And here it is, the epilogue! I REALLY hope you like it; I hope I did well.... enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: this vision of total beauty that fills me with warm fuzzies was not created by me... SADNESS!

"So you just woke up, and you were in the hospital?" A pair of large, pale blue eyes stared wonderingly up at me.

"Yes, ma'am, that's exactly it." I smiled down at the little pale complexioned girl with her eyes widening, if at all possible, even more.

"Don't interrupt!" Her older sister, who matched her in every way but size, scolded her. "Mama, was Father the one who saved you?"

I nodded at my daughter, my features softening at the mention of their father, my smile widening. "Yes, you father saved me from the evil vampire who had attacked me. He and Aunt Emi took me straight to the hospital. However I can't recall that day very well anymore..." That was a lie. I remembered every detail of that day. The day I died.

And I had died, technically. The doctor said my heart had stopped, and said that it was an "astounding medical recovery." I set him straight though. I knew my living was due to love; the undying, heart wrenching kind that binds your soul with he who holds your heart. I could never have been able to leave this world without him. Er, Zero. Not the doctor.

And look at us now! I'm the mother of two beautiful daughters, and a son who grows to look more like his father with each passing day. They were my most precious treasures now.

Zero makes such a good father, though know one believes me when I mention it. For such a silent, stoic vampire hunter, I suppose that their doubt is reasonable. But when he comes home at night, they all run to hug him and I see him smile slightly as they tug on his arms and yank at the bottom of his shirt, which they can only just reach while standing on tip toes. He stands straight and tall, and I smile to myself, watching them. Then he'll lower his gaze and give them a quick pat on the head. I see his eyes shining a little more as they sweep over our kids. He really is a softy, under particular circumstances.

"Mama," my youngest asks me, turning her sparkling, saucer-eyes towards me again. "Is Father coming home today?"

I smile and take her in my arms, sitting her up on my lap. "I don't think so, Sweetie. Not tonight. But don't worry. He'll be back soon." I kiss her forehead and she smiles back, a little sadly. Her older sister walks over to us and puts her hand on top of mine, and then leans in to put her lips by my ear.

"Don't be sad, Mama," she told me. "Remember what you said— Father loves you forever. And forever's a while, right?"

I look down at my daughter— how insightful she is! Yes, I told them that part of the story. I had too. I wanted to feel the prickle of electricity run through my body as I recalled it. A warm feeling engulfed me, and I felt my face blushing bright red as I leaned down to cover my babies with another round of kisses.

As I started to sit back up I felt a breath at my ear, and a cool hand on my shoulder. My mouth fell open but nothing came out. He wasn't supposed to come home tonight... and yet that breath was all too familiar.

I turned to see him kneeling beside me, his face very close; there was a twinkle in his eye that I deemed not appropriate for being around the children. It was a good thing that hadn't quite learned to read him as well as I had.

"You're back early," I whispered, both of us ignoring the excited squeals of our children as they bombarded his statue-like body.

He held my gaze for a few more seconds before respond simply, "Yes." Then without warning the room was silent, and I looked up to see my eldest daughter shooing her siblings into another room, carrying the bag of goodies Father had brought home with him.

I smiled and shook my head. My silly girl... Well anyway, I was grateful to her at this moment. And she would most certainly be receiving an extra scoop of ice cream after dinner.

My heart was speeding as he pulled my down from my chair and embraced me. Nothing had changed since we were young. He was still everything to me. I recalled a time when I had contemplated my future— this future, that I was now living— yet I had been thinking about how I would lose it. Now I knew that wasn't true, and as he kissed me and held me strongly I lost myself in another contemplation of the future— one I was sure of; one that involved being captivated by his arms... forever.

well, there ya have it. I hope i ended the story well! i hope it was good! Thank you so much, EVERYONE for reading. and thanks especially if you reviewed! Your wonderful and VERY kind reviews were what kept me writing this thing. i totally love all of you (cause that isnt creepy or anything, right?? ^.^) But anyway... PLEASE REVIEW!!! XD and remember... Zero's watching. .