A/N: Thank you Final Destination 5 for restoring my Final Destination fic mojo. Spoilers will be present in this chapter for part of that movie so make sure you watch it first. SERIOUSLY. EXIT THIS PAGE NOW IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT. This chapter will attempt to connect all the films together in some fashion and writing it took a toll on my mind. Hope you like the explanation.
"Let's get you guys down," Kevin said. He and Nick grabbed the webs, but felt something hot and jumped away from them.
"These webs hurt like Hell," Jason said.
"I'd be screaming, but I've gotten used to the pain now. Centuries... or is it decades... down here can do that," Carrie said.
"Hold on. Let me try something," Kevin said pointing his gun at them.
"Kevin? What are…?" Kevin blasted Carrie and her soul disappeared from the web. He did the same to Jason. After a short time passed they faded back into view free from their bindings.
"Owww!" Carrie complained.
"Sorry," Kevin apologized. Carrie calmed down and threw her arms around Kevin.
"Thank you Kevin." She couldn't remember the last time she had been out of this web for real. It was a wonderful feeling. She smiled until she felt Kevin back off.
"Listen guys," Kevin sighed looking from Carrie to Jason. "There's something you should know about me and Wendy," Kevin said feeling awkward. "I… I love her."
"We already know," Carrie admitted to him.
"We saw you kissing at the graveyard," Jason answered.
"If you were paying attention you'd have noticed all of us," Carrie said.
"All of us? How many of you were there?" Kevin asked feeling weird knowing that the ghosts of Jason and Carrie saw him kiss Wendy.
"We managed to slip through to the living world for a short period of time. We can also briefly look into the living world at times. Not an easy feat and only possible when Death isn't around. You can only break free for good if someone else takes you down. Given how we're all good souls no one was keen on releasing us. People like Ian McKinley were another story. After we returned Ashley and Ashlyn would not shut up about you two kissing. Guess they liked how at least one good thing came from amongst all the chaos," Carrie said. "Of course their non-stop chatter got them carried off someplace else. I'm really worried about them."
"We can finish this reunion later," Nick said. He looked very jumpy at the moment and had every right to be. They were in Hell for crying out loud! "We need to find the others."
"You're here to rescue us? How?" Carrie eagerly asked grabbing Kevin's shoulders.
"It's a…"
"Long story?" Jason guessed.
"Yes. Now let's go!" Nick yelled.
Wendy's world came crashing down. "You're lying. I can't be Death's Opposite. I just can't!" She screamed at him getting a chuckle from Bludworth.
"What the Hell are you laughing at! ?" She shouted.
"You of course Wendy. Trying to deny what you are," he said cryptically.
"Shut up! I want answers and you're going to give them to me!" Wendy yelled at the top of her voice. She was sick and tired of all these riddles.
"Very well," Bludworth said. "Sit down Wendy. It's a long and somewhat complicated story."
The story begins centuries before you were even born. There was Death and then there was Death's Opposite. The two of them had very differing opinions of Fate. Death of course believed that if you were supposed to die you were supposed to die. It's Opposite believed that if an individual fought hard enough it could change its pre-set destiny. This led to a conflict between the two in which Death's Opposite attempted to prove its point by granting a human the gift of foresight. It followed a certain pattern switching between teenagers and people in their mid-twenties.
Death was not pleased when the human managed to escape it and put a rift in its design. Death was quick to try and put its design back on track by hunting the human down, but Death's Opposite continuously provided the human with several clues or visions that allowed him to evade Death. Death decided that if it's Opposite could cheat then so could it. No matter how many times the human cheated Death, it would keep pursuing him or her until he or she perished. In the end the human slipped up and was killed, but the Opposite refused to give up. It would possess the bodies of humans over the next several centuries granting them foresight and setting them against Death. The people were all chosen at random and Death could not exactly pinpoint where or who the visionary was, but knew when it was close. No matter how hard it tried Death always won. None of the visionaries lasted long. A lucky few lasted a year; a small number making it longer. Some only lasted a few weeks.
"So you're saying Death's Opposite is inside me?"
"Yes, Wendy. Please let me finish the story though."
However, an interesting thing happened one particular day in the year 1975. Death was beyond frustrated as it continued to fail killing one group of survivors. It got to the point where it took things to the ultimate extreme. It lured the group to a place that was also particularly crowded. All of the people there were going to die in a tragic accident including the visionary. However, the visionary had a premonition of the disaster at the last second. The group managed to save the lives of the crowd at the cost of their own.
Only one member of the group survived and was pursued by Death relentlessly until finally killing him in the year 1979. He currently holds the record for the longest time avoiding Death. It was then that Death remembered the crowd that had been saved by the visionary. Death had to pursue them all and as an act of desperation started breaking its own rules. Death would repeatedly find itself killing not only the visionary, but hundreds of other people in the process. Some would survive the carnage putting an even bigger rift in Death's design. It lost track of who it had been hunting originally and by the time Death figured things out in 1981 it was too late. Death had lost. One of the women from the crowd had a child; new life that was never meant to exist. She named the child, Alex.
Alex's birth defeated Death's design and it was forced to spare the remaining lives of the people from the 1975 disaster. Death's opposite remained inactive until 1987 in spite of the fact that Death had been beaten. However, it hadn't been beaten on the Opposite's terms. Death still technically won as the visionary had perished.
When the Opposite finally arouse again it entered the body of a new born baby breaking its own pattern. That baby was you Wendy. However, the power was shall we say, too much for your body to contain forever at the time. When you turned five you had your first vision, but it not your future you saw. You had seen the future of Alex Browning and a possible future of Kimberly Corman. The Opposite had looked into the future and sought out potential people, who would be involved in horrific disasters. A man known as Sam Lawton had been chosen at random, but the three others were picked specifically. Alex Browning was a no brainer given how his birth technically beat Death originally. Clear was chosen because she was close to Alex. Kimberly was chosen because she would later cheat Death as a result of the Flight 180 survivors getting off the plane. I was a tad more straightforward when I spoke to Sam about how to beat Death. If he and his friends wanted to live they needed to kill someone to get their remaining years. Need less to say it didn't work out.
"You son of a bitch! Killing people is wrong! Doing it to save your damn life doesn't make it any better!"
"I don't make the rules Wendy. I just clean up after the game is over," Bludworth said in his usual cryptic fashion.
Alex hung in mid-air. Unable to fight, scream, or even breathe not that he needed to anymore. Death was carving up his soul, bit by excruciating bit.
"How does it feel Browning! ? You thought the torture you endured was bad before! ?" He yelled. Death closed his hand into a fist and Alex saw bits of his soul starting to disappear into nothingness. There wasn't anything he could do to fight back. "When I'm through with you your soul will be nothing, but dust in the wind!"
"What is it with you and that song?" A new arrival asked. Death recognized the voice as the arrival pulled him down to the ground and a blast from a shot gun blew him away into the darkness releasing Alex.
"Alex!" Kevin called out. He was joined by Jason, Carrie, and Nick. The arrival extended his hand and Alex took it.
"Who are you?" Alex asked.
"Someone like you. I'm Sam Lawton. These guys came across me by chance and when I told them I'm a visionary like you they cut me down from the web. I was one of the passengers of Flight 180."
"Oh God. I'm sorry," Alex apologized.
"There's no need for you to apologize. I should've paid attention to your warning, but I was so fixated on the fact that I had survived I didn't take it into consideration until it was too late."
"I think I remember you now. Wasn't there a woman with you?"
"She was my girlfriend, Molly. I had a vision of the plane exploding seconds after you got thrown off. I grabbed Molly and after pushing through the flight attendants managed to get her out. I didn't make it, however. I've been watching her ever since when Death left us alone to do its dirty work. Molly's still alive to this day. Death must've been too preoccupied with killing you guys to even remember she cheated Death as well." Sam felt intensely weak and wanted to sink to his knees when the recognizable wind blew.
"It's coming back! Go! Go!"
"How do the others factor into this?" Wendy asked Bludworth.
"Death's Opposite sent pieces of itself into Sam, then Alex, Clear, and finally Kimberly. At that point it was sufficient enough that you could survive with most of Death's Opposite inside of you. It also gave Death someone else to play with while your powers continued to grow with age. The longer it remained inside you the stronger you became allowing you to develop telekinesis. The other visionaries were merly possessed, but you steadily became the Opposite. Sam did manage to beat Death when he took the life of one of the survivors, who already took another man's life."
"Death's Opposite could've left you as its point had been proven, but it could not. Its pieces still rested within three others and until they returned to you, you were stuck with the Opposite inside of you. With each visionary's death more of the Opposite returned to your body. Having the Opposite with you for so long truely made you different from the others."
"This is all fine and dandy, Bludworth, but how am I supposed to defeat death exactly? That's what I came down to fucking Hell for! And while you're at it can you tell me why I had to unite with the other visionaries?"
"I've been so lost in the story I almost forgot that I was supposed to tell you that," Bludworth laughed. "The other visionaries were mostly cannon fodder to keep Death off your back; strength in numbers after all. You have your best chance at beating Death now that it has manifested itself in the open. But you can only do that once you are finally whole."
"What do you mean by whole?"
"Have you forgotten Nick? The first time Death believed it had found the Opposite in the form of Alex. The next time Death unintionally warned the Opposite that it was getting close to it when it murdered Kimberly. Hoping to draw Death away from you it transfered part of itself into Nick though it did not work. That's why you had a vision of Nick at first. That's why you could see through his eyes. You were almost complete and the Opposite wanted you to find him. But now that Death has correctly identified you as the true Opposite it will not stop until it finishes you. And remember, Nick isn't the only other visionary still alive. You reached out to Julie out of desperation after Kimberly rescued you to aid her in saving Nick and his friends. You transferred a piece of yourself into her granting her that instance of foresight. You recall what I said about how the pieces would return to you?"
"No! No fucking way!" Wendy spat.
"Unfortunately it's true. You want the best chance at beating Death? Then Nick and Julie must die."
To Be Continued…
A/N: I know Clear wasn't a true visionary, but I'm considering her to be one since she did see that bus almost hit Alex before it showed up at the end of Final Destination. Anyway what will happen in these final chapters! ? What has become of Kimberly, Lori, Julie, and Janet! ? Will it take me till Final Destination 6 before I update again! ? I'll save you the trouble for the last question and say no it won't take me that long. The ending has been in my head for months. Inspiration was the only problem. I hope the explanation was good and at least made sense. C ya!