to walk closer to Luna almost a few inches away
Luna was still having a hard time telling Geo her feeling and was kind of eating her words since she wasn't use to this kind of things"I kind of....." and after that was getting annoyed of herself and took a deep breath and said "The truth is I really like you Geo"
"I know I feel the same Luna I really like you too" He and Luna's face then grew closer
Bubbles then started to surround them as heard a laugh followed by a childish voice "I will defeat you now Megaman for I Cancer Bubb--" He was suddenly met with a punch from Luna and sending him flying into the air while shouting "This isn't fair.... BUKU"
Luna then angrily shouted "Don't you know it's rude to ruin a girls romantic moment" she then remembered what was about to happen and turned back to Geo who was then abit surprise by what just happened followed by an awkward moment and Luna then said "You know I think its better if you change back" Geo then had a curious look on his face "you see I'm having a hard time kissing you in that form"
"Oh right" He then change back to Geo Stelar "So where were we?" He and Luna's faces once again grew closer as their lips met for a few seconds with both of them blushing deep red
Luna then said "You know I think we should save the kissing part of our relationship a few years from now"
Geo then nodded saying "Yeah I guess your right we should stick to dating right now" they both had a smile on their face both with an approving face
A few feet away Luna's Parents witness her first kiss and her Mom said "So I'm guessing we should cancel that flight huh?"
Mr Platz nodded saying "Yeah I guess we have been neglecting Luna's happiness for awhile now"
Back with the young couple Geo said "So I guess we should go back to your parents now huh?"
Luna then nodded as they both left with their hands held together and ask him "So how did you know I'd be here?"
Geo then replied with a smile "Who do you think caused the Plane some problems"
-=Dream Island Wave Road=-
Crown Thunder just saw everything and thought to himself "Maybe I should fight them off later" he then look at the direction Cancer Bubble flew to and said "I so don't want to end up like that so maybe another time then"
-= Outside Luna's House=-
Bud and Zack were still outside of Luna's house waiting for their Leader to come obviously bored. Zack then ask "Boy is Prez taking a long time"
Bud then nodded and said "But its alright even if we have to wait all night"
-=TIme Square =-
After Luna's Parents broke the news that they decided to let Luna stay. Luna and Geo also told them about their relationship which they approve of including Mr Platz threatening Geo about taking care of her daughter. The young couple then decided to continue the date that was interrupted yesterday and decided to Party with just the two of them Geo then ask Luna "Hey Luna do you get the feeling were forgetting someone"
Luna then hug him and said "Who cares as long as I'm with you I know everythings going to be alright"
Geo then hug her back saying "Yeah I guess your right I hope this can go on forever"
Sadly for Omega-Xis Geo did forget something and was abit disappointed that they weren't able to fight anybody poor Omega-Xis