Koneko: Hey Hey!

Nagi: Yo

Rima: Great Rimahiko -.-'

Koneko: Rima you love it! Also my first fanfiction

Nagi: Everyone is out of character!

Koneko: I don't care! Rima Disclaimer!

Rima: No!

Koneko: Fine, this is now Rima x Tadase!


Koneko: I would never do that -.-

Rima: Grr!

Nagi: *Chuckle*

Queen Rima of the Guardians. Yet, the all-powerful Queen Rima is bored of all this X-Eggs and Lets Save Tsuikyomi Ikuto! The only people I like in the guardians are Amu and Yaya, But secretly also Nagi.

Although I have my theroy of him being the past Queen Nadehiko I still love him. I mean LIKE! I don't actually LOVE him do I? No. No Way! Sigh time for a STUPID guardian meeting.

Tadase starts talking about X-Eggs and Easter. Yaya looks bored, Amu is blushing slighty and Nagi looks handsome. Wait what am I thinking!?! "Rima? Why are you blushing?" Yaya asks slightly giggling.

" I am not blushing!" Sigh, I know I am I can feel the "redness" in my cheeks. I try and hide it. " I need the bathroom, excuse me!" I storm off. But I feel if someone is following me. I turn around to see Nagi with a puzzled look. "This isn't the way to the bathroom?" Why would he care?!

Hes moving closer to me now. "Rima, I need to tell you something..." He smiles. I feel a blush what does he have in mind. I mean hes the only guy who hasn't gone all coo-coo over me. "Rima, ever since I saw you I fell in love, the way you loved comedy, the way your hair blows in the wind.. Everything! Rima, I love you"

I suddenly felt something soft and warm touch my lips. It felt...weird...but good..Wait! Rima Nagi Kissing you DO SOMETHING! Then I reliaze something. I pulled away and began to speak "Nagi, this might seem weird coming from me I love you too.." he smiled and softly kissed me on the lips again and pulled away and said calmy "Then am I your boyfriend?" I began to cry "Yes! Yes! Yes" I hug VERY tightly. "Tears of joy?" He asked almost some mock in his voice. I could just nod.

"But, lets keep it a secret? Okay?" He asked kissing my forehead. "Why?" I ask he took and breath and whispered "Because I don't want the Yaya teasing" he was blushing. I laughed hard then I laugh so much I fell to the ground. "Rima stop!" He almost begged. I regained myself and smirked. "Fine then its a secret, but I can act however I please when we are in public!" He looked shocked and nodded. "Then I can act however I please!" I nodded to think we had a passionate confession of love and now it turned into some sort of game? Ha. Funny. This is going to be interesting.

Koneko: Short, I know!

Rima: Ew he kissed me

Nagi: About three times XD

Rima: Please don't R&R