On Monday, Lola got a small package in the mail. She carried it into her house, closed the door, and sat on the couch.

Lola bypassed any other mail of hers and opened the box. Inside was a deep red velvet case with gold trimming. She opened the box, and found a beautiful gold bracelet inside. It had a nice lock, and was very pretty.

Lola picked up the bracelet out of the black velvet bottom, and opened it. The click sounded so nice, nice and brand new. She then felt all around it, and noticed that it was sort of ridgy on the inside. Lola then looked at the inside, and found an inscription.

"To Lola J. Bunny, my sweetheart. You're da most beautiful bunny I know, and you're very special ta me. And I will forever love you. Love, Bugs." Lola smiled all glassy-eyed at the inscription.

"Oh, this is so beautiful." she said silently. Lola then puts it back in the case, and closes it. She then puts it in her valuables drawer in her room.

Out on the living room couch, Lola goes to throw away all the junk mail she's received before calling Renet to tell her about the bracelet she received from Bugs.

A piece of mail from Bugs that's attached to the box where the bracelet's case came in, catches Lola's attention. She opens it, and reads the note.

"P.S. Why don't ya come down to me vacation house dis evenin? The sunsets are real romantic." Lola smiles at the note, and thinks back to the bracelet.

"He loves me, he really loves me." she said. "And I love him just as much." she comments.

From that day on, Bugs made it official, the two were a pair.