Hi peoples of the World! I'm just thought of a story I could do for like 10 or more chapters! R& R por favor! This is the summary.

Disclaimer: I do not own Monster Buster Club or Princess Protection Program

Claimer: I do own Topaz, Kedenza, and Syrakita

Through My Eyes


My name is Topaz Annaliese True, and I'm not who I say I am. I am the princess of Syrakita, an island that is so small, it it not shown on most maps. I am under cover with the Princess Protection Program because my country is under attack. If you were Daniel Jackson, You would have already known this. To everyone else in the world, I am Samantha Collins, an average student at Singletown Middle School. Until my 13th birthday, I will stay in hiding. Then, my secret will be revealed. As of now, I am 12 years old, turning 13 in two months. I have not seen my mother (Kedenza) since my country was under attack, amd that was one year ago. I will tell you my story, because you will understand the pain I am going through. Imagine if you were 11, and suddenly a sword nearly stabs your country's flag. And you must be taken away to safety, because of this. You are also told to trust a starnger in a blue suit, who you have never seen before. As you step on the helicopter, you silently say good-bye to everything you have ever known. This is how it happened, through my eyes.