Tigers. Savage, brutal killers who at all costs, must be avoided. If you ever did bump into one, don't joke around just get out fast…they were very scary guys and probably didn't have a sense of humour.

Sloths. Stupid, smelly things that were easy to kill and tasted weird. They moved at a snail's pace and were pretty much useless. He didn't like hunting them. Antelope tasted better and were more fun to chase.

That tiger....creepy guy who he didn't trust, not one little bit. He would probably of eaten the baby if Manny had given it to him. He shot him evil looks and whispered threats under his breath when Manny wasn't around. He wished the mammoth would just step on him to get the psycho out of his hair.

That sloth...Irritating moron who talked fast and travelled slow. He was feeling cocky with a big mammoth by his side, but he knew Manny wouldn't be around forever. When he got the talkative little pest alone he would take great delight in teaching him some manners before he killed him.

That tiger...still scary, still intimidating, still a big tough guy who kept everything to himself. He had a feeling though…this guy probably had a soft side he didn't like to show. He would get it out of him sooner or later…

That sloth...still annoying, still a pest, still someone who got on his nerves all the time. Suddenly, though, out of the blue, he felt protective of the little guy. If something bad ever happened to him…

That tiger...a very unusual friend…he still wondered how it happened. But it did and he wouldn't give it up for anything in the world. Also he didn't have to worry about getting eaten anymore, which was always a plus.

That sloth...his tough, cold exterior had melted away as fast as the ice they were escaping from. He wasn't sure if he approved of it…it scared him more like it. But he never worried for long with him by his side, cheering him up.

That tiger...sarcastic, teasing, softie who was incredibly proud and actually had a nice guy hidden behind his snarls and wisecracks. He used to terrify him and now he was one of the best friends he'd ever had. He told him that often, with a goofy grin and a hug and he would growl and try to push him away…but he was grinning too.

That sloth...clumsy, funny, goof who was all jokes and laughs but actually was quite observant and helpful if you were around him for a while. He used to annoy the heck out of him but now he thanked whoever was up there for making them meet. He never told him how much he meant to him…but he guessed he knew anyway.

They were a bit of an odd couple…

A/N It's very corny I know. But I love Siego. I can't get it out of my system! Expect more corny crap from me!