A tragic romance- a vampire living a life despising what he is, falls for an un-extraordianry human. Hope you like it!

DISCLAIMER: Matsuri Hino created my lover- not me. :]

"Zero?" He was stepping closer to me, backing me into a corner. Literally. My hands hit the flat wall first, and then my whole body was pressed to the cold wood. My palms were slick with sweat, and my heart was pounding in my chest. Not signs of fear, of course. Only unsated desires.

"Yes?" His voice wrapped around me like silk. Deep, sweet, sexy silk. He took another step forward, so that he was standing with less than a foot between us. He towered over me. I gasped quietly as he smacked both hands against the wall, on either side of my head. He leaned down, and his face was only inches from mine. His hair was hanging over his eyes, but through it I could see chalky blue staring at me. I watched them as they traced down my face in a straight line from my eyes to my lips, and then again to my eyes. They repeated the course twice. And then they closed.

I jerked my hand to his face, caressing his cheek, trying to make the blue come back. His eyes opened and my heart sped in my chest. Then he lowered his hand and grabbed mine, but left it on his cheek. A low sound, similar to a growl, escaped his lips and he positioned himself so that their was less than an inch between his body and mine. I looked up at him, and he was smirking. Then he moved again.

Before I had time to think, I felt his cool lips pressing hard against my mouth. My hand was no longer caressing his cheek, but instead was clinging to the back of his hair. My other held onto his neck and he pushed me hard against the wall, but I didn't feel if it hurt. All I could see, taste, feel- everything was him. Zero. Zero.

I knew that he naturally should feel cold to me, being a vampire and all, but now he felt more like fire than ice. But, slowly, the fire simmered into a softer warmth, and both my hands lowered to rest on the back of his neck. His kiss was less forceful on my lips, and soon his lips began tracing soft patterns on my cheek, my neck, sending chills down my arms.

My neck. I tried to hide the fact that my body had gone rigid, but of course Zero had already noticed. Slowly, he slid his hands from the wall to my shoulders, and then caressingly down my arms until his fingers were interlocking with mine. He pulled my hands to his chest, and I could feel the muscles flex beneath my fingers as he breathed in and out. He pressed his lips lightly against my jaw, and then worked his way up to my cheek, and then my lips again.

Once, I might have flinched at his mouth on my jaw, but I had learned. Obviously, Zero had improved his resistance skills as well. And yet I could sense his wants emerging as he kissed me. His yearning for my blood was obvious to me now, as he pressed me harder against the wall. He was trying so hard to resist it though, and that made me feel a sharp pang of guilt in my chest. Stupid vampire.

"Zero," I whispered, pushing slightly against his chest. "Stop. I'm not an idiot you know. Here," My voice slowly trailed off and I arched back my head, revealing a larger area of my neck.

"You shouldn't give into me so easily. I could have waited longer. I'm such a monster to do this to you." But as he said it his lips were already at my neck, the breath from his words tickling my bare skin. I closed my eyes and waited, then was struck by a sharp pain, razor sharp fangs piercing my skin. I almost cried out, but bit my cheek. The pain only lasted for a moment, and then I felt the usual sensation of having my blood drained.

I found it repulsive, of course, but for Zero he had no choice. And I had gotten used to it by now. In fact sometimes, it felt like it held just as much compassion as his kisses.

"Z-Zer," I was becoming slightly more disoriented than I usually did, and I was having trouble getting his name out. Zero groaned contentedly, and I felt hot liquid roll down my neck, staining my shirt.

"Z-Zero s-stop, ple-please..." His head jerked and a loud piercing screech filled the room. The screeching continued, and my brain searched for the noise as the room around me dimmed. Finally realization hit me- the sound was coming from me. I looked up and my brain filled for a few moments with a piercing cloudy blue. Then it went black.

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