
Set after season 1 episode 13- the last one where Merlin kiledl Nimueh.

Losing you

Chapter 1- Not you, Merlin.

Merlin was hurried through the court yard and into to the castle. Running through the halls he made his way to Lady Morgana's room. Skidding to a halt outside and slightly breathless he knocked swiftly and without waiting for an answer he went in. Gwen and Morgana pulled away from each other, Gwen blushing furiously and Morgana looking at Merlin, eyebrows raised in confusion.

"Merlin? Everything OK?" Morgana asked.

Morgana and Merlin had grown closer since he helped Gwen and Morgana got together and covered for them. He was happy that the two had found love and was glad that they made each other happy. He knew that they would never judge Merlin, for after all he had done for them.

"I need your help," Merlin said breathlessly.

"What's wrong?" Gwen asked, her cheeks turning to their normal colour.

Merlin looked around. "Not here," he said.

"Shall we go for a ride?" Morgana suggested. Merlin nodded. Morgana grabbed a cloak and they headed into the hallway. They would stop by Gwen's house and get her a cloak and then head off. As they were heading through the castle, nearly out into the court yard, Arthur Pendragon stepped into view.

"Morgana, Gwen, Merlin? What are you doing?" Arthur asked.

"Merlin has so kindly accepted in accompanying, Gwen and I on a ride," Morgana lied swiftly, sending Arthur a charming smile.

"Oh," Arthur said, a foreign look coming over his face that Merlin had never seen. Merlin could barely look at Arthur without blushing.

"Of course. Have fun," Arthur said. Merlin did not look up and quickly hurried out of the castle, Morgana and Gwen on his heels leaving a very confused Arthur behind. They quickly headed to the stables, mounted their horses and all but galloped out of the castle walls and into the forest. After riding for half an hour the finally slowed. Morgana and Gwen trotted beside Merlin.

"What's happened, Merlin, that has made you like this?" Morgana asked, looking gently to Merlin. Merlin blushed and looked down. He took a deep breath.

"ilovewidarthmurs," Merlin muttered under his breath. Gwen and Morgana grinned.

"Merlin, we didn't catch any of that," Gwen chuckled and Merlin blushed deeply. He took another deep breath.

"I love Arthur," Merlin said and fiddled with shirt.

"Well it's natural for a man servant to get attached to who they are to serve," Gwen said, looking fondly at Morgana who beamed back.

"I don't love Arthur, well I do, but I'm in love with, Arthur," Merlin sighed. A smile appeared on both girls faces.

"We knew it," Morgana cried and Gwen leaned over to hug Merlin.

"You knew?" Merlin cried, astounded.

"We've been watching you. You had that love look in your eyes and we couldn't figure out who it was. But now we do," Morgana said. Merlin shook his head.

"Arthur wouldn't want me. I just a servant," Merlin said felling rejected.

"Merlin, you don't see yourself clearly," Morgana said. "Arthur would be mad not to see how good and pure you are."

They stayed in the forest, talking and planning how Merlin should approach Arthur and tell him he loves him.

Arthur watched as Merlin, Gwen and Morgana came trotting down the road towards Camelot. He felt an odd emotion. He felt jealous of Gwen being so close to Merlin. He watched as they passed the guards. Arthur watched from his chambers as they headed to the stables and he headed out of his room to meet them. He headed out and saw them heading to Gaius's chambers. He followed them. They went in and he knocked. They all turned around and Arthur came in.

"Arthur," Merlin said, completely surprised."I saw you come back," Arthur said. Gaius was working away at his bench, pretending not to be listening.

"Is there something you need?" Merlin asked.

"Well, now that you mention it," Arthur said, smiling, causing Merlin to grin in response. "I do need my boots cleaned, my armour shined my...," Arthur cut himself off. Suddenly there, standing by Merlin's room was three people, dressed in cloaks. They were all men and looked old.

Morgana, Merlin, Gwen and Gaius turned to see what Arthur was looking at. Gwen and Morgana gasped and stumbled backwards. Arthur moved in front of them to protect them and pulled out his sword. Gaius was behind Arthur and Merlin stood beside him.

"Who are you?" Arthur demanded, his warrior side coming out.

"We are from the old religion," The first man said, his voice deep.

"You can put that down, Arthur Pendragon," The second man spoke, indicating to his sword. Arthur was surprised he knew his name. He was also confused. He did not know who or what the old religion was. Arthur knew Merlin and Gaius did as the both reacted.

"We are not here to hurt you," The third man spoke and smiled. The other two did as well, as if sharing an inside joke. Merlin muttered something under his breath and Arthur thought he caught the word Nimueh.

The three men turned their gaze on Merlin.

"If you are not here for me, than why are you here?" Arthur demanded, still gripping his sword.

"We are here for the young warlock. Merlin," The first man said. Merlin's eyes went wide and he paled. Gaius began to feel dread. Morgana, Gwen and Arthur was shocked.

"Merlin, is not a warlock," Arthur said, shaking his head. The second man raised an eyebrow.

"You do not believe us?" he asked.

"Merlin, can't be a sorcerer," Arthur said.

"Really. Well we'll see," The third man said. Quickly he pulled out a dagger and threw it Arthur. Arthur was shocked and didn't have time to move. Merlin did. He quickly stepped in front of Arthur. Muttering under his breath his eyes flashed gold and the dagger slowed and finally froze, the tip of the point digging in between his eyes, but not enough to draw blood.

Arthur stood there, shocked.

Merlin muttered again and suddenly the dagger went flying back. The third man caught it by the handle while the third muttered a strange language. Arthur watched as Merlin's limbs snapped beside his body. The second man suddenly appeared in front of Merlin, gripped his upper arms, and the reappeared (with Merlin facing everyone) with the other two men. Merlin's eyes were wide open with fear. Arthur, Morgana, Gwen and Gaius watched as his eyes flashed gold, again and again but nothing was happening. Arthur was shocked. Merlin used magic. Merlin was a sorcerer. Merlin had used magic to save him.

"Do you believe us now?" The first man asked, sounding smug.

"Yes," Arthur said, his voice cracked. Merlin was looking to him with desperate eyes. They shifted to Gaius. Gaius looked back, helpless.

"Don't misunderstand, Arthur. Merlin's magic is not evil. He does not have a evil bone in his body," The third man said.

"It is his destiny to protect you, Arthur. His magic was given to him to see you make King," The first man said.

"Merlin has used his magic to save me?" Arthur asked eyes boring into Merlin's. He looked so scared, sorry and helpless.

"O yes, don't you remember that first night. Merlin caused the chandelier to fall and slowed the dagger down to save you. He you from the magic shield and most recently he traded his life so that you could live," The second man said.

"He traded his life, so I could live?" Arthur said slowly, turning to looking Merlin. His eyes were alight, trying to convey everything to Arthur. He looked so vulnerable and more scared then he had ever seen him.

"Yes. Young Merlin would do anything for you, as he had clearly shown you," the second man continued.

"Why do you want Merlin?" Morgana asked, stepping forward next to Arthur.

"The young warlock is starting to lose sight of his destiny," The first man said.

Arthur opened his mouth to ask what he meant but the third man cut him off.

"Do not misunderstand. Merlin will always protect you, always. Merlin has lost sight in us, his power and where he has come from. We are here to help him understand once again," The first man said. Arthur looked up and saw that Merlin eyes were trying to see the men. His eyes were flashing gold again. He turned to look to Arthur. It was quite strange to see Merlin's face very calm but his eyes flashing with fear.

"Don't hurt him," Gaius pleaded. Arthur looked to Gaius. He looked distressed and worried for his nephew.

"We are not here to hurt, Merlin. We are all on the same side. The young warlock is unique and will help Arthur to be king and lead Camelot out of darkness," The second man said.

"We will bring Merlin back when he is ready," The first man said.

"Where are you taking him?" Arthur demanded. He was not about to lose Merlin, after all he had done for him.

"To a place where only we, the old religion reside," The third man said. The first man stepped forward.

"Be safe, Arthur Pendragon. We shall return Merlin soon," The first man said. Merlin's eyes screamed fear when he gripped his upper arms. Without warning the three men disappeared with Merlin, leaving Morgana, Gwen, Arthur and Gaius feeling helpless.

Morgana, Gwen and Arthur had been with Gaius for over an hour since Merlin had been taken.

"What are we going to do?" Gwen asked, once again.

"There is nothing we can do. Only the old religion can get to where they reside," Gaius sighed. He felt helpless, along with the others.

"Since when has Merlin been able to do magic?" Arthur asked. Morgana and Gwen looked to Gaius.

"Since he was born. He could use magic before he could talk," Gaius said explained.

"Why didn't he tell us?" Arthur said.

"And what would you have done?" Morgana questioned. Gwen and Morgana were sitting at the table, next to each other. "You didn't know that Merlin had been saving your life, Arthur. Uther has drilled everyone that sorcerer's are evil."

"But Merlin isn't evil," Arthur said. How could clumsy, innocent, cute Merlin be evil? Wait? Cute?

"Yes, but you found out that Merlin has saved his life. What if you hadn't? You would of turned him to Uther and Merlin would have been killed," Morgana said.

"Are you going to tell your father?" Giaus asked, looking to Arthur.

"Of course not," Arthur said shocked. "Merlin his our friend." More even. Morgana smiled and nudged Gwen.

"You should get back to your normal routines. If Uther suspects something is amiss than we are all in trouble," Gaius said. Arthur nodded.

"Your right," he said.

"We'll come back tonight. We promise," Morgana said, taking Gwen's hand.

"You don't have too," Gaius said. "We want to wait with you until Merlin returns," Gwen said. Arthur looked to Morgana's and Gwen's entwined hands.

Morgana raised an eyebrow at Arthur, daring him to question them. Arthur surprised Morgana by smiling, his face clearly conveying he was happy for them. Morgana smiled back and they both left. Arthur waited five minutes then he left too, leaving Gaius alone.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this so far! Reviews are very much appreciated!